Whats ur opinion on russians in your country.
As russian-ukrainian im just curious how you weclome foreigners from Russia in the US/EU.
Im not a commie btw)
Whats ur opinion on russians in your country.
As russian-ukrainian im just curious how you weclome foreigners from Russia in the US/EU.
Im not a commie btw)
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The country is pretty divided on that question. The MSM propaganda machine is shilling hard against Putin and le ebul nationalism, Dugin is Satan etc., and a lot of idiots are still eating up their shit.
A good and growing part of the population isn't buying into that anymore though, including many business and high ranking corporate people who see the value of being connected economically with Russia.
Everyday Russian foreigners are all in all welcomed here I would say. If you aren't a scary gangster Russian mafia looking guy, nobody will judge you for being Russian.
We also have a lot of "Spätaussiedler"/"Russlanddeutsche", so people are used to them and most appreciate their culture, make friends with them etc. Especially in comparison to arabs/muslims, Russian immigrants or visitors seem like the much better thing to the average German
I just want to take a minute and say it's good to see someone else use the term 'Ruskies'. It's a lost phrase in the US now - sadly. No one but old school GenXers remember it.
Is it true that Russian qt's like anal?
There are basically no Russians in my country but i've met a few as my family are close allies of Russia and out of all foreigners id like them the most
Absolute trash
Had only good experiences
I've met some friendly ones and some unbearable ones. So on a personal level I'm pretty neutral.
On a political level I'd like to see us be allies for once.
I think you guys are neat. I appreciate you bringing to the world the AK.
Every Russian I've met has been based. We get a lot of them around D.C.
They also tend to be staunch Republicans. Bearing in mind these are the Russians who FLED from Putin's Russia (or, if they're old enough, from the actual USSR), they tend to be very anti-socialist, anti-communist and pro-American. They see the Democratic Party as shades of the very shit they escaped from.
That's the dudes anyway.
Russian women in my experience tend to be snobs. You can attract them with fancy clothes and a high end BMW, otherwise they aren't interested.
Still, I'd vouch for a Russian quicker than a Latino. Not due to race but just due to culture.
Although to be frank, I like other Eastern Euros more. All the Bulgarian men and women I've met have been awesome. Not saying all Bulgarians are great but the ones with the wherewithal to escape Bulgaria are great. They're like Russians without the attitude and the women aren't gold diggers.
Russian - American alligence would be the greatest thing the world has ever seen.
First of all, I fucking love that movie. Really surprised Owen Wilson didn't blow it.
Putin takes a Russia for the Russians approach to running his country and I wish more countries did so. He doesn't give a shit what foreigners think, all his policies don't pander to liberal identity politics, ect. And no matter what he says on the subject, he definitely supports Trump, largely because Trump is a lot like him.
As for the people of Russia, Iv always considered Slavs to be a "hard" people. You don't get offended easily, you have to deal with very harsh weather on a regular basis, you fight back when provoked. I consider you guys to be more white than most of America.
But then who would be the "default" villains for our movies and video games? China?
Well, Putin's problem as I see it is that he takes a "Russia for Putin" approach.
I don't think Putin gives a shit about the Russian people. If murdering a million of them got him another billion dollars and a nice island, I think he'd do it in a second.
If Russia ever got a leader that actually cared about Russians, they'd finally crawl out of the shithole they're in.
>Putin takes a Russia for the Russians approach to running his country
Depends what you mean by Russians, he cares about the country and its citizens interests over other country's interests.
He doesn't care about race/religion as that would be impossible and require a lot of genocide which isn't really popular in the modern world.
My girlfriend is Rusyn, that's basically Ukrainian, right?
>If murdering a million of them got him another billion dollars and a nice island, I think he'd do it in a second.
>If murdering a million of them got Russia more territory or ressources, I think he'd do it in a second.
Would be a more correct statement.
>If Russia ever got a leader that actually cared about Russians, they'd finally crawl out of the shithole they're in.
A Russian leader cannot afford to care about the people, only the State and its survival.
If Russia cared about its people it would have stopped existing a long time ago.
I've had three encounters with Russian people. Two exchange students (a pretty cool bro and a pretty cool grill) and a tourist guide in Thailand, who was easily the most memorable guide on the trip. Nothing but positive experiences.
Хoхляцкий yблюдoк пpимepяeт пpoкcи cтpaны-aгpeccopa, cпeшитe видeть.
I got a polish mate who's parents fleed communist Poland or some shit.
He's pretty based, knows his history and politics.
He sort of set the standard for every other Pol, Ruskie or Ukranian I met.
But god damn he hates gays.
I really tried to like Russian people
But after analyzing I have to say Russians and Slavs are like niggers
Your countries are shit holes, and who do you blame for this? I've seen pictures and your people just litter and spray paint and treat your communities like shit when they are not stealing money from the budget for themselves. Maybe I don't understand since you are so poor, you need this money to survive. But that doesn't excuse the latter. Instead of sitting around all day being an alcoholic degenerate, why not clean up your streets or something? Do something productive with your time instead of acting like drunk niggers. You treat your communities like niggers here in America treat our communities.
>Doesn't excuse the latter
I mean to say doesn't excuse the former. Doesn't excuse not taking care of your communities.
pretty cool
Way too rowdy when drunk, otherwise good people.
I have never run into a Russian here in Central Texas. That being said, I'd probably treat them about the same as any foreigner: not be able to understand their accent for a bit, readjust my hearing, and then give them directions to the mall. They always want to go to the fucking malls. I don't get it.
Well, Putin himself is Russian, all his corrupt politicians are Russians. See what I'm getting at?
>a fucking leaf
>Putin takes a Russia for the Russians
No way man, Putin is about staying in power. Keeping the country independent from foreign powers is a big part of that.
What tracksuit is that? Looks very aesthetic. I feel like three stripes on adidas is overdoing it, this is more simple, elegant.
What GTAIV mod is this?
What are you smokin nigga? Go to nigga community they will murder you, come to Slav country you will be greeted like a god.
How do you think we get wasted being poor? Alcohol rains? Hard work buddy.
no such thing
i spend a lot of time with them in my finnish course
also had russian immigrants when i lived in canada
i like them, easy going people, straight forward, tend not to give fucks
10/10 would befriend
Well "russkiy" literally means "a russian (person)" so obviously russians themselves use it
Russians themselves are fine, but your former socialist republic has cast a huge shadow on our colleges
Yes, had anal sex with my first gf, and she was virgin
I don't mind if we will still be villains in your media, Russian accent sounds menacing as fuck
You are talking about 90's Russia, things kinda changed
I love Russia.
I like Ukraine too but they are seriously misguided.
Liberals hate you now apparently. That's all I know
The men are good drinking companions and extremely daring and reckless. Good in Abar fight. The women are always bitchy. Never got the appeal I don't like their mannerisms.
>mfw my friend is in Russia but I didn't have the rubles to go right now.
It's the first time he's been there, and he loves it btw.
I like that they have their best interests at heart, you can never trust someone who claims to do things solely for others.
I, personally, look forward to better relations between our two countries. We both need to stop funding people in Syria and move in together to stop ISIS. Hope you have a good day, Ivan.
You're a pretty cool bunch now, however every now and then you fuck up my Dota 2 matches. But you're all right.
Cool people, I like Russians got nothing againts them.
also this
There's no such thing as a russian-ukrainian you stupid cockhole. Back to the pig farm with you.
>move in together to stop ISIS
Wouldn't it be easier for you to just stop funding them?
>we both need to stop funding people in Syria
Can't you read britbong?
Ukrainian has replaced a Russian proxy? Staged Maidan - Russia is to blame. You stupid ass.
Nah he's probably moved from his shithole in some bitchass settlement DayZ style. And posting from his hut using a necro laptop
Never seen a single one in my country. First Russians I've ever seen was on vacation in Greece.
>Im not a commie btw)
worked with a bunch of russians once; most nihilistic people on earth, truly no fucks to give
Not sure that I've ever met a Russian. Wouldn't mind having some more of you here though, America needs a masculinity injection.
You'd be nihilistic too if you had to grow up in Russia
cmon, we have LGBT queers too. But they are silen t.
Russians are not their government, like anywhere else. I have many acquaintances from all over eastern europe, I suspect some of them are russians hiding their identity because of the political persecution climate based on where you are from.
You are a good person, you are a good person. If not, well then I don't want to know you.
I love you guys. You come here, work hard, don't complain or take handouts, maintain families, have traditional values and Christian morality, you just earn your place here in general. As a traditional conservative working class American, you guys get it better than most of my countrymen do anymore. Half of my friends are Russian immigrants.
Never heard of such a thing.
Trash. Lots of organized crime, and the few I've met have been halfwit drunks.
People here think all Russians are drankards and depressed but they don't hate the country. I'll just add that I think the Cyrillic script is pretty neat looking.
she might not like it but will do anyway just to please you, if she loves you
My mother is Russian and has raised me to never mention that I have Russian relatives. She had problems getting a job because of her background and people used to give her the skunk eye or whatever you call it, and she has been called a thief. She even gave me an "internationa"l name". This was in the 90s and things calmed down after awhile but shit is back.
>dick in the poo meme
Leave it to swedes to hate anything that is white and masculine
In my hometown we had lots of Russians with German roots (Spätaussiedler): Very based, some smart, some wannabe-gangsters, many obviously addicted to Vodka, qt princesses, watching way too much TV, great supportive families
The majority of brazilians knows nothing about russians, and can't even locate Russia on map
But your women are viewed as qt as fuck desu
We have the best Russians, don't we folks? Simply the best.
My best friends all are of eastern european origin. Having poles, russians etc. is good as they are the only europeans with balls nowadays
I really would like to try my next long term relationship with a Russian qt. How do I get a Russian qt who will be loyal to me in a long term relationship?
>mfw no Russian bro to drink with and do cheeki breeki dance while shooting off my saiga rifles
Wo kommste her
Is that why they moved to Germany?
No such thing as a russian grill who's loyal.
Love them. The Russians and other slavs that moved in around here are fucking awesome, they have actual pride in their identity but they also fit in with British culture, they go to church, they know how to handle a drink, they really piss off the local sharia shits. May our borders be ever open to you.
only good ruski is dead ruski.
>t. Patton
Woman equal everywhere. Our are acting like a princesses a lot.
But u can travel to us and fuck what u want just sayin' that u are from america.
>How do I get a Russian qt who will be loyal to me
By being a rich foreigner.
Just foreigner (Western world) is actual too.
Women are not the same everywhere if you find some kinds of women more attractive than others. For example if you liked tanned girls then maybe its best to go with girls from certain countries and if you like really pale girls then other countries are good and if you like blondes then there are a few countries that have a lot of blondes, etc.
Not looking all the way over to Russia for just a fuck and dump because there are already way too many American girls that I could be doing that with.
I spent quite a bit of time in The Baltics, Western Russia and Belarus
In Russia
>Range from normal to snobby cunts
>Poor Russians/gopniks are at African or Australian aboriginal levels of being scum bags
>Russians in the Baltics is like 10% ok and 90% Aussie aboriginal levels. I guess cos all the rich educated russians went to Russia in 91
>Belarus has the highest percentage of ok Russians imo
That red dawn 2012 movie originally had China as the bad guys but they had to change it to North Korea (lol) because it wouldn't sell well in China if they were perceived as evil.
im down, they are based heros
I like russians.
Pls dont invade.
i get the impression you have no emotional vulnerability or empathy.
Trying to talk about their life/family with a russian person is a fucking chore, they refuse to open up at all.
But i like the few russian friends i have, theyre funny and very cynical.
is russian blood poison to finnish soil? or does sharing kills disgust you on a visceral level?
coouse they have balls they moved and stayed in Germany
I also had a choice to stay in US but too missed my mum So returned
They are mostly ok, normal hard-working blokes. The only annoying russkies are the ones that are actually shilling for marxism.