Who's worse

Sweden or Germany?

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white scandinavia is the true arisk.. so sweden.. germans are not pure.



quality discussion



sweden by a long shot: germany has given up on the refugees and have begun to fight back where as in sweden if your a roach then you get a free pass for anything you demand + theres talk in sweden of a islamic party starting to establish because they are all getting citizenship (would never be allowed elsewhere) #WelcomeToSwedistan


Oh! Come on guys! In your country take years to take the crimes on TV in Germany denounce them.

>mfw when an Islamic party start operating in Sweden and Sweden is almost 50% Islam

Will be glorious

Because Germany is an occupied country after WW2 with open policies towards changing the behaviour of the population.

Sweden did this shit to themselves
>Yes I know (((they))) had a hand in it too, so does everywhere


they are more cucked by muslims and other shitskins than we are and they are at least 10 years ahead when it comes to degenerate gender politics

this sweden is sucking as much figurative cock as it is real cock

>Flag check
>Called dibs
Your move Sweden



>germany has given up on the refugees

Nice proxy Hans.


sweden is an embarrassment to the human race

Mentallity Sweden is ubercuck of europe

Actual policy Germany by a million miles

I'm pretty sure you've taken in more than 150k refugees. Which would bigger than the percentage of them that we have taken in.

> welcome to swedistan
statistically sweden is the only western country in decline based of the Piza tests for schools and UN observations

atleast winter in sweden will scare some of them home, cant wait to see them wearing polar jackets


Sweden has a long history of being cucks going back hundreds of years of Cuckdom
Its relatively recent for Germany

I don't think so Luukas

>sweden is an embarrassment to the white race



80% musslim.
60% terrorists.
200% lost.


We don't have the whole gender equality and feminism bullshit in Germany. The whole concept of SJW is still pretty foreign. We are cucked when it comes to the refugee situation but then you also have to keep in mind that we haven't been a homogenous country for many years already. When a large part of your population has a migration background (in some large cities about 50%) do you really think immigrants are opposed to immigration?






Der ewige jude.

Open borders for israel.
Take in the refugees.


over my dead body

If nukes fell on both countries i wouldn't mourn them.

Let's do this right.


Sweden x1000. They have gender equality snow ploughing. Im not joking.


lol heres the proof, solid read
bye bye sweden, hello swedistan

This. Fools looking only at refugees. When it comes to having 70 different genders and forcing boys to become girls, Sweden is on it's own level.

Swedish guys are the most feminine guys in Europe.

I just want to mention “feminist snow plowing“ here
Everytime i think germany is fucking crazy it doesnt take long until theres a new story from sweden that absolutely wrecks everything heard before in cuckery

>do you really think immigrants are opposed to immigration?
Immigrants vote for AfD, my friend. They don't like refugees at all.

Is Sweden on the left or right?

This whole "Who is the biggest cuck" circlejerking isn't helping anyone.
Not only our both countries but vast parts of Europe are incredibly cucked and overrun.
Instead of looking for a scapegoat among ourselves we need to look at the problems at hand.

der ewige burger


can you translate this for me


Left is older and more grizzled so it's Sweden as Mudslimes have been there a long time.
Right is younger and fresh off the battlefield so it's a Syrian refugee hence Germany.

Top kek.

Merkel will definitely lose the next general election now that Brexit and Trump has won. Nationalism has gained so much momentum over the past five months that she couldn't possibly win.

>women into the kitchen homos into the gas t. Afd politican
>some ballot where somone voted afd
>a train going to aleppo
>refugee mad

Germany confirmed biggest cuck.

I dont know, politically Europe and America have been like scales - if one goes right the other goes left. With the exception of Britbong which usually follows the American trend.

Germany for allowing them all to come over to begin with. It's all their fault.

Like you invited a shitload of polish people a few years ago? Fuck off Pat, you are pretty high on the cuck scale as well

Let's hope that. Problem is, as she is losing steam, a coalition of red-red-green gets more likely. (socialist "democrats", outright commies and "greens" who are basically vegan commies).
If this fucking SJW government comes together , which at this point isn't too unlikely, there will be no going back anymore.
You thought Merkel was a catastrophy? Just wait until you see the likes of these lunatics.
Let's hope Kek won't let me and my country down.

My feeling is Swedes are bigger cucks but what they do to themselves is inconsequential to the rest of us. Germany have fucked us all though with Merkel. So I say Germany is worse.


Immigrants are apparently more based than Germans, because they understand what it means when gorillions of refugees stream into your country.

Same reason a majority of Cubans voted for Trump.

The only people actually cucking our country are ourselves.

>Problem is, as she is losing steam, a coalition of red-red-green gets more likely
My biggest nightmare. The more votes AfD takes from CDU the more likely this is going to happen. It's a terrible situation.

I'd have to say Sweden. The reason is even though you are equal in your faggotry right now, Germany has fallen and risen several times and it's never really been good for a very long time.

Sweden was literally a near paradise. The only thing you had to do keep being a great country was to not let hordes of brown people in. That's it. You simply had to remain in your default state as you had forever. A thousand years of not letting in all the brown people and you just couldn't stick to it. It actually took much more work to fuck up your country than it would have to continue being great. Sweden's situation is akin to driving a tank through a wildlife preserve, but then hopping out of the tank, covered in blood, wondering why a lion is suddenly chewing on your face.

And that's why Sweden is the worst.

Sorry Hans but it may have to come to that. The UK had to endure 13 years of Labour to wake the fuck up. It may have to be the same with Germany.

But thats not a reason not to vote afd
Give the cucks and gutmenschen what they wanted and what they deserve
Give us full red red green and let this country burn in flames
Wer nicht hören will muss fühlen

they have an extremely low population and tried to cheat their way to the big boys table by importing browns

Ayyyy...isn't this from 1001.. Arabian Nights? Used to watch this as a kid. Nightmare fuel.

Believe me, if it really gets to that point, shit won't stay calm for long. CDU government is bad, but it is classic status quo.
People endure it because "at least it doesn't affect me that much personally".
Red red green would mean absolutley unrestricted mass immigration - even more than now i might add - and full fledged censorship and pardoning of every crime comitted by a "new German".
This is the point where the majority can't look away.

Next year there are three options:
-a big red black coalition as slow but steady continuation of our current path into destruction
-a very unlikely strong AfD who can somewhat start the process of uncucking
-Red-red-green, which i fear is very likely

Let's just all hope for the best.

Never said that. One of the things that the Trump victory did for us propably was inducing exactly this thought.

i think its from that movie made by the south park guys


> Foreigners start raping your women
> Men get angry and want to protest
> Yes Gustav
> Men put on skirts and high-heels and walk the streets to protest
> noooo

I feel like Sweden is worse because not only are they culturally enriched but also most PC country in the world.

Something is wrong about this picture...

Oh look, the kid with the white skin is actually younger than the brownskin.

Guess what that implies about the fidelity of that woman...


Maybe that kid just won the gene lottery? I've seen this posted before and really makes you think.


These two are full sisters. The older one is almost sand nigger tier while the younger is pretty fucking white.


Do you even follow swedish politics at sll or do you just read Sup Forums?

Truth is that sweden now has some of the strictest immigration politics in europe. We're still cucks but at least we dont keep going like germany

sweden, because of this fucking ikea shit


I found source. They really are from the same parents. Imagine the envy of the older shitskin brother lmao.

i dont know where this gender shit comes from

in my life i have NEVER met someone who was openly gay or whatever else there is and nor was it forced upon me in school

but fake articles on pol tell me otherwise so i guess theyre right

>the dutch

this desu

Sweden.Turks are far better than arabs

t. Mehmed

Greetings from the greater european caliphate!

Sweden started higher, has fallen farther, and is now beyond saving.

>Turks are far better than arabs
turk detectet

...and thats only on the economy.

don't forget

i million divided over 80 million, versus 150 divided over 10 million.
Pretty sure Germany's worse in the long run at least.

Nice one Mehmed

Keep telling yourself that
Youjustput immigration to a temporary halt because you were already on the brink of collapse
I used to feel pity for your country now i feel nothing but disgust
Fucking cucks


I think you just act like faggots. It's a common joke in Finland that Swedes are gay and apparently Norwegians think so too.


sweden has batshit insane irakis and afghanis
germany has turks


The land of faggots

Are you mad because merkel is still bringing in thousands per day?

What's worse? Having sex with a horse or a bull?

Both are terrible.