Nobody here actually believes that the "good guys" lost WW2 and the "bad guys" won WW2, right?
You're not that fucking retarded, right?
Nobody here actually believes that the "good guys" lost WW2 and the "bad guys" won WW2, right?
You're not that fucking retarded, right?
fuck off
This board is satire normally mate. That's how I knew this place. It has changed
The russians were good guys. They dindu nuffin.
i guess since you only presented 2 different sides then it must be limited to those choices right?
is it possible war is bad? both sides were evil?
Perhaps you need to look in a mirror before you accuse people of retardation
It's an uncomfortable truth that we should've made peace in 1941, whatever you think of the Nazis. I'm not a fan of National Socialism, but the West really has suffered radically since 1945.
good goy.
>pol is satire
kill yourself
Look outside your window Hans, you know the answer.
This is not an argument. You are obnoxious.
>germany ruins europe for the third time in 100 years
no good guys really, soviet Russia was pretty awful and retarded eastern Europe to this very day.
After you get off your prayer rug take a good look around your country. And you tell me.
Well, there's bad and there's bad.
And Germany was a traitor to countless, old allies, relatively young allies, parts of their own people... no they were not good in that regard at all.
Otherwise it was just a battle of ideologies, in which fascism fell as the first one due to it's pillage-and-burn mentality that allowed fast growth by crudely consuming its direct environment and self, then communism as its system contained no proper internal corrections, and eventually capitalism as its failsafes relied on endless growth to function.
And surrender like a cuck? Fuck Hitler I hate him so much. It's because of that bitch you can't be openly nationalist, it's because of him political correctness exists. Fuck Hitler and all the nazis. REEEEE
>good and bad
>Even if you believed in bad >believing a nation self determining is bad
>Believing da good guys only fighted because da mean Germans was killing all the innocent multicultural people
No, nobody here is so silly as to question the narrative
Yeah Sure mate. It is just... satire.
I do not believe there were real good or bad guys in the WW2.
Every country had it's agendas that were painted as good and the respective agendas of others painted as bad.
in general a german victory would have united europe and removed communism from play, on the other hand many ideas of the enlightenment such as division of power and political pluralism would have either perished or be downplayed
all in all it would have been better for europe as a continent if germany won
Would western civilization be in real danger of collapsing and the white race being exterminated if the Nazis won?
Fuck no.
The scum have taken over. I'll just be a lurker from now on.
Some of the bad guys lost some of them won.
Bring dich um Achmed
Why is it then that after defeating the anti-cominterns, we immediately went to fighting communism for roughly half a century?
There are no "good guys".
Only racial self interest and self preservation.
Why does it matter so much if the white race dies out?
Hey, I'm not saying I'm glad all that shit happened, mostly for the reasons you gave. If it were up to me, Germany and Britain should've made an alliance back before the First World War so that both world wars wouldn't have even existed, along with Nazism. And, had peace been made earlier on and we'd allowed Hitler his realm of influence on the continent, political correctness wouldn't exist and traditionalism and racial consciousness wouldn't be as demonised because of it. For the sake of Western Civilisation and the future of the European countries and their peoples? I would've definitely surrendered. We're more cucked today than we ever could've been under a new order.
Well, actually, their internal stability would not have outlasted a victory very long.
We'd likely be in an area similar to present day Syria for the past 50 years.
>Hitlers fault
>not the people who made him lose the war
>some governments beat some other governments
sure, good people never win a war, by definition they are the losers.
I'm not a fan of national socialism and it's aggressiveness but I have to admit as a fascist the west got fucked over hard. It always pains me to see pictures of dead European soldiers who died for their homelands in a war that was unwinnable. The German soldier was mislead by his aggressive government into campaings that would end in failure. There was no way that continental Europe stood a chance against the USSR, UK, and USA. It pains me to know that those soldiers died in vain. But I cannot change the past. The Axis was in over it's head. The best we can do now is keep our ideals alive through friends, family, and actions that can benefit the world.
The Germans weren't the bad guys. The warmongers who lead them to failure were.
T. Pascifistic fascist
Because you are dependent on them, my dear Mohammed.
White is not a race. Arabs, Persians, Jews, Mestizos, Europeans and Euroasians are not one race of people. Even in those subcategories, they are too broad to be called a race.
>German flag
Of fucking course.
>He thinks the future of the white race is something to joke about
Kys bong
The good guys won WWII for the worst guys while cooperating with some pretty bad guys to sweep the other guys under the rug
purpose for the war was to create israel, israel was created.
pic related right side "a nazi goes to palestina" left side "and tell from the attack".
the Nazis won, the National Zionist.
National Socialist would be Naso or not?
also hitler himself was probably a plant in order to have justification for the creation of israel. someone had to go after the jews because in their scrolls its written they can only return when there are they are 6.000.000 less, thats why pre WW2 you get always headlines with "6 million jews threatened" "6 million jewish lives in danger" etc because they pushed for the justification to get back to israel, and when someone has to go after the jews why not controlled opposition who actually doesnt harm them actively but makes it seem and later on easily twist in that direction.
and since the german government, or at least hitler was involved in the plan it there wasn a good side. so yes, the bad guys won
Good goy.
False dichotomy
Good vs Evil is from a dream like fantasy land where tinkerbell and Peter Pan live. There is far too many shades of grey to pretend it was that straight forward.
>American posters
left side is "and tells of it during the attack"
however here are examples of how they pushed the 6 gorillion story pre WW2
There were no good or bad guys.
Sup Forums narrative is just a lie-filled as the Jew narrative.
Your fault they're like this though, can't blame a scarred child for its delusions.
Name me one war where the bad guys one
If that doesn't show you that history is written by the victors I don't know what will
I'd sacrifice every single Jew on the planet if it meant WWII didn't happen.
fuck off, ahmed
some guys lost, some guys won
some war picture sharing board believes that some guys who lost, should have won
Ok course not Hans. The only good German is a dead German.
Both normies and you are faggots, but you are a special kind of faggot.
>He still thinks the good guys won
Don't assume everyone with an American flag is American. Anyone shilling orthodoxy is likely a Russian proxy.
Brilliant picture, quite true too.
Normalfag, right?
your time is up shitskin
Hitler was right
America incited Pearl Harbor by enacting crippling economic sanctions against a country that was no threat to us and was only engaging in the same empire building everyone else had done a few years prior, we knew it would happen, and FDR wanted it as an excuse to enter war with Germany
I believe Hitler was a retard and the loss of the war and everything that followed is his fault entirely.
Shame that the German people had to suffer for his mistakes in war and after the war.
And I was a Naziboo throughout my adolescent. Even a few teachers knew that I was some what of a Nazi sympathizer although not outright a Nazi. Hopefully the true Nazis realize that the Nazi Party and its leadership were hopelessly misguided. The so called triumphs of Nazism, Hitler conquering most of Europe, is not a triumph of Nazism but of German industry, technology and innovation that had existed long before Hitler came into relevance. All Hitler did was ignore the Treaty which allowed Germany to resasert itself militarily and economically. It doesn't take a genius to do understand this. I mean isn't that what Charles Dawes did?
'neither side was good or evil' unfortunately you can't say that without coming across as a fence sitting faggot
I think germany's government was slightly more kike infested, so in that sense the slightly less evil side won
I wouldnt mind the existence of a strong NS state like WW2 germany, but attacking everyone else seems inherent in that, so perhaps it just cant work
Nah, I'm also not under the delusion that the Allied forces were some bunch of saints. If you will recall we did ally ourselves to a guy who was actually responsible for more deaths than Hitler simply because it was expedient. That image you're posing is propaganda, it is designed by governments for the specific purpose of manipulating people's emotions to make them more amenable to that government's policies. Allied soldiers were not heroic saints, Axis soldiers were not demonic monsters, wars are not black and white.
This. The allies weren't saints either and I'm especially not fond of the "justice" that was delivered at Nuremberg. The fact that the allies had called Nuremberg "just" was a far from a reality. We allied ourselves with the devil. Even Churchill admits that. But as long as the Devil was against Hitler we were fine with it.
love these
>The complexities of war, society, and ideology can be boiled down to a simple "good" and "evil" dichotomy.
You're why politics is full retard today.
Die you fucking commie-cuck
I don't know, it seems like we're being invaded and replaced and if dare to protest we are often as not arrested
If you honestly think the Soviet Union were the 'good guys' you're fucking stupid.
We were right to fight the Nazis, but we shouldn't have done so on same side as the Soviets.
we do.
you're brainwashed.
closeted nazi self hating cuck lmao
>It's because of that bitch you can't be openly nationalist
>makes a bigger effort than anyone ever to fight for his people's right to be nationalist as fuck
>hurr ids his folt we carnt b nashnulist
>Germany slaughtered innocent Jews just because they practiced a religion Hitler didn't like
>Hitler wanted to create an Aryan blonde haired, blue eyed master race and euthanize anyone else
Yeah, no. I can't believe people unironically defend the Nazis
>inb4 A
Not an argument, actually come up with a defense instead of shitposting about a flag.
>You're not that fucking retarded, right?
The USSR won so yeah bad guys one and Germany was betrayed by their own ethnic kin
Even the most bluepilled historian could look at your post and laugh at how much of an oversimplification your view of NS Germany/Hitler is.
You've said nothing of merit, no argument to be made against you, you've defeated yourself.
>>Germany slaughtered innocent Jews just because they practiced a religion Hitler didn't like
>Hitler wanted to create an Aryan blonde haired, blue eyed master race and euthanize anyone else
Oy vey, he also made lampshades, soap and footballs out of God's chosen. And let's not forget the masturbation machines or desks made out of bones!
>uses won and one in the same sentence
>uses them as having the same meaning
>being this illiterate
Mate, have you been outside in the past two years? Your country has been passively turning into a multiculti caliphate and Europe has been getting fucked both figuratively and literally by poor dune coons and niggers from the 3rd world.
You tell me, Hans. You really think history is so black and white that there's always a good guy and always a bad guy?
Yeah, Germans, you fucked it up real bad, why did you invade and kill all your white European brothers? Couldn't you have just colonized some niggers?
Hitler was literally just liberating countries occupied by the Jews.
>Binary distinction of good and evil
Check your privilege. Oh wait Merkel already made sure you do.
Only japs, krauts and pastas have a right to call their side of conflict good guys. Anyone who's grandfather fought them telling this is a cuck.
Reagrdless, they made some fucking awesome looking propaganda posters back then. Why don't we have stuff like that now?
Daily reminder that the reason the Holocaust is pushed so hard is actually because it's the only reason we're considered the "good guys" of WWII and without it we'd obviously be bad.
>pol is satire
Considering we made Brexit happen and elected Trump as president, we're pretty much on the level of Joseph Goebbels right now
It isn't a matter of "thinking" anything. It is an objective, observable fact.
The Nazis shouldn't have worn all-black. The propaganda writes itself.
I like it how jews push their six gorillion down our throats when nazis exterminated equal gorillions if not more of our own civilian population. No one calls it slavcoast though.
Member when the Germans had The Wehrmacht , SS and Gestapo?
i can't believe people unironically pretend nazi germany did it all by themself. even the US helped us by selling us zyklon B (I.G. Farben was a financial partner with John D. Rockefeller and Standard Oil of New Jersey in a company called Standard I.G. Farben) the last units defending berlin were the FRENCH 33. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS „Charlemagne“ and the scandinavian 11. SS-Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadier-Division „Nordland“
No, I believe there weren't really any good guys in that war though
Some modern ones are pretty good.
>praise kek
I do blame germans for that but I blame my retarded government at that time much more. They are the ones truly responsible for that disaster. We could've easily allied with reich and march east.
>communism would be eradicated
>millions of polish lives would be saved
>our cities wouldn't be ruined
>our intelectual elite and highest tier genepool would be spared
>no soviet rapebabies
>no 50 years of communists ruining our wealth and society
>even our jews would have a better status (probably 100% safely deported)
You forgot the two Romanian SS Regiments that got obliterated whilst defending Berlin from the russians.
Waffen-Grenadier Regiment der SS (Rumänisches Nr. 1, Nr.2) - lead commanders:
No. 1: SS-Sturmbannführer Gustav Wagner
No. 2: SS-Standartenführer Albert Ludwig
Two of my grandpa's brothers were part of these batalions, both of them died.