You can only post in this thread if your country is 95%+ white. Let's go!
You can only post in this thread if your country is 95%+ white. Let's go!
Checking in
Uhh, I have some bad news for you Hans.
Nice try
Kek, nice try Ahmed
99% reporting, 98% at lowest
What are you doing, Hans?
Russia is half asian
Checking in, everyone from the Indus Valley is Aryan and therefore white.
Feels good
>is Aryan
So Indian? That's good to know!
You just admitted gypsies are white.
fuck you white dogs, your time is up
Haha BTFO by Asians in an Asian country. Nice try Russia.
>said the slav nation whose first emperor was a khan
damn guys I can't tell through the hijab
I don't care I'm posting anyway, you can't stop me
>implying I'm posting because I think my country is white
Finland your ancestral autism is showing
Feels good man
So uh, why did you?
Top kek. Even if we forget about a shitload of Muslim churkas and Asian Uzbek scum in your shithole of a country, the number of actually white people in Russia can be counted using the fingers on a single hand.
Nice try snow niggers. Not on MY watch.
what are you doing saying romanians are fucking white
>50% all violent crime
>99% men commit crime
>5.7% of the population is commiting 50% of all crime
99,7% checking in
hello my white friends
I'm pretty sure Gypsies are Jews who got lost
Vilnius is a Gypsy shit hole.
OP said countries, not Lithuania
Oh boy I'm eagerly awaiting the next stage in the meme where it becomes
Because changing numbers to not reflect reality is so funny
>95%+ white
They make blonde Asians?
Do nips count as white?
We are probably around 93%, but then again i doubt Russia is 95%or more
>damage control
we are the whitest
feels real fuckin good man
Cro is a good example of white people being mostly imbecils
>tfw she'll never smile at you like that
how's the weather up there this time of year?
wazzup niggers
we're 35% russians i hope that's ok
65% finns 35% russians full mongols
>and that's just moderate estimates from wikicuckia
You shouldn't be posting here ivan
we may be 100% mongols but you are 100% butthurt
>You can only post in this thread if your county is 95%+ white.
I live in a white county in a solidly red state.
I wouldn't know actually, our government has banned racial statistics. So actually I do know
>Estonia talking about butthurt
breddy okay
been sub-5 celsius for months now, humidity makes everything feel much worse
Not white but 95%+ are identical race tho
You do sound butthurt desu
flag test
it only just this week reached near 15 Celsius in Florida.
I miss the cold in the North.
>95%+ white
Oh come on Serega. Can't you see all these churkas on the streets?
Honorary aryans.
I do not recognize the UK government.
My room has seceded from the UK.
I do not require their recognition nor that of the international community.
My country is 100% white.
Come at me bro.
are you gonna annex the fridge next?
there's nothing quite like a comfy amount of cold
all it takes is some harsh winds or rain to turn that lovely cold into pure hell, though
Soo.. do you permanently live in your "country"?
He's probably living not in DC
true, though at this point I'll take what I can get.
he'll annex your digits via a peaceful demonstration if you don't behave burgerbro
I have my own mini-bar. However, I do have designs on the ironing board.
I am a permanent resident although I do cross the border whenever I need to take a shit.
sorry dude but our country is very black. Some month ago muslims put the bottle into the russian soldier's ass. They are still not in jail.
>implying you can annex them all
Этo нe гoвopя o чeчeнцaх, cтpeляющих в вoздyх из AК-47
>95%+ white
>According to surveys, the percentage of Russians who consider themselves Muslim ranges from 5% to 14%
That feel when no girlfriend
Ok so your country is populated by 100% white neets. Preety neat desu
Talk english, dalbajob
I'm atheist, but I found Russian Orthodox Christianity more retarded than Russian Islam
Look here. Eid al-Adha, Moscow
fuck off, malenky kommunistichesky pidoras-huesos
this is NOT ok.
Pump up the aids.
You literally made that entire graph up and slapped a source on it that is completely irrelevant to the graph
That isn't damage control, that's me pointing out that you're trying to force a retarded meme
hello ladies
hello yes i am 1/12 moorish so that does make me white!
>including undocumented immigrants
>including an imaginary number
>tfw no qt Russian gf
>being proud of being colonized, having your women raped and your paternal heritage eliminated
Top zoz
Cymru reporting. Not so fast England.
It's debatable if Slavs are even white, let alone if we have more than 95% Europid population.
whitest country on the planet reporting in.
yeah , we are clearly black ffs.
slavs are white
Well okay, pure Slavs are white, whiter than Mediterraneans, but we've had too much racemixing. Judging by porn, most of Russian women have brown nipples and pussy.
>95 % white