daily jewish love thread. Today's question.
>why are jewish people oppressed for no good reason?
daily jewish love thread. Today's question.
>why are jewish people oppressed for no good reason?
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internalized misogyny
>Its good to be the victim.
reminder that this based man's office in jerusalem was called "The Museum of the Potential Holocaust"
>A bunch of black cock threads start up at exactly the same time a pro israeli thread starts up
>by Australians!
Really makes you think, what did she mean by this?
have you ever considered its the world that makes them the victim and not themselves?
a jewish qt would not go out with me, now i am dedicating my life to killing them all, dont try to stop me , you just make it worse.
Im not the nigger cuck australian who is obessed with bbc. I am a man on a quest to redpill pol on the great race of jews and their lovely women
iirll fucking u smash it cunt
Have you considered that they have benefited more greatly from their victimization than any other victim ever?
i would argue that blacks have benefited a lot more than jews. What happened with the jewish race was horrifying as opposed to blacks just being slaves.
there are some cute jews I'd like to hug. but it's harder to think positively about jews when globalists like soros and professors of poison like noel ignatiev shamelessly pervert and destroy western countries.
Its stupid to think a couple of people represent a whole race. The same could be said about white people.
Are you trying to troll jews by making cringey daily pro-jew threads or something?
im slowly redpilling pol on how great jewish people are. Im sick and tired of the unjustifiable hate
this is what most jewish women look like
That's the thing. Some Jews act like every bad thing to happen in human history was by white people. They want them gone permanently.
Then they push this ideology in media and education till it's more and more accepted and promoted. I'm sure many Jews are fine but the ones who are snakes spew so much venom that it makes it somewhat difficult to trust them.
Blacks would argue it wasn't just slavery, but systematic impoverishment from Jim Crow to Redlining and more nefarious moves like uneven policing, military recruitment, abortion, and medical testing that still goes on today.
Watch the greatest story never told part 4
>Jews stopped Germany and UK from making peace in WW2 by getting America to help
>Jews ran the media, bias against its own citizens
>Jews also ran the government, lawyers, judges, they didn't have the people's interest in mind either.
>Jewish mafia bankers put millions of Germans out of work while earning loads of shekels
Yea, but jewish women are used like the hooks to burrow into another culture by infiltrating kings, teachers, preachers, artists, and tastemakers going all the way to old testament tradition.
Donald Trump approves of this thread
This. The stuff that came after slavery was ten times worse.
yeah which is nothing to having a huge portion of your race killed because my "jews"
Damn, Jewish women are the best
I've dated a handful of Jewish girls. American Jews are shit. The Israeli girl I dated was redpilled af though.
t. Florida
Jew is not a race, why do so many criminals identify as jewish and try to justify that false claim by doubling down and claiming stake to all Semitic lands for their religion?
semitic people then. dont split hairs. And i cant speak on behalf of criminals
exactly beautiful and redpilled what more could you want?
you know it
>what more could you want?
So you are a Jewish Supremacist who thinks a religion entitles you to a large tract of land even though Semitic lands have been filled with diverse population for millennia and most (Ashkenazi) jews have questionable ties to Semitic lands in the first place and mostly hail from eastern Europe and use non-Semitic (Yiddish) language?