We haven't even gotten our first frost yet and it's mid Nov in Minnesota. It should have frosted a month ago . I'm getting scared, in the past 3 years winters have been extraordinarily mild . I'm worried trump will fuck up the Earth more
Is anyone else getting spooked by climate change
Hey bud, climate change doesn't real. Haven't you heard the stories? Get a grip, kid.
It will only hurt poor people living near the coast, at least in our lifetime
t. Dolan Trunp
personally i think that the idea that stupid humans and all their "advancements" ruined the earth is fucking funny
No, Climate Change is liberal bullshit. Stop believing in it.
No. The mass extinction event is a much bigger problem.
>muh frost
It's not even winter yet
>I'm worried trump will fuck up the Earth more
You should be more worried about the chinese.
Or the population explosion.
Can you like no bring that shit up ever two minutes?
Next thing tell me to look up data from satellite monitoring sun activity to determinate using some bullshit model how much low length radiation escapes earth when there is a satellite directly measuring it that gets overlooked because it shows no change.
No, Man-Made its bullshit. Winter comes later, but it still comes. Average temps aren't changing. Also IIRC 2017 is the year the sun enters a 6 year cooling period or some shit, you'll be up to your balls in snow soon enough.
I used to think there was something people could do about it, but people rarely make changes until the last minute. So, fuck it. We might get a cool environmental dystopia out of it like Blade Runner's LA. Maybe refugees displaced by climate change will be acceptable to kill at some point too. More likely, they'll just take over and rape our countries, but it'll be an edgy, depressing future. Might be cool.
Minnesota user here.
user we have cycles like this every few years you cuck. In the 70s, my grandparents had 2 years straight where Christmas was a warm day where they were outside in shorts. Does that mean global warming was the cause? No, it means that the earth has a cyclical lifespan, short and longterm.
Real climate change is warming the earth slowly. You and I wont feel the hardcore effects of it for multiple years down the line. If anything you should be worried about the resource/economic crisis that is a lot closer and much more of a threat to all humans.
Seriously, if you did research you would learn that the earth is rather long, and I mean VERY long overdue for an ice age, polar shifts and multiple other cyclical events that the earth goes through. Specifically an ice age, the earth warms up quite a lot before an ice age starts. That is a factor you need to consider.
Shit poster please go. Northern Minnesota already has snow on the ground and it snowed the other day in the twin cities.
Mankato here.
it frosted hard two nights ago.
2013 was one of the longest and coldest winters in recent times.
kill yourself ctr
only one way to avoid your trial
climate change is real, the myth is that humans can have a significant effect on it
we've had ice ages and warm periods before humans even existed
Live with it lol. Nothing you can do about it. Tell women to have 2 kids max each, thats all.
>tfw you think Trump is not doing this on purpose so he can make Greater Serbia with acces to Adriatic sea
>Average temps aren't changing
Every single month in 2016 was the hottest month on record. Every single month in 2017 is projected to exceed even those record high temperatures. Explain how 'average temperatures' aren't changing when we are clearly experience record levels of temperature change.
Keep in mind that on a geological scale the climate is expected to change over 10,000 or 100,000 years. We've reached unprecedented levels of change in the past 100, that is nuts.
Up in the north it frosts like mid to late October or at least it has in the 25 years I can remember.
I'm worried about a future for my kids, I want them to survive. An edgy future sounds fun but getting killed by rapefugees because I'm geriatric and defenseless will suck.
Does Sup Forums generally believe in climate change? I'm surprised.
Why are libs worried about Trump making climate change worse but say absolutely nothing about China building a coal power station per citizen?
The data completely shows how much we have made it worse. Please read a book.
>Every single month in 2016 was the hottest month on record.
Because they erased an entire decade from the record because it was "inconvenient".
I know you wont watch this, but watch this.
France here
Winter started one month early
We have snow since the start of november today its kind of melting but im not suprised since most of the time it starts snowing around christmas
Look. I like trump. But l also think climate change is a big deal.
Buying a tesla, making my own solar power setup, and reducing waste. Sure that shit is cute. None of it compares to these huge fucking companies though.
They waste and use more than we ever could in a thousand men's lifetime.
I love combustion engines, I really fucking do. Like really do. Autistically do. Like build motors in my dreams.
However. Something needs to be done to stop big ass tanker ships and other heavy HEAVY fuel users from polluting the atmosphere.
They dont even use fuel comparable to ours. They use the heaviest shit, literally called fuel oil. They burn thousands of tons of it in the transport of cargo.
They even take the cape of good hope now because prices in gas are so low they can afford not to take the suez canal. Polluting even more.
So what the fuck can be done? I havent got an answer. Big business and big government are bad. No answer l could give ignores the two. Cost efficie t green technology is the answer. It doesnt exist yet
Doesn't that concern you?
It frosted multiple times here in Michigan
Yeah, no. I live in St paul and it hasn't even rained in well over a week
Also, you realize we need to get to 32 for frost, right? We're a solid ten degrees above average right now
We've had snow in south Sweden way ahead of schedule, the climate is fine, quit whining.
What are you going to do about it? Make indians kill their cows?
T. Shill, fuck off noone with half a brain believes climate change.
We're 1 degree here and cold didnt even start yet.
Winter is literally the crappiest season though
It's too damn cold, even in my apartment. My fingers freeze all the time, making it harder to type.
I don't remember if the point of no return was already past, or some time in 2020.
We are done for, because nobody cared enough.
The ships are the dumbest waste of fuel. You'd think some engineer could come up with some futurist sails to add to the things to make them save $$ on fuel.
The winter is cozy and the beggars and muslims/dindus suffer. It's the best season.
It's likely exaggerated but if it isn't..
Nothing of value was lost.
Climate change is real and it's anthropogenic to an extent, but
this is the only way we can ensure the death of the Jew
Just face it user. We must go forward with this.
This. Minneapolis here and I haven't even winterized my motorcycle
I'm watching it and he immediately starts his argument with "Is it becoming hotter in the United States?". Please tell me he addresses GLOBAL average temperatures and doesn't just cherry pick data from random places around the USA
This winter is easily the best season
We could do with some global warming up here tbqh.
Climate change is not bullshit. The climate changing is indisputable fact. Whether or not humans are the cause is up for debate, and I find it hilariously arrogant that we think that our species, a mere surface nuisance, could do any real damage to the planet.
Good. Fuck the cold. I want it to be hotter year round.
Over time the seasons move anyway. Relax, it'll just be colder later for longer.
No. I'm not into shamanism and believing people who think they can control the weather. Instead of worshipping Al Gore and other con artists, go to your local church.
>tfw to intelligent to believe in climate change
The facts and what you're saying differ a great deal.
>Ships are the dumbest waste of fuel
Literally the most efficient way of transporting large amounts of goods.
Only trains can even hope to compete.
Here it gets colder later but stays colder into May, when it never used to do that
Its how the world works kid.
Exactly this, we no doubt have an effect, (As does a vole, farting and producing methane). But the dampening forces and other climactic forces no doubt have an even greater effect.
Literally nothing wrong will happen in mine or my children's lifetime.
>No more slipping on black ice
>No more trains fucking up every time it snows.
>Save money on winter heating bills
>Can still go skiing in the alps
>Plants in your garden won't freeze over and die every year
>Make earth really polluted
>Gather pollution
>Create an artificial atmosphere on Mars and make it inhabitable
There you go.
it's november here and i'm sat in the office in a t shirt with the window open
We are still moving out of an ice age, and some autists think HUMANS are causing the temperature to rise. Ridiculous.
>i'm sat
why do you guys say this
>and I find it hilariously arrogant that we think that our species, a mere surface nuisance, could do any real damage to the planet.
What I find hilarious is your ignorance. This has happened in the past, in a different shape.
Chemistry and math are not things to believe in, they are facts.
Record cooling in past 8 months.
I presume it's on par with saying, "I am seated."
>the earth's anus
What manga is this?
So many fucking shills concern trolling about "global warming" since the Trump was elected. Absolutely hilarious
It's real. It's serious. But we're not going to fix it. It's impossible to convince people the validity of scientific / statistical trends without being able to show them directly in front of their eyes the consequences. I can't show you how chemical equilibrium shift in real time, so it will never be possible to convince a denier until it's too late. We're boned.
I fucking hate this snow-ass wasteland. I came from Goa to Russia in 26 of october and there was already snow. I hate to wear all this clothes not to freeze your ass, I hate to wait when your car will be warm at fucking -30 celcius.
And I live in Moscow. Our other cities have -40, -50, MINUS FUCKING SIXTY DEGREES.
I hate this climate.
Don't be stupid user! I live in Mankato, MN and we never have snow until until mid to late December. There was that one year where we got pounded on Halloween, but you need to stop being a little bitch. Lots of places in northern Minnesota already had snow and we're going to get a little down here on Friday. Eat shit.
Even if climate change is false we still need to figure out this solar energy and battery thing just for muh air quality. I hate smog.
Climate change is a thing but carbon emissions are nbd.
Look at what happened during the fall of Rome. Or the Ice Age.
The earth gets hot then cold then hot then etc.
and it keep happening until the world ends
Fuck off shill a 1 degree C rise in average temperature over decades is a non issue. Stop your cringy fear mongering you brainwashed retard
A oneshot, pretty good.
Dont worry faggot, Russia will be one of the main benefiters from a warmer Earth
Well, that proves it. Putin is using Russian weather modification technology to cause global warming.
It all makes sense now, since Trump is a KGB agent.
pay debts
Thanks. Post more if you want.
Yes, Climate Change is an indisputable fact just like record global cooling. The climate always changes. It goes up then down. It is not an indisputable fact that the globe is going to heat up drastically. Remember these were the same scientists who predicted an ice age.
He can't keep getting away with this. We should have electored Her.
They try this fear mongering because going "by the year 2075 an irreversible shift in the equilibrium dynamic could drastically impact the native flora in the ocean, causing an imbalance in atmospheric gasses by the year 2100 will never get you fat fucks to move. A 1C shift is massive for average temperatures. Some bacterial enzymes stop working outside highly specific pH and temp ranges. Admittedly they cried wolf too hard and now nobody will believe the actual science.
>mere surface nuisance, could do any real damage to the planet.
We already fucked up the ozone layer, so yes.
Many scientist support that most climate change is man made.
We're about to enter the next "ice age" similar to 1600's with the modern solar maximum already decreasing. Yet the effect on global warming is marginal. "It's just muh natural solar cycles" BTFO
Our first frost was last week which is very early.
I fucking crashed my car that morning I was that unprepared for it
Global warming manmade is real
too big to post here, look at that pic.
We got deep snow already.
When I was a kid it was mountains of snow and really cold
Later it was barely any snow and weak frost
Now i feel like the real winter returns.
The climate is dynamic and is not that simple. Its not its just getting simply hotter.
Gulfstream is weakening, it may well get much colder soon enough rather than global warming.
I can get behind a lot of Trump's policies but I can't get behind the fact that he's going to fuck up the environment and fuck up the climate
>by the year 2075 an irreversible shift in the equilibrium dynamic could
Oy vey sounds spooky. Quick take my money
Two years ago we had the coldest winter I've ever experienced. OP is an idiot.
He wont fuck up the climate bc its literally a myth that humans have a big impact on climate change.
The environment thing might be an issue but what if society starts pushing for improved sanitation systems for coal/oil? The technology we have is dated so improved air-filters and etc are totally possible withing the next few years.
Imagine a world where people can clean/reuse carbon emissions and have clean/safe nuclear energy.
Trump works towards that world
>What if our estimates are off and we make a cleaner world free of carcinogens in the air and drinking water, increasing average life expectancy and quality, all while simultaneously ensuring the equilibrium of humanity with nature, for nothing!?!?
We use "could" because science as a concept is fluid. We adjust models as we get new data. Going "well it didn't happen exactly in 2075 so it must not ever be happening" is shitty science.
I remember that. The ozone layer is just starting to go back to normal
Global at 26min
Sure you already know that
Livestock contributes more to global warming and we all turn a blind eye to it
However, I am eating a steak pasty as we speak
Same here, its too nice for this time of year. Slightly related, I was bored at work the other day so I looked up a glacier in Alberta that I visited like 15 years ago. Beautiful stuff, even for my childish attention span I really enjoyed taking in the scenery. Anyways, looked it up now and the pictures are depressing as fuck. What was once a nice white sheet in the area is now just a bunch of dirt and gravel. The glacier itself receded a fuckton and its just sad. I want to believe that all the pictures were just taken on bad days but apparently its receded a good hundred meters or so since I was there. Now on a linear level 100 meters isnt much, but its very noticeable on a huge snowfield. While I'm not on board with the 'we're gonna die because of climate change' thing, I am starting to rethink things in regards to it just a bit
>Is anyone else getting spooked by climate change
I'm more afraid of the people trying to use "climate change" to destabilize society.