Why are young western women so obsessed with traveling to third world shitholes? It seems like every self-respecting 20 something basic bitch needs to backpack through the most rural parts of Africa these days. I get the whole part about finding yourself and experiencing exotic cultures but why the poorest of the poor shitholes? What's the draw there?
Why are young western women so obsessed with traveling to third world shitholes...
You can thank BLACKED.COM.
Because they are looking for diamond hard Black cock, idiot. Typical White people behaviour; pretending to help, but have an another motif.
the jews told them it's fashionable and it feeds their ego
Because empathy is unique to the white race.
It makes for good facebook shots. A true humanitarian wouldn't need to have photos, the satisfaction of helping others is more than enough reward for them. It's purely ego.
They want them Facebook likes so they go to Africa and try to help them but it's futile because Africa will never have an advanced civilization.
Thermonuclear detonation in South Africa, Congo, Sudan, and Somalia when?
>feeds their ego
1 word
rape fetish
so tolerant
so diverse
idk man, like wouldnt you wanna fuck an african? they look pretty fast an strong
so open-minded
so progressive
> they do not know your tricks
Same reason why men travel to places like Asia. They are average joes back home but literal gods/godesses over there.
>It's purely ego.
yep and nine times out of ten they do more damage than good.
the remainder of the time they are murderraped
The white savior mentality is stupid but traveling gives you perspective and character development and that's generally a good thing.
Easy, this one:
They call it virtue signalling these days... got to get those social media points up.
It's literally just this.
If you could go somewhere where the chicks were much better-endowed, and you were probably the richest person they'd ever seen to the extent that their golddigging instincts are just screaming at them to fuck you, AND on top of that if they can please you enough to get in a relationship they might get bought a plane ticket out of their war and cholera ridden shithole... I know I'D go there on holiday.
Black guy here, real answer.
Self-serving, egotistical, white guilt mixed with the female tendency to look for comfort and validation outward.
It's patronizing and it's empty, and it's extremely transparent.
boosts resume for that Ivy league aspiration
Shittiest meme ever
Travelling to shitlands is literally retarded
Nah, basic bitch white girls have been doing this shit long before that website was around.
That's the Phillipines or Thailand for the male equivalent.
Help people and maybe get fucked teehee.
Yuck. If anyone would hook up with her after coming back from the most AIDS-infested shithole of the Earth...
I would like to add another dimension. Women want to care for babies. That's what they are evolved to do, so they have a very strong desire to care for and handle little babies. You can see that in these pictures:
Traditionally, these western women would have given birth around the age of 15. But now they go to age 20, age 22, even age 25 without giving birth. So taking care of the niglets is a suitable substitute of caring for babies of their own genetic makeup.
They want to go to these countries badly, not just for virtue signalling, but because these countries have babies and the western girls want to handle babies.
What women want in the deepness of their souls is to be raped by animals and treated like an animal in shit conditions
Wow Italian girls are doing this shit too huh?
pretty much hit the nail on the head for socialists and humanitarians overall. Few are actual altruists, they're more motivated by negative emotions. It's not "I really feel empathy to these starving people" its "I fucking hate those damn colonists and because of my obsession with identity politics, I myself am guilty"
Do you guys know what's going on in these cases? I mean fuck you might as well take advantage of it, but it just seems so condescending.
Honestly I went to Liberia with my friend (from Liberia) when I was 20 and it changed my perspective on life and made me a hard conservative and capitalist. Stopped complaining, worked a lot harder, made me more appreciative and loving toward my family, etc. You wouldn't believe the way some people live around the world.
Honestly all of these stupid faggot numales, feminists and uppity nigger welfare rats need to be shipped to a third world hell hole for a few months to get bitch slapped into reality of how spoiled they are over here.
Virtue signaling senpai
It's like safari, they just hide it with humanitarian shit
my sister have this saviour complex, she was married to nigger from Senegal, he beated her and she divorced with him, now she was engaged with poor mohamed from Egypt and eh beated her because she went to party. Shes still stupid and thinks that czech or western men are not good enough for her
>not Detroit
The eternal female
"Oh look I'm so kind and caring and a much better person than you"
Women can't into altruism.
nothing wrong with gaining perspective and learning about poverty and the degeneracy of the world. it's the only way to be a better person.
It's a combination of the women's intrinsic maternal instincts coupled with white guilt and the cultural cringe they have for their forefathers
to build immunity to std's for all the niggers they are going to fuck
how was it
same behaviour here
It was Liberia
I know a girl who did this and came back with degenerate hair dye, piercings, gay as fuck tattoos etc, etc.
It's all virtue signal gayness.
if you ever wish to relax, there is a book that save s your soul
Nope, you get a lot of girls going to Nepal and India where they have small pee pees
I went to the library once too, user.
Books everywhere, it was madness.
this is a fb friend profile pic
she be scoring mad sjw points
Those eyes
they will come back (if not raped/killed) and spend the next 50 years talking about how much superior they are because they went to africa and bla bla bla
of whom?
true dat. Don't go to 1st world cities like Shanghai, they've seen a million white guys, go to 2nd and 3rd tier cities where you are a rarity and they'll be jumping on your C
fejn toqod?
my grandpa built schools and other utilities in Nigeria back in the 60's (petrochemist) . Dont know for sure if it did any good, however back in the UK we knew an owner of a chain of gyms back in the 90s that was a student at one of them.
The white woman. Look at those eyes, she is quite insane
its a direct way to feel superior to others
a real fucking tight ego trip
you'd do the same if "self exploration" and "getting out of your safety zone" and "helping those in need" was considered honorable by your social group
Purple Aki?
That little nigger near the bottom left corner looks like half of all American rappers and comedians. Ice Cube, Kevin Hart, Tracy Morgan. Take your pick.
I almost ding-donged her trallalla.
Still not sure whether I missed out or dodged a bullet.
Look out everyone we got a cuckold here. Hey cuckold, there are Estonian people who need your compassion
>I can only think about sex
She is insane, you dodged a crazy bullet
Hang om, my wife is one of those retards that went to Congo Bongo to help niggers, ill ask jer why she did it..
inb4 big black cock, rape fetish, aids fetish, jungle fever, t. Muhammad
sure come over eat my food, sleep in my bed, fuck my wife but don't do anything jesus wouldn't do burgerbro
>reading comprehension
i hope you're drunk not stupid
Typical Germans have to go searching for poverty outside of their country
So they can take pictures with poor black people who they really don't give a fuck about so they can show their liberal friends how good they are
based flag, based pic
maybe that's where they send their unwanted kids senpai
I think is a kind of misguided maternal instinct which isn't a bad thing if pointed in the right direction. It's the reason you see old women taking care of 100 cats.
>sisters friend went to south africa
>used fucking uber
>in south africa
>got raped and tossed out the car
>someone else stops to help her
>he rapes her as well
What a retard.
Go find something to sate your exotic fetih cuckling
>you'd do the same if "self exploration" and "getting out of your safety zone" and "helping those in need" was considered honorable by your social group
Only if you have a very distorted and narcissistic way of interpreting "helping those in need" like them