Can someone explain to me how Sup Forums influenced USA to elect trump?
Can someone explain to me how Sup Forums influenced USA to elect trump?
fuck off back to CNN you leftist shill fuck, we're not helping you write your article
we invoked the power of Lord Kek (blessed be his name) and used it to elect Trump
shilled on social media
made a bunch of videos
made a bunch of memes that went viral
trolled news stations every chance
sorted through the thousands of emails that got leaked (a joint effort with reddit)
kept antagonizing the left to do crazy shit
I can tell you first hand that a couple of my friends were influenced by the boys in cfg
Be gone
Trump utterly destroyed her.
He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.
He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.
Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.
Trump dominated
decent summary
you forgot about kek
Social media
All those "hilarious" or "happening" bideos. A lot of them got retweeted by news reporters or C list celebrities. For me the most memorable was pepe and the deplorables image to trump jr, which then swept headlines for a week on hillarys deplorables and pepe being an alt right symbol. Mix in a few campaigns like enlist for hillary and wikileaks, and there you have it.
I remember one wikileaks towards the end, i think the one thet alex covered, had a million live streamers and it was 4 fucking am. Thats when i knew this shit was actually happening.
mostly research into the leaked emails and then nonstop spreading of the results in propagandized form
it was entirely the work of Sup Forums, reddit and some random girl on twitter that got Gowdy talking about Paul Combetta being caught asking reddit how to strip out email headers, the same guy who mass deleted everything under Clinton's orders, allegedly
which lead to Gowdy asking Comey how a finding like this still isn't enough to even consider reopening the investigation
which made things even more severe when Comey actually DID reopen the investigation
thanks a lot you fucking traitors
Unlikely that pol influenced a huge swath of middle Americans who barely use the internet
Far more likely that pol simply reflects some contrarian and anti establishment tendencies that were shared by a majority of the electorate.
Muh secret club ebin get XD
I don't think a journalist would ask using a Moroccan proxy.
Ignore all the other faggots
We summoned an Egyptian god of chaos through an act of Jungian sychronicity.
Magic is real and Trump is the living incarnation of Lord Kek.
We posted many many pictures of cartoon girls. This made our god pity us and to bless us he granted us a boon.
This. Our mohican wood widdling board summoned the long forgotten Egyptian god of chaos and memes. We single handedly saved america by shitposting an immortal dub loving frog into existence. We are the singularity
>Implying the hicks know about Sup Forums.
The fact is: everybody who wasn't brainwashed by the MSM voted for Trump.
Sup Forums didn't make any difference.
ÐeμsǺkβΆΉr : nu / pol / [i][x] ~ [ Nashīd أناشيد ]
[anomaly] :æˈnɒm(ə)li : الله ملاك العلم يأتي الآن
[gender.route. err] [machinitransmofology] [ MCiDf ]
[acquired knowledge inserted] This has been modified for the purpose of Allah:
ليوم تذكير :[CtR]: #wewuzwhitensheitz [banshee(s) pending] #wailingwhitewomenunited
Dybbuk לִדבּוֹק :: < anti-christ > [x] [LOAD] GooDCoDEx. [clarification desu] CONVERT [cMiDf] [disconnect]
nice get, Kek wills it
press f to praise Lord Kek
Remember when Pol convinced The World Ted Cruz had an affair and his kids weren't really his?
That'd how we SECURED trump the nomination
It didn't.
By refusing to accept double standard bs
We sacrificed 6 million frogs to the leet Haxor anonymoose who used hax to change everyone's minds about trump and vote for him
We decided to ignore mainstream media & find the truth ourselves.
We then disseminated the truth to those hungry for it.
We did what news outlets once did themselves,investigation.
Now that Sup Forums has been shown that it can swing the US election, has it been pretty much confirmed that Sup Forums is the most POWERFUL website on the internet.