why does a "diverse" cabinet matter? WHY. What happened to picking the best person for a position?
What the fuck does the lefties want, Trump administration picking people because they're black/brown/Asian/etc?
Jesus Christ
why does a "diverse" cabinet matter? WHY. What happened to picking the best person for a position?
What the fuck does the lefties want, Trump administration picking people because they're black/brown/Asian/etc?
Jesus Christ
Yeah an Englishman, a scot, an Irishman, a Canadian, an American, an Australian, a kiwi there we go diversity!
Yes, did you see the email CITIGROUP sent to Obama with cabinet picks? They were divided by race/gender, not skillset
Kek'd. Subtle.
>Tripping down on identity politics with how well that worked out for them over the last year
It's like they all want to lose their jobs and destroy media empires
because people have been brainwashed
Vibrants give a shit about white people, why should white people give a shit about vibrants
>here's the candidates of who will not push to put us in prison
>you can use the fact that they aren't white as a shield from criticism
>be on your way
>What the fuck does the lefties want, Trump administration picking people because they're black/brown/Asian/etc?
yes this is the nonracist thing to do obviously duh
>Trump picks his most loyal to shield himself
>Drumpf, why you no pick diversity? You know, people like us who hate and despise you?
That's not how it works
yea, I agree, let's add some neocons to the cabinet to add some diversity of opinions
yes that is what they want
where have u been
Because the general population will look no further than the color and gender of a person to decide if they are qualified.
A diverse cabinet is one without white men.
You lost, plain and simple.
Now shut the fuck up and sit in the corner for the next 4 years while big daddy Trump cleans up your mess.
That's exactly what they want.
I just hope Trump will have the backbone to tell them it doesn't work like that anymore.
Because in todays cucked society quality does not matter.
>no clue why they lost so bad
>continue doing the things that lead to total republican control
>so bad republicans can nearly amend the constitution
Liberalism really is a mental illness, I hope trump kills affirmative action.
Well it is 2016, right leafs?
If I hear that word one more time I swear to God
Youtube link:
The chick on the right isn't too bad actually.
They think diversity is magic. It isn't.
It can work out alright, but when it's forced it's a god damn disaster. Look at where the left is now because of their stupid mandatory diversity bullshit.
bin that knife
They already have affirmative action in university to let niggers that failed to make the score to enroll.
It is hilarious when they try to say that this is equality when another dude with the better score get screwed out of the spot just because he isn't born a black.
"diverse" is code word for no straight normal White males
Ben Carson and that cowboy Sheriff. Maybe nominate that Mexican who hates taco trucks while we're at it
>cabinet should be set up as an echo chamber where everyone has the same ideas and viewpoints
fun fact: politics is bullshit, there's no such thing as picking the right person for the position. trump's entire cabinet is gonna be family and dickriders
But white pride IS a term used primarily by white separatist, white nationalist, neo-Nazi and white supremacist organizations.
Wikipedia isn't a dictionary that defines terms based purely on their textbook definition, people wrote that article based on how the term is actually used.
Black pride is also used by Black Panthers BLM and other nigger terrorist organisations.
What a lame attempt to justify anti White bias SAD
Thats not the same as picking people based on race
Tired of anti-white bullshit
Diversity is a disease.
>picking people based on race
that's not the same as "diverse cabinet"
>citing the Black Panthers
they haven't operated since 1982 you fucking moron
The liberal idea of "progress" is shoving as many queers, women, and dindus down everyone's throat as possible regardless of how qualified any of them are. It's why we had a useless token black president for 8 years and almost got Shillary.
I want Trump to do this so bad
er, hello? where have you been????????????????????
Why do they care when they didn't even vote for him, or at least a low turnout?
>BLM is the new Black Panthers
The KKK hasn't operated in decades but is still cited by kikes in the media and academia you cretin.
>hires the first woman ever to successfully run a presidential campaign
Trump hates diversity!
>Black Panthers
>why does a "diverse" cabinet matter?
Because merit is haaaaard
Like I totally could put the effort into being a good cabinet member but you should just give me the position now because we both know I'm capable
What those sheboons mean by "diverse" is more women and a few token niggers. A cabinet is not supposed to be diverse it is partisan
Someone tell the progressives.
Go figure maybe Some people labeled as Nazis by the (((splc))) aren't actually Nazis
>his third choice campaign manager was a woman!
Wow user really makes you think
Kill yourself mongoloid
Because its the current year.
Thats their main argument.
>Le erase everything pre 1990 meme
... Except the Holocaust
i think cuckdeau did a diverse cabinet in canada but they way they described it made it make sense
they picked an inuit for like secretary of fishing i think, that just makes sense
A Trump cabinet is not peppered with token minorities or women, nor is it homogenous. A Trump cabinet consists of precisely who he means to select.
>"diverse" is code word for no straight normal White males
Liberals don't want gay white males now either.
Because skills dont matter.
Because effort dosent matter.
What matter is a vagina.
Now give me a well paid job where i dont have anything to do and cant be fired you sexist racist islamophob white male.
What are you implying?
White people are only qualified in the patriarchy, racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, and bigotry, though.
This is why shit doesn't get done anymore and we are on the brink of libocide
That guy is nuts. I hope Trump is just shitposting on that one.
Trump should make Clinton Secretary of State. Again. Except this time, revoke her passport and put her in an office where she has no communication with the outside world. This would prove his point that we'd be better off if she does nothing.
Of all the images I have seen over the years this one hurts the most because it is true.
women newscasters are the worst meme ever
And if she would have been first and got fired, you'd still be bitching.
>that cowboy Sheriff
David Clarke. Something in DoJ or immigration enforcement?
the new black panther party is illegitimate
the black panther party was created to keep drugs out of black neighborhoods which went a against the cia using black neighborhoods to make money selling cocaine(something only rich white people used it back then ) in black neighborhoods to fund the south american contra
Obama had a list for every group EXCEPT whites
Why would Marvel publish this? Aren't they they ones the published [unsolicited opinions about Israel?!]
That's all liberals ever care about? Diversity and identity? Fuck the right man for the job, let's make everything look like a fucking rainbow instead, how fucking cute.
Shoe Horning Women into 50 percent of the seats, like my Prime Minister did, is not equality despite what many feminists believe.
Equality would be a Woman being picked over a Man because she is more qualified.
I question how much better my government might be running with the most qualified people in these seats, not some women who will take a good selfie
Fuck these people
Red Skull is a ''villain'' so whatever he says is a '''''lie'''' by default
Even so, Marvel doesn't usually portray people they disagree with in non-strawman terms.
Is that Mike Tyson on the left?
He needs all positions to be filled mostly with white males.
>also, not (((white males)))
Kowtowing to leftie nutjobs is what got us in this mess. Also, once they sense weakness, they'll just keep going.
Disenfranchising, suppressing, and marginalizing them keeps them powerless and demoralized.
because its 2016 *errybody claps*
It's propoganda to children. They don't expect the children to take in what Red Skull is actually saying, they just expect the children to connect the things he says with *absolute evil*
That's why leftists can't hear crime statistics without having an emotional breakdown - they hear about black murder rates and go "he's fucking Red Skull!!!"
>picking brown people because they're brown
Yes, OP. It's pure virtue signaling. It has nothing to do with merit. Trump's team will be selected on merit, and as a result will be overwhelmingly white males, and the libcucks will lose their shit over it.
>I hope Trump is just shitposting on that one.
It's the media shitposting with unnamed sources. Quit being so gullible.
>why does a "diverse" cabinet matter?
because the kikes and shitskin mafia want whites out of power permanently
Seems legit
New Black Panthers are not the old Black Panthers. They want genocide of all whites.
This. It's in the interest of the semites aka Jews and oilnigger Saudis to keep the European man out of power.
Niggers are niggers, doesnt matter what they call themselves
>I know all this and am really smart because I studied it in my mom's basement
Spotted the Sup Forumstard
>Trump will lose, I know this because I'm really smart and studied it in (((school))).
This entire election has been such a wake-up call I can't imagine Trump going along with these chucklefucks.
>Shut up white people, this is our moment!
During Election:
>Oh wow, who knew white people are so racist? Let us have this!
Post Election:
Post-post Election
>H-Hey, mind if we crash at your place?
Because remember:
Physical differences are more important than differences of thought to the left.
Trump campaigned on jobs and immigration and issues: it doesn't matter who you are but what you do. The left campaigns on identity and diversity: it doesn't matter what you do but who you are. That's literally all the left has left.
You're on Sup Forums. What do you expect, Shlomo?
I know you're probably either shitposting or pretending to be one of them but it's sad that there are people out there who actually believe shit like this because Current Year man or some other fag told them it was true in a loud and obnoxious enough fashion.
Department of Homeland Security
>ya exactly right! the heads of the dept of commerce, EPA, education, state department, etc and their thousands of employees do nothing and don't matter at all. Politics is bullshit. End of story xDDD