#MFGA: We reclaim De Gaulle

#MFGA: We reclaim De Gaulle


We MUST add this strategic weapon to our arsenal. We must reclaim the legacy, the spirit of De Gaulle for our cause.

A bit of History

In France, De Gaulle is widely regarded as the greatest Frenchman to have ever lived. He saved France 2 times, was charismatic and selfless, had a real vision for France. He’s still considered to be France incarnate.

Simply put, nobody criticizes him (but the foulest of leftists)

Sarkozy/Juppé could reclaim him, but they are too globalists to be honestly believed.

Make memes with De Gaulle and Marine, showing they share the same values.

Make it trend: #DeGaulleVoteraitLePen

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More ammo

Claiming De Gaulle (appeal to ethos) would work very fairly good with old normies.

Bump for the Francobros



Can we meme De Gaulle on our side?

De Gaulle was an incompetent cuck, you really shouldn't be celebrating that fucking box head.


fuck that frog and fuck french people

De Gaulle was a dick who despised Englishmen for no good reason, and was a shit commander and an even shitter politician.

Wrong. That's what the media tried to push to discredit her. Just try to give me a credible source, fucking commie.

How about no. Vive La France.

Wrong. Putin gave her money, not arabs.

Churchill was a cunt and you know it.


>Just try to give me a credible source
I hope you know French, i won't translate these articles

shitty 2007 meme is still shitty in 2017

Peut être, mais le FN le voudrait bien

But De Gaulle was a racist, sexist dictator. I don't want anything to do with this old white man.

t. Leftiste

I'm French and I know about those articles. There's no proof about financement, just rumors. And those rumors come from the fact FN is trying to find partners in the Middle East to counter balance Qatar and Saudi Arabia. EAU are a potential one since they're not as batshit insane as other petromonarchy. Still, no funding.

You relcaim.

As if you proxy fags have a rigth to claim anything european.

Schu back to niggmerica, civil war is awaiting.