Any thoughts on Indonesia?
Any thoughts on Indonesia?
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Bali is good nice people
Teramakuzi jundek ;)
allah akbar
They are muslims if I am not mistaken. So they are automatically on my shitlist.
Stop taking my fucking money
Not a bad place and most of the people are pretty good too, the fact that it's a yuge Islamic country is the only negative thing I can say about it.
Apparently they kill a few of Aussie druggos who go over there to get lit.
Besides that Its a muslim shithole who needs to take more of our boat people so we never have to look at the cunts.
Better than Poland
Although Indonesia is majority Muslim, they still manage to get along and not cause war and conflict with Non-Muslims, because of Pancasila
>tfw quads in my ID
I am christian and your statement is invalid.
Retarded shitskins of SEA, just second to peenoise.
Too many muslims.
It was way better when batavia was still a thing.
Will soon be under water
Would've been better if they had been under Dutch rule for a few more years instead of listening to a traitorous retard like Sukarno. Let me thank Ameribro's for that fuck-up.
Anyway, it's one of the better mudslime countries I guess. Might not have a bad future.
best cuisine
Just 3 week annoyance every year or so
And a happening every other year in a tourist spot, which strangely doesn't negatively impact tourism
There have been huge protests against the Christian, Chinese Governor, Basuki Purnama, or Ahok, in Jakarta by Muslims, who believe that leaders should be Muslim.
increasingly islamic
genocidal attack and ethnic cleansing of the west papuan peoples with forced javanese migration
tni direct involvement in people smuggling
growing threat to australian national interests
The Raid was better than The Raid 2. The Raid 3 when?
except for the intermittent massacres of christians and chinese
especially chinese. indos HATE the chinese.
Exotic land, not much is known about the island of new guinea
Geef Nederlands-Indië terug, stomme inlandse kutrebel
Most of the Christian massacres happen when Suharto step down, which lead to a power vaccum in the country.
I have to admit that I'm amazed you're still the same big country. So many different cultures yet you keep them quite for most of the time.
Well, it's a huge country, so not a problem to find enough people for a huge protest, right?
Make indonesia dutch again!!
>Not much is known about New-Guinea
Except that it was a rightful Dutch colony until when JFK forced us to relinquish it. Glad that kankerlijer was headshotted
fucking best movie fights ever ever made
Hoe moeten we 250.000.000 mensen opnemen in ons koninkrijk? Die moeten dan ook vertegenwoordigd worden in de politiek. Wat gebeurd is is gebeurd.
Needs to be kept down, lest they attempt to debate Australia's fullness.
Just for those who say it's Islamic,
Bali is Hindu, The Flores is Catholic, South Maluku and Papua are Protestant, the Bataks are Protestant and more than just 'Islamic'
not really
Terra my cuzzie
Can you take over Malacca again too.
shitty neighbor!
He's dead already.
Used to be chill in the 90s but lately radical islam is taking a big hold. 150k radicals protesting because of a christian governor? If they want to go the route of radical islam then they will just turn into another run of the mill pakistan-tier shithole. I dont know why they'd do that considering the status quo has served them quite well from a developement sort of view, so far.
Basically, currently alright place but big radical muslim movement which will probably turn it into a generic islamic shithole
except for the regular ones that happen all the time in papua and surubaya and so on
behead more schoolgirls. thats all coward muslim pigs are good for.
identity politics
Non Muslim areas of Indonesia would not take likely to Sharia law implement in all of Indonesia, so that means that Papua and Melanesian would get a chance and reasoning to break away, including the Balinese.
Malaysia is not any better when it comes to Islamic law.
Women are complete sluts for such little attention
Also Indonesia needs to stop asking for hand outs all the time and get a fucking job
You are an utter faggot.
Sharia law is majorly cucked here though. literally the only major things they can do to you are force marriage to extramarital muslim couples caught alone and decline religion change. Least we don't have it as bad as Brunei.
Naar mijn mening zou een lokaal bestuur dat ondergeschikt is aan de kroon het beste zijn. Dan kunnen de inlanders zelf hun bestuur/gouverneur/resident kiezen zonder dat er direct invloed op Nederland zelf kan worden uitgeoefend.
Remove kebab and make Indonesia great [s]again[/s]
Our islands are way better than your College students.
Muslim shithole everyone hates
Why is that, then?
They're pretty based, desu.
That pic is in Aceh, which is known for their Sharia law approach of Islam in Indonesia, call it a mini Saudi Arabia or Brunei's cousin.
best commie cleaners
if there is a best way of controlling leftism it is the indonesian way.
Sukarno was pretty based, until he became Imperialist himself with Papua and Borneo conflict.
Acheh is fucked tho.
Aceh people are kinda based around my area. takes all the risk smuggling cheap faggots. Either the ones that leave really hate that place or my country's gonna fucked up big time.
Should've taken points from them during our race riots. Next time it happens though, we'll use the act of killing and the sound of silence as instructional videos.
is this papua new guinea?
They have the rank of Autonomous province, which just tells you how rebellious they are.
Been to Indonesia,
Indonesian girls love white cock
Especially the Christian ones,
They fuck random white guys for free ,
The Muslim ones you have to pay sometimes
Field like a complete stud the entire time i was over there
stop piratery plz
what happens in West Papua? do natives eat each other?
do relatively few people live there?
Small band of "Free West Papua" fighters hide in the deep jungles, fighting for a Melanesian state. Tourists and locals visit Raja Empat site, around 877,000 people live there, the forests are still there, unlike Sumatra and Kalimantan(Borneo) .
This, growing extremism and the door to the boat people problem. These rice eating jihadis need to be watched closely.
Arming and training these boys may lead to a cia/muhajadeen situation but fuck, if those cunts eat each other I doubt indo's will push further into their territory if fuzzy wuzzys with ak's are waiting for them.
Way too fucking close to Australia. Move your country a bit further north and several million kilometres up into outer space and we'll be good
>mfw aussies massive posting
Best muslim country 2bh
Seem like good people, beautiful country. I like the way Indonesians bash tourists who disrespect the locals, we need more of that here.
How did they become Muslim? I read different stories about it. Please tell me the fact. Other than that I loved your country. Jakarta, lombok, Bali all are cool places. I prefer Indonesia over any boring, soulless, dead alive, cold Europe any day.
To be fair, I probably couldn't tell the difference between an indonesian woman and a shaved orangutan either.
we love you good neighbor
My family hosted a spoiled rich girl exchange student from Indonesia, Catholic. She managed to get knocked up by some random spic on spring break.
>Colin Dunne gave an excellent and accurate description in The Mail last week of the bare legs of an adult British male being like “uncooked pork sausages”, or “stringy calves and sunken thighs all coated in what looks like goat’s hair”.
Your yellow crooked teeth disgusts me. Gtfo inbred islander.
Why don't you just take those neighboring islands? Why do you allow Papua New Guinea to exist instead of taking that for yourselves? Same with Philippines, Malaysia, etc. You could be a powerful sea empire - why are you not a powerful sea empire?
wtf Indonesia
Great food
ye olde english bantz
Fuck off back under the sink
>it's an aussie lib mad over the fact that island niggers are being massacred episode
You do realize these are some of the boat people coming over?
Aussies get assblasted just like in East Timor
Malaysia is better but please continue to go to Indonesia. Find your gf there.
Any thoughts on Indonesia?
A source of smoke and plentiful, though low quality, sex slaves
>m-muh quran
Okay Abdul, firstly if you want to bed a woman who isn't crying or expecting payment after here's what you gotta do:
firstly shave. not just your face and making two eyebrows instead of one. I mean shave every where. The back, neck, knuckles palm of your hands it's all gotta go.
second: the smell. I'm sure the scent of olive oil, rancid sour cream and other men's sweat makes all the turkish fillies moist but your a man of expanding taste and would like to sample the lady's of other cultures yea? then a good wash with soap will do.
Or you could just openly declare yourself a part of the ISIS caliphate and buy a slave or three? I mean your nation does buy most of the black market oil from them your pals right?
A lot better than those land stealing terrorist funding Malaysians.
Getting a bit desperate there mate
Corrupt nation, technically in depression but media hides it. Average wage is 400 usd per month BUT the costs of everything is the same with Japan.
The world still believe it is secular and moderate while in reality now it has blocked many anti islamic sites while allowing anti christian sites. Also deep cencorship towards porn, even banned reddit.
Also there is a huge number of islamist but media hides it to keep blonde white guys still travel to Indonesia for pussy.
No they're not you dumb cunt. Most boat people are from Iran and Afghanistan, and travel to Indonesia and then to Australia.
PNG was considered Australian Commonwealth land after WWI until 1975 (due to our kindness). Like we'd let a country who practically survives on our tourism to take PNG.
Oh. It is also has banned alcohol and soon smoking.
Like seriously. Judging from the birth rate, it is going to be Pakistan 2. With the same failed economy. Basically soon to be another failed islamic country
I give this nation 25 years max before it explodes.
Right now, it is already collapsing economically. The sewer system and traffic jam is already hinting of a failed nation.
The deep racism and religious intolerance shows it is heading towards another Afghanistan.
Also there is a deep restrictons on christian buildings. The tv shows literally becomes religious propaganda now. It teaches people how to be muslim. How to say shahada, etc.
Thankfully i am moving to the west with my work visa. Senior programmer here.
And desperation breeds tyranny. While the enemy was never really named in the book series or movie it was always assumed... dang it we need our gun rights back.