Why do leftists love abortion so much? Besides global warming, the first thing I hear regarding leftist anxieties over Trump is that he might take their abortions away.
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Why do leftists love abortion so much? Besides global warming, the first thing I hear regarding leftist anxieties over Trump is that he might take their abortions away.
pic not really related
>be murrican
>talk about freedom all the live long day
>eat freedom fries
>chant freedom slogans between 1300 and 1500 hours every day by law
>brag about bringing freedom to every country on earth
>favourite scene is braveheart when he screams freedom
>decide to tell women what they can and can't do with their body
Because the thought of personal responsibility for their actions TERRIFIES them.
Im not sure
All they care about is muh vagina, and this should be disqualifying them to vote.
Abortion is okay, but it should not be allowed past 3 months or if there are medical issues like retards or miscarriage.
Its done a lot to date the social dynamics of dating, not for the better.
When does the child inside her body start to become its own separate body? Or is it bound to its mothers body for eternity?
I honestly don't understand why so many people are against abortions. What makes it so bad? It stops liberals from reproducing, controls demographics and can prevent a family/mother from falling in to poverty.
This. Abortion is just more pragmatic in the long run. Only degenerates will use it as a birth control anyway. Let them ruin their bodies; nothing of value will be lost.
Abortion is murder. If you don't want a child, use contraceptives or refrain from sex altogether. People need to take responsibility for their actions.
Women are extremely irresponsible and bad at making decisions. I support aborton though because it kills tons of niggers.
because stacey likes to suck and fuck a lot of chads and doesn't want to worry about getting pregnant and having to keep the baby, pretty simple
Trippy, I was just reading my idiot libfag friend's daily facebook rant about Trump and wondering exactly the same thing. I think it's just part of the bluepilled experience of having literally no idea what's going on in the world but thinking they do because they can paraphrase whatever Current Year Man said on his show the previous night. I don't even think I've heard Trump say anything about abortions, if he has I forgot it on account of how I don't even remotely care about the issue.
Seriously, they laugh about redneck gun activists and call them crazy and paranoid, but they do exactly the same thing with abortion rights.
Abortion is murder. All life has intrinsic value, and to devalue and discard the life of the most helpless because it is convenient for us is monstrous.
>Abortion is murder
Not really, it is an unconscious part of the female's body. I'm sorry but I don't want another poor single mother or ruined young couple because their too dumb
Plot twist: Undivided Palestinian Jerusalem.
Sounds like something a vegan would say
But they won't because they're degenerate idiots. Abortions stop them from reproducing. Fuck off with your moralfaggotry.
I love abortion too, the less of you fucks running around the better.
All human life has intrinsic value. All animal life only has value up to the point that we are meant to be good stewards of the Earth, but the animals are still meant to serve mankind and be subservient to our needs.
Making abortion illegal does not stop people from having abortions. it just puts an increased burden on our healthcare system when these dumb bitches end up in the emergency room because they stuck a clothes hanger up their vagina
> All human life has intrinsic value
A fetus without consciousness is not human life though.
Sure it does, just make it 1st degree murder to attempt to perform an abortion as doctor or patient and give the death penalty if needed. No reasonable woman is going to go to a back alley doctor or perform it herself knowing that it might kill her, if she's caught it will kill her, and if she needs medical assistance afterwards the baby will be delivered then she'll be killed anyways.
Besides, if a woman dies while attempting an abortion, she kind of deserves it. Hopefully the baby survives, but if not, who cares if the mother lived.
It has human DNA, a human soul, and it is scientifically alive. Ergo, it is human life.
Helpful diagram for you, Rabbi
>It has human DNA
So is the appendix
>It has a human soul
Souls don't exist
>It is scientifically alive
Again, so is the appendix
abortion was illegal for 200 years in this country. are you telling me that before the 70s there were millions of backalley abortions every year and abandoned children just piling up on the streets?
Your cells have human DNA, and are scientifically alive. Every time you scratch an itch on your body you commit murder, you devil worshiper
It has DNA independent of the mother, and it is an organism that will grow and develop on its own.
I can't pretend that souls don't exist. You can believe they don't, but I know they do and that is gonna influence my beliefs on life.
>part of the female's body
Factually wrong and basic genetic research proves without a hint of a doubt.
So when does it really count as "alive"? The moment it gets out of the womb?
When is the point to you when the fetus turns from an "appendix" to a "human"?
Culturally enriched leftists don't want to deal with mistakes, AKA, tiny nig nogs
Why DON'T the right wing like abortion more?
Do you realize most abortions go to nignogs?
Do you realize the pioneers of abortion and birth control wanted eugenics of blacks?
If you think whites becoming a minority is a problem then you should encourage abortion for minorities.
The real question is why rightists don't like abortion. Generally niggers and subhumans are more likely not to be careful during sex. If they can abort, less subhuman babies come to life. It's a win for everyone.
Also if you happen to knock up a bitch by accident, you can end it. This way you're not bringing a child into this world for whom you are not ready yet. Again, win for everyone.
'baby' feeds from mother's body. Even if she doesn't have a right to decide what happens to baby's body, she has a right to decide if she wants to let it use her body - literally eat her. Baby dies automatically - well, shit happens.
They do back alley abortions in fucking Saudi Arabia.
Women get abortions because being pregnant is quite literally life ruining.
Banning abortion does nothing except make Christcucks feel good. It will help over-run white people. Only trash want to end it.
They literally did like abortion till 1980.
Evangelical Christians did not believe a zygote was a viable human till then. They did a total 180 on it.
There is no biblical justification for being against abortion. Quite the opposite.
Why do people here want to stop the prenatal slaughter of problem children/niggers?
Abortion is the one thing about leftards I can rally behind because it overwhelmingly is used by brown people and single moms. There is no sanctity of life. If there was there wouldn't be so many shitheads in the world.
Why don't they just give it up for adoption? Or put it in an orphanage if they can't afford the baby?
It would make sense to outlaw abortion for whites only, encourage it for non-whites. But that would probably get liberals to re-think their support.
> and it is an organism that will grow and develop on its own.
Not without the mother.
It is literally attached o the mother and cant survive without her
>So when does it really count as "alive"?
When the fetus changes to a baby and can be taken out of the mother. If the fetus can't survive outside then its fine to go with the abortion
>All life has value
Because they don't want to go through full pregnancy and child birth?
Getting pregnant for girls from conservative backgrounds can get their lives ruined or even killed.
And there are very few orphanages.
Bottom line. Why do you want more niggers?
Adoption is for cucks and orphanages are the fastest ticket to a future of crime
Yeah, sure, but at that point you're looking at abortions for 7 year olds, cause they wouldn't be capable of growing and developing on their own without their parents.
And regardless, the baby does have it's own separate DNA. It is its own individual organism, separate from the mother despite being reliant on her, with its own life and soul and right to live.
I fucking hate children, so I don't care if it is murder
Some families are simply worse than others, there are plenty of people not being able to be responsible enough for who are their children going to become. These families spawn millions of potential drug dealers, killers, degenerates, deviants, rapists and other magnificent people. If I had any power on this, I would even prohibit certain people to breed.
a premature birth that can easily survive today would have died for sure 100 years ago. it's not a stretch to believe that in the near future we'll be able to incubate a baby outside the womb for all 9 months. you're a living human or you aren't. medical technology has no bearing on that.
>with their body
>literally a separate body growing inside them
>brain waves at 40 days
> 2016
> christy shit
Okay, so just build more orphanages and charge women and doctors who get and give abortions with 1st degree murder. If they don't want to go through pregnancy and child birth then they can go to jail for life or have the death penalty. Problem solved.
So what? It's still a distinct organism whether you consider it to be human or not.
>be murrican
>talk about freedom all the live long day
>eat freedom fries
>chant freedom slogans between 1300 and 1500 hours every day by law
>brag about bringing freedom to every country on earth
>favorite scene is braveheart when he screams freedom
>doesn't let people murder other people because that's a violation of other people's rights
Might as well have been a leaf
> attentionwhore
Because Moloch needs his sacrifices
Abortion is murder
I don't want white single moms being moms anymore than niggers.
If you let women have too much control you end up like Sweden.
No it's not. It's homicide.
It's just a fucking parasite just like a tapeworm or a pinworm
Good gracious dude, the Russians are in no place to talk about the morality of abortions, it's thanks to rampant abortions that Russia needs to constantly remind its people that making living babies is kind of important
The baby literally has its own brain waves and organ system, yet you still consider it just another organ of the mother? Are you actually retarded?
By your logic those worms living inside your intestine are just another organ, seeing as they would die if you shit them out. Internal symbiosis does not exclude them from being a living thing.
because abortion gives women control over their bodies and birth control has shown to be one of the most important factors in stopping and leaving behind poverty every it is implemented
I mean! ((((((they)))))) Did this goy!
>literally the continuation of your genes for the next generation
Premature babies shouldn't be put on life support machines or in incubators
I mean if it can't survive alone it is not a living human being. If the mother changes her mind at this point they should still be able to stick scissor through the organisms brain stem n pull it apart limb by limb
Abortion should only be legal if:
> The child will be retarded
> Rape baby
In all other cases, womyn should just deal with it. You took the cock, now raise your spawn.
Darn it man, I'm not even anti-semitic, but arguing with this Jew is really teeing me off.
no it isn't. An early fetus is no more sapient than a sperm cell.
3 months.
What about the guy who made a child and got away as in usually happens?
For what?
Really bad moral gymnastics.. That's why.
Either way. There's innumerable cases of mothers torturing and murdering full term babies when they realize that motherhood is anything but convenient to their vane and shallow existence.
Abortion is no different.
Women aren't capable of that kind of love.
so are tapeworms?
I would be against it, but I'm pretty sure the US black population would be pushing 30% if it was banned.
That's a behaviour almost excluslve to niggers.
In 99/10 cases when a non nigger male is paying child support it's because the bitch used him for his seed and kicked him out, and is now milking him financially.
You stupid ass.
It's not "murder" because a murder is an ILLEGAL homicide.
Aborting riffraff is completely legal, so it's a justified killing, like when a cop kills a nog.
Abortion and eugenics are great for humanity, because only unfit people choose to abort their hellspawn.
>rape baby
>it's ok to kill children if they're unwanted
> literally a parasite
They don't.
I agree?
Although I don't consider it killing
>it is scientifically alive
But neither sentient nor sapient
Scientifically it's a big fucking parasite
I don't care.
>That's a behaviour almost excluslve to niggers.
In this case we have to admit that Russians are niggers. Its very common thing in Russia.
they're mental children, so of course they hate the idea of having to be responsible for their bad life choices. It's the same reason they're feminists, everything bad about their lives is the patriarchy's fault, they're not responsible for anything they do wrong.
an organism that lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the host's expense.
A parasite gives you nothing in return, a child returns you with the promise of a continuation of your genes. Go back to English class, ruskie.
Abortion is liberals' substitute of forced sterilization. Bad substitute, because niggers, shitskins and other trash is still outbreeding productive parts of society.
It should be outlawed but only after we can force trash people to not have kids.
> Fertilized eggs
> children
Ok buddy
I withdraw my point then. Dont' want to accidentally provide evidence that the issues in black america are primarily socioeconomic in origin.
You better hope abortion stays legal. Otherwise we're fucking doomed
Parasites are between species, and doesn't refer to fetuses of a species. Probably because the scientists know how dumb you sound right now.
But if they have the baby then you the taxpayer will fund it, probably forever
Well it all depends on whether its a boy or a girl to whether it is a parasite or not.
If we're made by God why care about continuing your specific genes?
Love the fact that a kike argues in favour of abortion.
>yes goy, that white baby growing in your white woman is a parasite
>you should kill it and throw it into the trash he he
Also you fucking nation destroying kike. Your argument about it not being able to survive without its mother is fucking retarded. An infant also can't survive on its own, so it's not human?
It's quite ironic that you are talking about parasites and not being able to live without a host.
Your soulless, reptilian kike race is the worst parasite that this rock has cast upon the civilized races.
Oh god, how I wish that the holocaust was actually true. At least then I could take solace in the fact that we killed 6 million kikes.
No concept of personal responsibilty.