If your country flag isn't made up of ONLY Red, White AND Blue, consider yourself a degenerate.
Only countries with all and only these three colours can post in this thread.
If your country flag isn't made up of ONLY Red, White AND Blue, consider yourself a degenerate.
Only countries with all and only these three colours can post in this thread.
Other urls found in this thread:
haha all other colours are no match! look out other flags !
I agree.
Canada is incredibly disappointing, but better off that way, because who'd ever want to hang out with that faggot.
Reporting for doody
even Canada's old flag had bits of yellow and green, they've always been losers
digits speak the truth
but what about France?
fuck off you have yellow in your flag you're not welcome here
But we got red and white :'(
At least, mine isn't a cheap imitation, or existing flag turned sideways.
Sup cunts.
that's not nice, OP.
I know green is usually muslim tier and orange and yellow is slav tier but so many countries use red and white. the blue however always looks great.
Heil hydra
that's a nice emu, is it yours?
member of the COALITION OF THE WILLING reporting in
Imagine being a Canadian and looking at that leaf every day, knowing deep down what a disappointment you are.
red and white are only bad if left together alone without good ol' blue
2 out of 3 OK?
Fuck no, we're full.
Reporting in.
Take your dim sum to another thread, mate
What even is your country? Global warming when?
fuck off china were full
Based Netherlands. A Dutch cutie let me fuck her up the ass in Cambodia.
so.... I see you've got a big country, Australia.
anyone wanna tell us what the hell is hiding in the huge middle part -- I know it's not just a buncha rocks and whatnot... what are you guy's hiding out there? I know there's something there, some sort of oasis ruins of an ancient Atlantian temple, or something, Aboriginal metropolis? what's out there??
What are y'all're hiding out there, huh?
gday cobba
Area 51 is in the middle of Australia
If your countries flag contains green you deserve to be killed like an animal
Prove me wrong. Proptip: you can't.
Your cunts' bases and a fuck huge rock. No oil, absolutely no oil, just stay on your bases cunts and don't look for any of the non-existant oil. There's no point looking for something that doesn't exist. Free beer if you stay in your bases, have you seen Uluru? It's r-really nice haha...
Maybe we should go and see what they're hiding.
Maybe it's a lot of koala gold.
Ever been to the Montana badlands?
It's like that but flatter and hotter.
Just aboriginals and sand mate i swear
Jewish Abo porn industry with kangaroos and shit.
Tourism and small aboriginal communities that are isolated form the rest of Australia.
"aboriginal metropolis" would be the equivalent to detroit
fuck off this thread is full
hol up, just hol up one sec
you're telling me there's oil out there
If you're unable to drill for it, I guess I could help.
hey guys
There are no diamonds, uranium, opals or any other things out there. Barely any iron ore or bauxite either.
Couldn't all of you cunts think of your own colour schemes? Can't wait until we rule the waves again.
fucking nigger cant even read, it literally says """ONLY""" red white and blue.
fuck you guys
You realise you tea drinking faggots are responsible for starting half the countries with the same coloured flags, right?
I meet all the demands of this thread. Your complain-post is received, but denied.
Hong Kong is British Clay. Of course it counts, that's just not your flag.
what up cunts
Nothing but extremely rich japanese death cults hiring russian nuclear scientists to detonate nuclear material.
Did the Earthquake damage any of your property?
I don't recall yellow stars being included in OP's stipulations.
You have to go.
Don't forget us, greatest ally! We have.. We have..
Wait shit, what actually do we have?
no you don't, learn to read
na not me, my friend's glassware and kitchen and shit got smashed but other than that everyone i know is alg
dike pussy
N-no, i-it's really nothing America-sama...
D-do you want some burgers? They're on me, just stay p-put...
Like I said earlier, cute girls that give their pussy and anuses to aussie cock.
You have some shit in the middle of your flag, and it's not the British flag, just get the fuck out lol
Don't force me to go red star on your ass.
Bonjour cunts
Melania Trump is the only thing your country has ever produced in its history
How many flags does your country actually have? I've seen birds mountains and stars, why can't your slovenly kind just pick one and stick with it.
>tfw all the replies to are as vague as possible to confuse foriengers.
If I ever move out I'll always miss the sick banter.
Hey Muhammad.
sssh, don't talk about Texas!
Hallo croissant.
We are drinking your milkshake burger cuck.
Sorry but the OP clearly says your flag also has to contain red and blue.
anyone else loosing friends over trump ? Can't wait till he get inaugurated all the lefty's are gonna go full triggered
Original R/W/B reporting
Oh I am laffin pretty hard right now. But seriously it's called Ayer's rock.
if you don't have these colors you aren't white
But if that's the case they were never your friends in the first place.
If you're talking about numbers on a screen on facebook then fuck you.
can we just turn this into an abo hate thread already they need to die
pay your respects to the original owners of this land :^)
I'll take the abos over the Sudaniggers.
At least abos don't break into your house and car with the same frequency and audacity as Sudaniggers.
I don't even live in a shitty neighbourhood, these fucks have been driving out her from fucking Dandenong.
nah i was talking real life and yeah you're right good riddance Trump's election has been great for teasing shitters out of your friend circle
Do most people actually think they're humans, just like everyone else, or is it pretty much widely understood they're literal sub-humans?
Fusion reactor and a nuclear arsenal, my cousin Harry is working on metal gear right now.
Aside from that, yowies exist, I've killed one. I would post photo evidence but they emit an electrical field which fries cameras.
Don't know a thing about em mate, care to share anything? As far as I know the islands have always been ours
You legitimately need such superficial brainwashed cucks in your life, mate.
i reconise the original owner of this post the Kaurna people
Trips decides the name of the RW&B Alliance, rolling for:
AMERICA (and friends)
European cities have different flags per city, but that's slowly getting forgotten. More nationalism, more flags i guess.
>wanting red in your flag
What are you, a communist?
and why's that, mate.
It's the Anglosphere whether you admit it or not.
Also must be a rectangle
Yes. Good China.
i bet you faggots can't even tell me what the colors stand for without looking it up
Fuck off you great white gook no one invited you
>More nationalism, more flags i guess.
Seems contradictory. Usually nationalism means more people uniting under the one flag.
But you're alright, Slovo.
>Melania Trump
She's more American than Slovenian. We have the best caves, which implies best dragons.