MGTOW Thread - Just Be Yourself

Hey Sup Forums, this is how you look when you drop the racism and realize to go MGTOW. I hate every single one of you, I shop at IKEA, a place you can't even dream to afford. Let me tell you this, you wanna be like me? You could be nothing without me. Wanna learn something? Drop women and be yourself.

I could beat the shit out of every single one of you. If I see you in D-Town you're going fucking down.

You faggots couldn't even afford this salt shaker. I would kill you all if I could. I was trained by the best, you were trained by autistic memes.

No one willing to e-fight? You can't handle my e-grapple anyway.

Fuck off virgin loser. Go betray our race somewhere else.

Fucking idiot. I stack 100s, aka bennies, all day long, maybe if you stopped paying attention to roasties you would have money like I do. You couldn't handle D-Town if you tried, no way in Hell.

Is D-Town supposed to be Detroit?

yeah it is

And you were... in the Army I'm guessing?


No, I'm not a cuck, I'm someone who has knowledge.

What knowledge do you have?

Gains. Money. Self reliance. Something you couldn't understand, I have no friends, I have no happiness. I am the superman you natsoc autists strive to be.

Holy fucking shit the fucking arrogance of mudslimes that pic. MGTOW has a strong whiny bitch beta element to it, wahhh hot women out of my league don't love me because I'm short, balding, not handsome enough(mongrel blood) ect. You sound immensely fucking jealous of confident young men who actually get the beautiful women they deserve, eugenics, and natural eugenics has done you low life genetics mongrel losers in. You're like the ugly feminist sluts who are all jealous of the pretty Aryan women because they can get the manly stallions they deserve.

And you think all of these things are related in any way that isn't just your own actions?

MGTOW here too. Why are you looking for a fight bro? Self-reliance is exactly what is sounds like. Why do you need e-conflicts?

Why do you relate with MGTOW?

> hes thinks he can go in head deep





nice man boobs

I've heard every bar bar videos, went through most of the others big name on YT, chat online with others young men, ...
I've got a good grasp on gynocentrism, male disposability and I'm trying to live as well as I can regarding self-preservation.


Do all IKEAs have the same design?

i'm uneployed and i bought my furniture in ikea

Shops in IKEA, lol. It's one step up from Argos.