It's over, Sup Forums.
There is no recovery from this.
It's over, Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>Trump supporters
>having sex
I fuck my sissy bf everyday
>implying I have ever had sex after 30+ years of watching anime and vidyagames literally in my parents attic
Yeah this has no effect on me and never will.
Only 54% of white women voted for Hillary, and probably the fatter, uglier ones at that.
I'm fine.
they're not the kinds of girls anyone but niggers would be interested in anyway
>women literally admitting their only use is a wet hole
Why are these people so stupid
>sissy bf
mad jelly
>tfw no sissy bf
didn't 50+% of white women vote for trump?
You've got that backwards.
*click click*
sex is disgustingly insanitary. The diseases, the body fluids, who even wants the decadence of hippy free sex??? ONLY DEGENERATE PERVERTED LEFT WINGERS AND JEWS.
sex is for weak minded degenerates
> tfw I swipe left at any sign of being a libtard, kike, hambeast or shitskin and have been doing it for years
Stupid animeposter
>implying I don't just rape women
I straight up grab 'em by the pussy.
>getting triggered by anime on Sup Forums
reddit elite
I didn't think outside of Sup Forums anyone actually used trumpkin/drumpfkin
Like bitches can resist my trump supporting thunder cock
>Cross contamination of anime.
I swear this is the kind of shit Moot would've allowed.
moot allowed you to be butthurt and eventually use the hide function if you see something you cannot handle.
They are doing us a service. Who wants to fuck libtards anyway?
don't knock it till you tried it, Mike.
isnt tinder for fat ugly people ridden with std's just talk to them at a bar and if they try to play any feminism cards just keep fucking about with them they will crave your dick
>you will never have sex with this
Feels bad man
>Implying i wouldn't hide my powerlevel to dip my dick in emotionally unstable libtard pussy
her reaction when I'll tell her the morning after will probably make my week
>anime fan
>having sex
>attacking Trump supporters
Follow Your Bile?
>Trump supporter
>pretending to hate anime
step back in line.
>sex via tinder
>denying me something thats never going to happen
Weeaboo raus!
If you don't masturbate to anime you're not a trump supporter.
You got me, somewhat. Haven't enjoyed an anime since Death Note which I watched like three months ago. What you're posting right now seems entirely like moe trash.
>Thinking I'd want a 3D waifu over a 2D waifu
>Not having sex with Trump supporters counts as abstinence
Christ the modern youngsters besides the good people of Sup Forums are a bunch of dildo slaggins of slagend
Fuuuuuuck, fuck, guys
I fucking clicked on the Trump supporter button last time I used Tinder, now they'll all know about me. Can I like make a new account or reset my info?
>Not wanting to filter out the crazies
>likes edgeshit
Kill yourself
>avoiding the coal burners and the fat sjw is bad
>Not being a monk already
>death note
Pick one, Ahmed.
Hey man, democrats will usually get an abortion. Republican chicks will have the baby and track you down with a court order for support.
Death note is meh at best. 90% of anime/manga is shit btw.
>literally south park episode
Oh no, the hysterical political ironies spewed from the left wing, are my favorite parts of having sex.
except the mature anime for mature people like yourself amirite?
they will change their mind in 3 days and kneel before the big trump supporter cock
women are such weird creatures
Well yeah if you're more than 20 and you watch mangas for kids you're a retard dude grow up.
>watch mangas
This doesn't add up
>woman with a cat pic
>ugly/fat/lonely woman
>if you're more than 20
>watch mangaS
Sorry to insult your autistic hobby bros but you waste your time.
Hes not wrong. Flip flappers has been fun however
Anime peaked in the 80s/90s with the OVA market popping out high budget and sick animes like Dirty Pair
Only thing that they find less attractive than a Trump supporter is a cuck Hillary supporter.
French people can't insult anyone.
That's how it works.
Sorry bruv.
it doesn't already have a cuck finder button?
>Implying Sup Forumsacks have sex to begin with
>Implying more than 53% if white woman, didn't vote Trump
Kek, the self-importance of woman knows no bounds
>anything that isn't moeshit is automatically edgeshit
Jesus christ on a stick man.
how do you "watch" a book?
is that the only youve ever seen a book?
by glancing at it on a shelf?
or just naught except all-picture books?
Yeah because germany is not the laughstock of the world nowaday...
Come on now
Most of Trumps supporters are families and not degenerate singles that resort to fucking strangers, so good luck.
Might as well wipe everyone left since there'd only be disgusting Nu-male cucks left.
More than 53% of white women voted Trump though, most other minority groups are unattractive.
As if not having sex started this missary at all.
Oh no, nothing changes.
Why would anyone want to be with a female who pulls off infantile stunts like this? Total trash for any meaningful relationship, and the mentality is such that you could get hit with some kind of drama after a one-night stand (if you must think with your dick).
no one uses tinder for those. its just where white 20-something women go to ride the cock carousal
>Hillary supporting women
Bitch, please.
Find me a single one cute.
Tfw was going crazy cause people kept dying around me and i couldnt process death.
I went camping with a few friends and took 2 geltabs of lsd.
It was a difficult but powerful time. And i came out of it a better person, quit drinking and got a job
Stop being triggered you fucking fags, wast your time on poorly drawned animated chinese cartoon all you want but don't cry if abdul and moktar take all the white girls.
When you 'watch manga' you 'watch' your life passing by as you read Chinese pedophile cartoons, otherwise called 'anime'.
I tell every Tinder date I voted for Trump and I live in libcuck Seattle.
They never give a fuck if they like you and I still smash
Only rigthwingers try to make a laugthing stock out of germany as it goes against there globalist agenda what happend.
We are at war and you will hang in your cells like the pigfuckers.
Name one anime better than Death Note.
Mirai Nikki
Madoka Magica
>cat as her profile pic
Nuff said
seems like the easiest way to find a redpilled chick. i'm all for it.
advertise your trump support! make the filtering for crazy feminist bitch easier!
One Piece is nice pls no h8
I plow my girlfriend every chance I get, and she's a man-hating liberal that thinks Trump is literally Hitler. She knows I'm on the Trump train, too.
I just don't let my autism ruin a good thing.
Cowboy bebop
Great teacher onizuka
FMA brotherhood
Code geass
Should I continue?
>Sup Forums talks anime
>no LoGH mentioned
oh how low the board has fallen
wish I could do that. there are literally zero non-feminist crazies around here
Oh, fuck, that really made some neurons firing.
I will consider that next time I fuck my gf.
>abstaining from anything
most I know couldn't abstain from a fucking chocolate bar and sex is literally their way of life. All you ever hear is 'I shouldn't have fucked this guy, dunno where he is with his ex, does he like you? etc and that is from girls in their late twenties.
>Code geass
this one too
Boring, shit, okay at best, garbage, insult to the genre.
Please do.
FMAB is really good
>implying i fuck hambeasts and gender fluids in the first place.
Progressive women everyone
Using their body to achieve their goal like any common slut, feminism in its truest form.
virgin detected
I'd rather watch all love live! seasons than watch this piece of crap again.
>it's happening right now
>they think Trump voters care about being denied sluts
>hugely specific standards for a guy
>still gets one or two fuck buddies that meet it
fuck. I can't even get a girl to reply to me. where the fuck is my male privilege? I havent been laid in years
Never got why it's animated, there are entire episodes that are just boring ass dialogues between 2 people spoken by the same voice actor.
No thanks, I'm not a fucking degenerate.
is this why we can use meme magic?
all that that mana?