Bill Clinton cheated on Hillary for this shit

Pic related.
What the fuck?

When you fuck a shit load of hot babes, chunky normal chicks are so different than what you're used to that they can turn you on, especially when you're secretly fucking her and a room away everyone thinks you're doing legitimate Presidential business.

>not wanting to sleep with the "woman" who murdered Vince Foster
Completely understandable

It was the 90s man, chicks were different back then

After spending all that time dealing with Hillary Psycho he would probly fuck a hole in the wall..

And Hillary Cunton is better, how?

Is what you mention even possible? Pic related is then Hillary.

She looks much well groomed and doesn't look like some chunky bimbo.

pretty much this.

Bill learned that after winning so much, you get sick of it.

Not to mention babies.

faggot gettin head is its ownage

What's wrong with Monics? She was THICC back then. 10x better than Hillary.

Wait, I did mean Bill and Hillary Clinton fuck babies and harbor friends who fuck babies too.


Not to mention Webb Hubbel was her lover and Chelsea's actual father.

prime lips
expert head

(((monica lewinsky)))

All I'm saying is that Bill and Hillary worship Babylonian gods and rape children.

you a virgin? DSLs - look it up.

He took advantage of a young girl, 22 I think when this happened. He is a predator and should have his ass kicked. He took advantage of his position of power to molest Monica. If I were Monica's father, I would have paid a visit to the Whitehouse and kicked HillBillys asshole in. Fuck Bill Clinton.

She looks good natured and also that she can give good blowjobs. I'd clinton her too.


I would

These sick fucks are worse than just landwhalers.

what happened to the threads for this? Are ppl done?

Bill have bad taste for woman

Have you seen hillary clinton?

Yeah, it's amazing what can be accomplished by a women that knows how to please a man...
go fuckin' figure!

Rumor has it he banged Lena Dunham as well.

The dude will fuck anything.

Homely girls will do anything. You can degrade and slap and hatefuck them and they'll ask for more. Their self-esteem is the perfect mat for you to step and dance on, and the ultimate power trip.