Let's have a neutral discussion about pitbulls.
Let's have a neutral discussion about pitbulls
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should be banned. its a nigger dog.
he a good dog, he dindu nuffin
Day of the rake when.
fpbp, send pitbulls back to Africa
Pitbulls are great dogs.
its the owners that need to be euthanized.
They are living weapons.
ohhh look, a nigger
I think "Fireball" is kind of catchy, but I don't like that kind of music generally.
they're skittles basically
you will not and cannot have a lack of injuries caused by them if they are not banned
if you have one, you are basically making the occasional injured human a sacrifice just to own an animal that's stronger than others.
Kill them all then send them to China for consumption. Fuck yo nanny breed nig nog dog.
>Ayo ban all bad things!
No thanks. Instead hold the dog owner responsible. So for example if the dog kills someone, the owner gets death penalty. Problem solved easily and cheap. A bullet costs barely $1.
torture nigger dogs and niggers as well
Get the fuck out pf my country you dirty subhuman arab
Fucking scum seriously
If you ban pitbulls, only criminals will have pitbulls!
Please delete this. I cannot stand to see hurt children.
Nice try Jaylen
Yeah, because I'm sure that 99.95% of owners whose dogs bite are belligerent jerks, and not just relatively shitty at taming beasts. You fucking idiot.
Chop balls off, don't kill people's pets though. Let them die out. Kill newly born ones though.
Dog niggers
I have three pitbulls. One is the most docile dog I have ever had. I have had labs that have bitten more people than pitbuls. Also back in the day pitbuls were known as family dogs. I think they get their bad name from niggers and beaners basically torturing them and bringing out the worst in them. As long as good character white people are raising them they are just fine, alpha dogs at that.
From what i've told, he's like 1/10 pitbull. He's a great doggo, do I have to give him up?
your inability to provide working solutions betrays your inherent cuckedness sven
Most owners are shitty people who want the dog for its reputation and perpetuate that reputation through the treatment they give the dog.
Pitts are an aggressive, smart, and hard headed breed like German Shepherds. The difference is that trashy people are more likely to get a hold of a Pit Bull than they are a German Shepherd.
Dude I used to work forensics. I've seen shit you can't even imagine. OP is nothing.
Better euthanize both the dogs and owners to be sure.
Like owning a gun basically. A gun that loves you back. /k/ should love them.
Also pretty much just doggos, treat the right and train them well and you wont have problems unless they're bad tempered around other dogs then just dont bring them near other dogs stupid.
>Some people are violent and some even become dangerous psychopaths usually due to a poor upbringing.
>We should ban people , it's just to risky.
Anyone who thinks a breed of dog should be banned is a little scared cry baby cuck bitch.
>Like owning a gun basically.
A gun that has a mind and will of its own independent of human control.
They're referred to as dangerous dogs not because they're aggressive per se. It's that when they do damage, they do a lot of damage.
They should legally have to be muzzled at all times. Or not allowed in society at all.
The entire pit terrier group was created in England. Dog fighting was their national sport, of sorts.
Pic related, my English Bullterrier. Her breed was created to maime and destroy other dogs, but all they did in the pit was play. So...someone discovered they HATE smaller animals like mice and rats, so "ratting" became a popular sport to bet on in 19th century England.
I don't mind spending more money per month on homeowners insurance to keep her around, she's a good girl.
if you want to have a dog with a strong bite that is real good with children and does not have the problems of a Pitbull, get a Doberman. those things are huge as fuck, and they are very protective. also real good around children.
Kek has blessed my post with trips as it represents pure truth. /thread can be done now
the problem is that labeling a dog bite a VICIOUS PITBULL ATTACK gets more attention. Journalists have always been doing this, and the breed they use changes over time.
It used to be dobermans. Before that it was rottweilers. By the next generation it'll be something else.
I have no doubts about that, but that is why I could not do that job.
Nah we should look at the different "breeds" (if you will) of people and see if we can identify a certain "breed" that causes violence out of all proportion to all others and ban that "breed."
Genocide them all, theyre the niggers of the animal kingdom
so the only solutions are to ban the breed or to create a dog lifestyle investigation bureau
i say ban the breed
it's not the dogs but the owners that are at fault. a dog is 100% dependent on his owner. the dog sees the owner as pack leader, not to quote the dog wheesperer. if you're a good owner, train and treat your dog properly there will be no incidents like this. i bet the pitbull's owner was a nigger, which is the real problem, and which is also something (((the media))) won't show you.
retriever, samoyed, german shepherd is god tier
pitbull is just shit tier
first off.. fuck fake white americans. and fuck pitbull nigger dogs.
If you see a pitbull and it is not chained up, you're asking for events like this.
Pitbulls (according to study) account for exponentially higher attacks than the dog breed in 2nd place.
Also I don't know how I would react to this attack, if my neighbor had a pitbull that was loose and it attacked my daughter and did this kind of shit. I would snap, I would shoot the dog dog dead and I probably would snap and kill the family also.
Let's face it, it was a nigger-tier family, who won't be able to pay for the damage done to my daughters body and often won't care that the damage was done anyways.
You American retards even had to spread your fractional identity politics to dog breeds?
>my wife's son is 4% Irish and 96% African, btw my dog is 1/10 pitbull xD
Pitbulls are freaking hunting dogs. They have a natural drive to chase after prey. So do other species of dogs.
Pitbulls are just the most infamous dogs because retards keep buying them and mishandle their pets.
A shiba inu or a dobermann will also tear up a kid just like a pit bull.
I'm not anti gun but jesus, some dogs should really need a licence for purchase.
The cognitive dissonance is astounding. This is lefty-tier delusion.
ban guns too I guess. Ban whatever moral panic the media constructs for you, you fucking bluepill
Why can't we ban a dog breed?
Assault rifles or heavy machine guns are banned too in many states
There is no solution, banning the breed will only make it more popular among the trashy types.
A cultural change is needed. Good luck with that.
i like how people bring up how the Little Rascals had a pitbull in the show, but then you read the interviews with the kids as adults and all of them claim that they Peteys were complete assholes.
it's an animal bred for fighting, what is there to discuss. also the fact that most are owned by spics and niggers tells me everything i need to know about them
I kekked.
>the most docile dog I have ever had
Said every pit bull owner ever the day before it bit the head off a baby.
I have a Beauceron, she's great with people
I heard they love children and can usually swallow them two at a time
Banning them would be about as effective as banning guns or drugs.
How was I supposed to know Sup Forums isn't gonna do this the same way hitler defined jewish people?
Blow me you crocodile wrestler.
Honestly I think it's time Pitbull stopped, M.I.A.M.I. was a great era but almost everything he's put out in the last few years has been shit.
If I was Pitbull I'd look into getting into management and put down the mic - we all know Timber ft. Ke$ha won't be beaten and sexy beaches is rubbish. Falling back to management would allow him to still feature in songs, as opposed to being the aged laughing stock.
As an adoring Pitbull fan I really want to travel to Florida and pick up sexy mummas on the beach with a bottle of crystal in hand and sex on my mind. He WAS an inspiration, but now this has worn out and I feel Pitbull would rather spend his time finding a loyal wife rather than in the sun with several hotties.
Please Pitbull, give your fans good memories and not living nightmares. Drop the mic and elevate our hearts. xx
Funny how people don't have any issues with other dog breeds yet people still damage control for pitbulls
Not really, animal populations are easier to control generally speaking, it is harder to hide an animal from authorities, because animals need constant upkeep and people can report the owners if it is seen.
Racists will argue that certain races of dogs are more aggressive than other races of dogs. Can they not see that all dogs are the same and you can't judge them based on the color of their fur?
That said, relatives used to have a quite big golden retriever who'd play with tail wagglingly and the next second viciously attack a familiar person for no apparent reason.
Rottweilers are better.
I swear if some of my neighbors get a pitbull I will poison that cunt dog or give it some tasty razor blades meat balls to eat.
I've owned 6 dogs in my life. Trained them all myself. I can tell you that one of my female pitbuls wouldn't bite anything. She is actually super small and docile I think she was the runt. I do have a pit that if you broke into my house it would kill you. It is easy to tell the difference. I promise you, I live near LA, most of the time when these dogs do crazy shit they have nigger or beaner owners that literally chain them to metal stakes in their backyards.
as far as i remember those are french shepards? have a similar body build also similar color to the doberman, still a great dogo,
dude, see the linck provided by they have less attacks than German Shepards.
Fuck me i've always wanted an English, dopey loveable faces
>Pitbulls (according to study) account for exponentially higher attacks than the dog breed in 2nd place.
the reason pitbulls are responsible for a disproportionate amount of dog attacks is because spics and niggers who think they are the shit buy pitbulls because of their reputation. then they treat the dogs like shit and this of course leads to violence. it's not the dogs fault, it's that subhumans will choose the pitbull as their stereotypical dog.
I took my dog to one of those mobile vaccination clinics a few weeks ago. There was a nigger with two massive pit bulls. Each weighed more than him, no way in hell he could control them if he had to. There was also a woman with a dog that was at least double her weight. Why do people do this?
>Wrong as usual
Pitbulls are not Hunting Dogs, they are working dogs. Pitbulls were bred to move cows to slaughter in a butchers.
Hence why they are intelligent enough to work on their own, but 100% without fail need a human who is willing to work with them.
The issue is you get rednecks and niggers or white middle class fops buying a dog breed that is specialized and demands strict attention.
Pitbulls natural instinct is to "BITE HARD ON THING TO CONTROL IT"
>Pitbulls are freaking hunting dogs.
They were bred for biting the throats out of bulls in pit fights.
Ill buy a plane ticket and open up some freedom on your ass, dogkiller.
Dogs should require a license to show you are not some degenerate then, that way it would not be an issue.
>Faggot dog can't even defeat a 4 year old girl.
Truly the niggers of dogs.
I would rather every dog, cat, and hamster in the world get punched in the face than one human kid get attacked.
You already have to register your dogs here in Cali
chow chows best doggos
Wrong , certain breeds don't need to be banned just proppery dicaplined and contained so they remain docile
I usually support absolute freedom for individuals, but I really think people should have to go through some training or get qualified to own a pit bull. I don't think it is pit bulls that are usually bad but the niggers/spics/shit heads that typically get them for whatever reason.
pitbulls did this
I have had problems with all aggressive breeds, but pit bulls are for the most part raised by trashy people and thus act in kind.
>lack of blacks and mexicans
>pitbull barely appearing in dog attack charts in my country
rlly made me stink
They're nigger dogs. Based horse shows you how to deal with them.
shut up fagot
only a leaf could say something that retarded. A leaf or a shitskin mutt human
Just to continue, it's this same mindset that causes tons of people to buy a Border Collie pet because they think "Oh it's a super smart pet how awesome"
The Collie then becomes a quivering mess that bites and pisses everywhere because Border Collies demand ALOT of Stimulation.
I prefer these niggers right here.
Dobermans look like oversized pinschers now that they banned ear-cropping and tail-docking.
dog racism
blacks and Mexicans are inherently aggressive breeds. look at the statistics, look at prison population.
I really don't understand how people, especially pol, could be so dumb as to not notice this. It is so evident.
its a personal preference. i prefer dobermans facial structure, find it more aesthetic
Doggo is not for kill
as i said here
its a personal preference.
she shouldn't have stuck a finger up it's ass. dog's don't just attack for no reason unless they've been treated like shit
I got her from this breeder in Kent:
I paid for breeding rights, but only bred her once. Her puppies sold for £3500 each. Without breeding rights into the pedigree.
Amazing breed. So energetic and playful. 10/10 would recommend. Expensive upkeep and purchase price though.
we notice
Whenever I and my gf encounter a pitbull in the park I get very nervous
Those dogs fucking stare at you and you feel it's ready to charge. And we all know when it nig out the cuck beta owner wouldn't be able to hold it back
Only trash have trash dogs.
Every fucking pitbull ive met in my town are super aggressive and their owners look like the typical wannabe gangster or wt slut.
>owners whose dogs bite are belligerent jerks
He didn't say that.
Whether your dog turns out to be a piece of shit because you purposely made it that way or because you have no idea what your doing doesn't matter. The end result is the same and you're at fault either way.