Soros network is so huge it goes deeper then pizza thing. I'll show you example how it is all connected.
First screecap of serbian based user.
Soros network is so huge it goes deeper then pizza thing. I'll show you example how it is all connected.
First screecap of serbian based user.
Other urls found in this thread:
Next is a pic of CANVAS group friends and what they are doing.
This is creepy because they are practicaly legal militant oppsiton of normal people. This is why Putin banned all non russian NGO-s out.
And this.
This is just an "ordinary person" recognized by IREX , friend of CANVAS so just imagine what kind of people are working inside of those organizations.
Check their boards, all of them have massive CV's and work for goverments while being at top of NGO's (I don't know how this isn't illegal)
And this is what Soros is currently doing.
We need to alert everyone about this cause he is probably planning to coup USA the same way he couped eastern european countries through 90's and failed to foully coup Turkey, Syria, Ukraine.
forgot pic
There's no way this would work in the US as written. Guaranteed failure, high probability of rebound nationalism. The coup-side people just...suck...compared to the ones who won't buy into the bullshit.
Let's beat them to the punch. We need brainstorming for what they will try to do differently. That's probably why their little emergency meeting is happening.
Who cares?
Drumpf is a racist and sexist.
>los Pepes
hello ctr watcha slidin'
This desusenpai. I'm sure any groups related to nationalism/anything (((they))) don't like is already crawling with people to incite something
without any facts that sounds like pro-Putin propaganda desu.
By what stretch of the imagination is this pro-Putin?
Can you pass a quick Turing Test for me? What emotion do you see in this picture?
The thing is they never had loosed this much in their entire lifes so they will try to do same thing they are doing in 2nd and 3rd world countries.
I would expect huge organized protest against Trump instantly after his first "little" mistake.
You can expect european way of game of thrones. All kind of NGO's and syndicates and soicalists will be active on streets not just "random" events but event that will be announced days and weeks before.
They already started preparing it.
Because it paints all the jackassery tht Putin pulled, such as stomping out the protests against the clearly faked elections in 2010 (?), his almost takeover of Ukraine, his wiping out the NGOs that were still trying to act a little bit like restrainers on his cleptocracy and him proping mad tyrants like Assad like self-defense in the face of jewish world conspiracy.
Dont think that I like Soros, but right now OP is simply hearing voices in the static of a radio.
Is that fat fuck really trying to pick a fight with Kek?
Holy shit I totally forgot about CANVAS
Okay, booge-tin always scare shit of any eurocuck. Underestandable. But what about other coups all around the world?
Considering that zero facts or sources are provided and that roughly half of his arguments (the pro-putni stuff) are clearly wrong, I will simply extrapolate that and claim that the remaining 50% of his arguments are probably not better
So all that events didnt happen?
How does one hamstring a shill protest if it can be predicted in advance?
Anyone have more info on their meeting? Who will be there? That should give other leads with possible connections to CANVAS
>cool story bro
now fuck off faggot
He never did pass that Turing Test...
>Not even 30 posts in and thread about soros funding shit is already claimed to be putins propaganda
And then they tell me its russian paid trolls invading the internet
Bump this...
We will pick this topic up personally tomorrow AM
My team will focus on the CANVAS umbrella group
And the connected ngo's
-data analytics
The hallmarks of Soros-funded "color" revolution patterns are easily spotted base-level psyop.
- tomorrow's goals will be to identify and outline general patterns.
-disseminate the patterns into predictable timelines (wavelengths)
-determine actionable points of compromise
-turn Canvas into the new pizza.
I am not talking about protests organized and founded by russians in russia. I just mentioned the protests founded by foreign money and organisations and you know it.
And your proxy says everything about you fucking pro hillary ctr shill slider.
Get the fuck out.
The problem is not if they happened but why.
The explaination offered by OP is not satisfying.
Yeah and considering that Russia spends 1,5B $ on propaganda, mostly through trollfactories, it is only reasonable to question everything that paints Putin in a good light
You fuck off ya poofta
SAGE this...
We will pick this topic up personally tomorrow, spamming Sup Forums with more of these fantabulous Soros threads.
sack up cum guzzler, these threads are almost as bad as the
>latest hacked jlaw nudes click here
and the bullshit made up comments that follow
> Micahel Moore
> "mobilize the hip-hop community"
This timeline confirmed most ridiculous.
"foreign" money could not even fund its own ass in the dark.
They are way too different in oppinions and goals to ever be able to correctly fund demonstrations or even armed insurections.
I remember the huge debate that the mere thought of giving night vision goggles to the Kurds in Syria caused in Germany.
Funds are not handed out willy nilly anymore. This is not the cold war where you could get right just by being "not communist"
how the fuck did you all weak minded retards go so fast from talking about possible coup on Trump to circle jerking about Putin.
Sometimes I want to go to plebbit I swear.
this applies to all European elections in 2017
Just gonna call this CANVAS?
Catchy name and the whole board could mobilize for it.
Why the fuck hasn't anyone gone after Soros or his demented demon spawn?
Not hard to put a bullet in their heads. I mean COME ON IT'S 2016!
So what's the plan, memeing this on twitter? Starting a trending hashtag?
Until moot sues for copyright infrigedment
Thats their plan
Thank you so much. I actually can't believe you did pick this up because I agree; my post is 6/10 because I am newfag.
When you start, I'll to join and cover operation with data bumps I think should be taken into consideration for analyzing.
Here is some tinfoil stuff:
>In other words, the protests against the American people for electing Trump as their president are pointless. The protests are happening for one reason only. The Oligarchy intends to delegitimize the Trump Presidency. Once President Trump is delegitimized, it will be easier for the Oligarchy to assassinate him. Unless the Oligarchy can appoint and control Trump’s government, Trump is a prime candidate for assassination.
You're a fucking dumbcunt
How long have you been following world events?
One US election?!
The CANVAS/Soros shit is real, documented, witnessed.
Fuck off shill
BUMP too many faggot bbc slide threads
Based Croat, bump
>The Soros shill is from Switzerland
Not surprised.
Send help
fuck you
>CANVAS is actually real
jesus christ
soros really wanted the trepca mines
I'll GIVE you one simple short explanation , argument really why will this happen.
When (((they))) are successful the go full liberal "progressive".
When they are opposition they go full leftist aggresive lenininstic revoluton mode on.
And (((they))) oppsition now.
Down with Sorors and his fat fuck daughter.
Pain for her
the serbs were ultra-nationalist and armed to the teeth at that time.
Anyone doubting this here is link for CANVAS.
It is short for Centre for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies.
Pain and trauma for the daughter of George Soros. The monster of our age
how the fuck is 1 person able to do all this?
he is like 90 or some shit too
Et tu fellow medpack.
I hope so, but fuck; they will be aggresive because they are oppsition now.
> ngo's that prevent cleptocracy
You don't believe that do you.
He's a billionaire who'd sell his own grandmother for a shekel. Thats how.
Why are there a shit load of black cock threads?
Seriously Australia sort yourselves out you nigger loving faggots.
CANVAS is a good start,
Tomorrow we play:
>connect the dots
>Follow the money
Then we make it into a coloring book and give Redditch some crayons...
My new hobby is watching them scramble when they discover a new mystery to solve with scoob and the gang...
Soros: "I would've gotten away with it too,if it wasn't for that frog and those pesky plebs"
Sounds like this whole plan hinges on the population totally losing faith in government. How can that be prevented?
Callsign Castiel has a nice ring to it friendo
>Callsign Castiel has a nice ring to it friendo
I'm not a homosexual but I'd fuck the shit out of Misha Collins and Jensen Ackles any day of the week.
He is a Rothschild enforcer. He uses all their assets and resources and if the operation goes down, they will use another head of their hydra.
>How can that be prevented
well right now their all brainwashed into being scared shitless about "dictator trump"
Never underestimate the enemy
Because neoliberal capitalism concentrates power. The rich use money to buy power, and power to enrich themselves.
Any evidence for soros being a rothschild agent?
That essentially confirms we are in a High Value Thread. BBC shitposting is their "panic button" for sliding unexpected redpills.
Those who are familiar with how Soros works, let us enlighten these Americanos.
1.Soros doesn't want elections. He wants a violent coup where the revolutionaries are artists, professors, all in all successful people who you have a natural respect for.
(see US elections and who the movie stars were rooting for)
2. The government is often under pressure by ambassadors, external factors (EU, NATO, UN) until he gets what he wants.
3. How he does it? He creates dirt on the government and then his agencies (CANVAS) start propagating how that small dirt is the ultimate evil and everyone is ruled by a dictator who is literally Hitler, gays have no rights of movement, hate speech is rampant etc.
He's been trying shit here for the last 3 years. The people who were backed by him (((NGO's))) have now enlisted to be with a political party (Social-Democrats).
They were too greedy, he's out of his mind right now because Social-Democrats don't like his bought-n-paid for activists, and vice versa.
The people hate both of em.
This, Soros analraped Slavs so believe us that we know how this go. And there will be a lot of useful dirt no matter how "small" they are in USA goverment. Because nobody touched them for decades.
He'll event throw his minions under the bus inside the USA goverment and try to piggyback it to Trumps administration.
This is a screencap-worthy summary
If they're at the edge, all they need is a push in the wrong direction
When is lady Death or lady Senility gets us rid of this cunt ?
Hopefully his heirs are going to be greedy as fuck and destroy everything he has built to get more shekels.
If they were expecting the protests of these cucks to become a civil war they really fucked up. These pussies ain't capable of that.
So if Trump is impeaches, who takes office? If Pence, then boi these guys sure have some foresight.
Is the Walking Dead an allegory on the fall of America to zombie protestors?
the clinton branch of the illuminati is desperately trying to distance themselves from a hyper pissed off soros who wants to split the union up.
Kinda puts the Pence choice into perspective now, eh friendo?
>5d quantum Chinese Checkers
You don't need a civil war for sucessful coup in democracies. Look at macedonian user post
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What is Soro's end-game with these coups?
Clinton is just soros minion that will end up in jail sooner or later. For Soros this is a much bigger game.
Clintons come and go. Soros , Trilateral, Builderbergs and Council on foreign relations stay, and stay and stay untill we make them go.
So, no. I am not ctr shill.
Monetary gain on foreign currency speculation.
He gets off on getting more money.
Soros is child of Franfurt philosophy school.
This is his endgame and he almost had it . Now he is loosing it slowly.
cultural marxism
Any great change is made through chaos
acknowledged; thank you based OP.
i think i was shitposting idk why probably because i'm a fucking leaf.
i got deep into the pizzagate thing tonight too; all these redpills got me choking.
i was shitposting because im a fucking leaf.
Serb bro is unfortunately correct. I was on the useful idiot end of Gezi protests, although everyone knows Erdogan is a cunt, the developments made me think afterwards if there is a winning side on this game.
>Erdogan decides to chop down a park for a shopping center
>(((Foreign exchange students, NGOs and hippies))) camp in the park
>police rough them up, burning tents
>people say enough and Gezi protests begin
>protests are fueled as police kill more protesters
There is a CANVAS documentary on YouTube you should all watch.
The name of the Serbian organization is OTPOR btw:
These movements are all modeled after Gene Sharp's theories.
plus i cant even write a post without repeating myself inb4 kys