Dear Sup Forums
Enjoy your pro-Muslim president.
Dear Sup Forums
Look, he's pro-trans too!
How do it feels being taken in the ass by Trump?
Everybody worth talking to already knew that would happen.
People didn't elect him so he could ban muslims and kill fags, people wanted him because he WON'T fuck shit up, or at least won't have the direct power to.
People want a president that won't arrest people who don't remember a million fucking gender pronouns or fill all positions of leadership with dumb incompetent cunts who don't know the difference between a country with nukes and a country without them.
It's already reappeared shill.
wow we've been duped. lets go riot
Walid all talal has "convinced" him
Drumsticks will know the true meaning of the word BTFO
The goal was never to get a conservative president at least for me. It's a plus if he does the stuff he promised. He was running as a politician and I expect him to lie and flip on issues after his briefing from Obama.The very fact that the current image of Trump is a racist, pussy-grabbing misogynist that the media seems to propagate and the sheep of course eating all that shit up. People are rioting. People are. getting red-pilled. Everyone is angry. I wanted change. I wanted the United States to burn. We can only see strength through chaos. We struggle because of these changes and in most cases, we grow stronger. I'm just an outsider enjoying the chaos.
>back pedaling this hard
nothing gets more pathetic than a trumplet
He's already put it back on his site, CTR JIDF.
He can't ban ex-president after all.
>Suspend, on a temporary basis, immigration from some of the most dangerous and volatile regions of the world that have a history of exporting terrorism.
Hello CTR,
how can I join you and how much do you get paid?
Yep. Changed it to actual countries, which is something that can actually be done.
He can just give refugee status to the christians then
oh of course they all scurry away like cockroaches once proven wrong.
ill be here all day you fucking shitposters and concern shills.
Silly Pole
nice b8
but kinda outdated tho
> Dear retard who still trusts the media,
All of the press releases for everything were taken down. It means nothing.