Share your opinion.
1) Paris
2) Northern Germany
3) Vatican City
4) Southern Sweden
5) London
1) Singapore
2) Switzerland
3) Eastern Europe and Russia
4) China
5) Australia (excluding Melbourne)
Share your opinion.
1) Paris
2) Northern Germany
3) Vatican City
4) Southern Sweden
5) London
1) Singapore
2) Switzerland
3) Eastern Europe and Russia
4) China
5) Australia (excluding Melbourne)
China may be non-PC, but politically they are pretty cucked.
Dude, it's been that way for the past week.
Australia is pretty fucking cucked, m8.
We're only 50% white
All major U.S cities are shit, desu
Five fooded
t. chang
wtf is other 50%?
i thought you criminals are better than that
soz, internet here is bad, missing out on heaps
50% White
45% Anglo
3% Mediterranean
2% Asian
1% 'Fauna'
Hi bro! You here raping the country of its resources too?
Yes. Capitalism is sweet
where is japan on your rist desu
Lots of it.
It's actually been filtered since last year's halloween
*North Western Germany
Mecklenburg has the least amount of muslims of the entire country.
So 95% white? or am I missing something
animu, 3d waifus, host clubs and tentacle pornu are degenerate nipponbro
the old people are mostly white and the young ones are mostly shitskins
anyone who tells you Australia is white is lying to you
Germany Countryside is actually pretty white. Like...99%. 1% are italians.
Fuck I thought I was the only guy on pol with this flag for months now. Agree though this country is great when your rich. The shit Internet is worth the drivers, house meris and chefs.
last night you zoe quinned my sister?
> least keked
> singapore
Isnt that shithole race mixing general
> eastern europe
Yes all your woman running for western dick and only caring about money, which no one in eastern europe has
> australia
Literally fucked in the ass by chinks
Singapore is full of immigrants
at least none of them let in motherfucking a million refugees in
There should be a law that you have to live 10 years in australia to get gibs for kids
also now there is no other way than keeping shitskins out and making your own children in great numbers
oh and concetration camps but that for later
bond burgered?
No he's right, you're like 50% bird at this point.
Very little race-mixing except women likes white male
Lots of foreign 'talents' though.
Instead they let in even more imigrants.
Try places like japan or iceland when stating examples for non cucked countries.
5guys 2 burgers and french fried your sister?
That's a point. Japan sucks since WW2
Been living here for 20 years now and honestly how I see it is you trade certain core freedoms like walking on the street or good internet for the ultimate comfy cost free lifestyle your employer gives you. Pretty comfy trade off imo.
is it true that you guys have a custom to suck your elders dicks
Japan is so fucking unique and weird as hell. Literally just google "documentaries about japan" on youtube and you can find all sorts of weird, degenerate fascinating shit. This stuff only seems to be in the urban centres though. I imagine the countryside or other major cities apart from Tokyo or Osaka are pretty based
How fun, OP. A new trolley problem.
I save the burgers.
y'all have no idea what uncucked looks like
picture it like the 72 virgins myth. YES there is a tribe that does that as a rite of passage but PNG has so many motherfucking tribes it affects less than 0.01 percent of us
My whole life I hated being born in Bulgaria, but right now in light of all the shit going on in the "first world" I'm kinda glad.
We are hanging by a thread, though.
oy vey, 100 whips for using vietnamese origami enthusiast forum
Is it true Arabs are lazy fucks and really on based Indians to do all the economic work in the city?
Give me proof you're in Papau
how are the niggas there? do they like white people? or are you one of them
your """"country"""" is literally on the verge of collapse and considered one of the most corrupt in europe mate. don't think you should be feeling glad. if i were you i'd use that bummed off eu citizenship you got out of pity to skip off to a real country
>>strong leaders / nationalism / caste systems good
>>strong leaders / nationalism / caste systems bad
more like bi/pol/ar
It's a shithole, don't get me wrong, but with a bit of brains you can get yourself pretty well off, considering how stupid most of the population is. At least we don't have all the PC SJW issues for one thing.
Besides, if I'm skippin off, I'm skippin away from Cuckropean Union. I'd probably go to NZ, unless they shit it up in the coming years.
saudi arabians are staying inside saudi arabia and that's good, though your government stirs shit all over the world mostly to divide white people
why middle east is so toxic, i hate every nation there
then again if not for that regime you probably realize how shit your country is and flee to white countries
I thought switzerland was cucked by having over a quarter of its population is immigrants.
I'd say they're better than abos but for all the wrong reasons. One most of them do all the typical nigger shit like steal, fight for no good reason etc. PNG is so tribal many of them haven't even seen a white person so it'd be alien to them because about 80% of PNG live in customary villages with NO contact with the outside world.
cuck cuck cuck
Last night I, group combo'd your sister
ooooohhhhhhhhh so that's what it means......
Lst night I 5 guys Hamburgers with fries'd your sister. Wat
>not cucked
What? Have you ever visited any of the cities of that mountain kike land?
The state I live in, Maryland, is probably the most cucked state in the Union. Everyone there is a corporate or government cocksucker and coincidentally the state is filled to the brim with niggers. Prince George's county is a hellhole. Montgomery county is the richest county in the country - full of gated community liberal kikes and commies who live behind the walls of their mansions and yet advocate for open borders immigration and Tough gun laws, high taxes. professors at the universities advocate for white genocide. Baltimore is a cesspool of degeneracy and nigger thugs destroyed their own city. former gov. Martin O'Malley was an ultracuck literal faggot who let the gangs run Baltimore. The Eastern shore is full of human trash in every color and loads of heroin. It's the most consisently blue state too, even though Democrats don't know how to run it.