Whaylt is better - infowars or breitbart?
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They're both great for unfiltered, unadulterated truthiness. I've heard it said that listening or reading 2 full years worth of information from one of them is equal to a doctorate...in any field.
Sick pic OP
You know the history of this word, right?
Are you asking which is better? Breitbart, comfortably.
Breitbart is infowars without the water filters and reptiles.
please buy my water filters, I have to feed my family
Neither. CNN is the true masterace of journalism.
How would you know what water filters to buy if you didn't watch infowars? Did you know that super male vitality is what gives Alex the energy he needs to fight globalist conspiracy? Then again with Breitbart you get quality journalists like Milo, the hilarious gay man who is full of original thought and totally not a charlatan. Either one is a good choice OP.
Lots of truth, full of truth Idk?
Alex Jones is an absolute nutcase.
>Covertly zionist vs. Overtly zionist
What choice the (((alternative media))) provides...
Truthiness is a quality characterizing a "truth" that a person making an argument or assertion claims to know intuitively "from the gut" or because it "feels right" without regard to evidence, logic, intellectual examination, or facts.
That's a perfect description. Is there something wrong with the way I used it?
HI glenn
Well it's like picking between cancer and AIDS, but I guess Breitbart is ever so slightly better, in that the core of their platform is not the promotion of a worldview that includes an omnipotent cabal controlling every event on the planet
>Henry my old china the BBC are telling porky pies, and you must now choose where to procure your unbiased right wing media
>do you choose that faggot kike wog Milo Yiannopoulos
That Pence looks p. comfy. Is he watching a fag get electrocuted just out of frame?
Glenn...Beck? He's just as bad. lol
Mike "give the queers volts times amperes" Pence?
BB can be okay but Alex has yet to shake off his tinfoil image
So in other words you believe in something despite evidence, logic, intellectual examination, or facts pointing in the other direction?
breitbart does actually break stories and can be considered a genuine news outlet.
htye publish opinion pieces and comment on stories other people have broken too, but you can't say that they don't do real reporting and break news stories as well.
info-wars on hte other hand is just an aggregator of news stories, with a crazy water filter/bilderburg slant.
HI jenk
Yes, Mike "It's a short way to a shock, if you wanna suck a meat-pole" Pence.
that is what makes him so much fun though.
No, i don't. But that's what those sites are selling.
this also
Doesn't Breitbart substitute (((Jews))) with the British Monarchy and blame QE2 for all evils in the world?