Does he have interesting and compelling stories? Did the Priest run blow you away or was it average?

Does he have interesting and compelling stories? Did the Priest run blow you away or was it average?

I'm currently reading Christopher Priest due to recommendations here but, it's kind of dull. Especially at he beginning where all it is, is Everett Ross just talking for issues on end.

white wolf was my favorite character

I've enjoyed everyone of them, but I'd recommend

>Ta'Nehisi Coates for a very dense story about politics an dphilosophy, moreso than action. There's also great african inspirations used to amazing effect.

>Priest for a quintessential idea of the character in a fun story with great humor

>Hudlin for the 6 issue mini series where Panther just kicks ass plain and simple

I just finished volume 2, whats your opinion on these? I usually hear a lot of hate for coates and hudlin but what you wrote got me to give them another chance

Panther's Rage and Priest's run are really the best you can find, there are some other decent, but unmemorable ones.

Hudlin is cancer.

Honestly, the people who don'tlike Hudlin get triggered over not much. It's fun, full of action, and depicts BP as an enigmatic and badass being. But they got mad because theUS is represented as an imperialistic asshole country hellbent on conquering Wakanda because it aligns with nobody.

As for Coates, I just read the story A country Under Our Feet, but it was amazing. Lots of layers, difficult choices, philosophy on being a king and a symbol. It's all about how his country doesn't believe in him anymore, and a huge revolution is afoot. The thing is he can't stop it just by punching folks, he's gonna have to make hard choices and find a compromise. It also has some great writing, very poetic, reminds me of african stories and poems, which in fact links into Shuri who becomes inspired by a hugely important african figure. If someone didn't like it, I suspects it's because it's not action packed enough, or some shit like "It's boring" which I understand as "I didn't get it".

I just started Priest, but his run is very interesting. introduces loads of elements that inspired the movie btw, and dives into BP as a tough and storng leader with uncommon pressures on his shoulders. It's seen through the eyes of the obnoxious white dude Ross because he allows us to discover the enigmatic figure the way he does. And he's pretty too so why not.

If you can ignore his caustic politics Coates is a pretty good writer. Just don't read The Crew

>I suspects it's because it's not action packed enough, or some shit like "It's boring" which I understand as "I didn't get it".
It's more about his pacing. Most comic writers who don't have a background in the industry or didn't grow up with comics tend to have issues with pacing. Also his dialogue can be pretty stiff and unnatural but I don't really hold that against him.

Hudlin's run is simply of poor quality. Characterization is thin, he engages in character-centric morality, his political messages, whether or not you agree with him, are ham-handed, and he had continuity issues. It 's not the worst thing ever, but when you compare it to Priest's preceding run it's notably inferior.


Just wondering if you read Coates' run in trade form? From the issues of it that I read, I felt like it would probably read a lot better all at once instead of monthly. It had some interesting ideas, but the pace was glacial.

Maybe I should give it another shot.

Priest and McGregor

Coates' run will probably read best in an omnibus.

Did anyone read the Lee and Kirby appearance?

As a trade yeah. I too figured reading it in pieces probably wasn't the best solution.

This dude writes like a novelist. I like it that way.

>read priest because Sup Forums says its good
>whole issues are about some mousey white dude instead of black panther

Apart from Priest's run, try out whatever Hickman wrote of him.

He wrote a very, very, very good Panther. The King of the Dead storyline he started was brilliant.

Also, Al Ewing's Ultimates run.

Ross is likable as hell though. Guy was given a job way too big for him but he manages to do it i went through the same shit he did with nicole

third volume is a bunch of different one shots.

last volume is about an abusive jewish dude that takes over his mantle

Ross moves more into the background later on.

I do like Priest's idea of making T'Challa enigmatic to the reader by not giving him any internal monologue like most comics do. There's more tension because you never quite know what T'Challa has up his sleeve.

He's gotta more depth than a handful of A Listers but he isn't much of a game changer

Black namor. His depth is how far he sticks it up susan storm

He fucked Storm.

>Black Panther
>Complex Character

Why is this canon

Nonvampire blade

It's an okay read if you like Kirby

Reading kirby always makes me feel like im about to be fisted by slavic women

Coates had some great ideas, but the execution was shit since it was his first attempt at fiction.

I found Coates' writing way too dry. Its hard to put into words when I'm this tired, but it felt like his character and dialogue was very 'grand eloquent', more concerned with making proclamations and conveying the writer's messages rather than sounding like actual human beings most of the time. Coates came in with a lot of fanfare as an intellectual essayist of critical renown, so it feels more like the reception was to him doing comics than it was to what he actually wrote, which is solid but uneven and a bit dull.

>But they got mad because theUS is represented as an imperialistic asshole country hellbent on conquering Wakanda because it aligns with nobody
The whole 'we cured cancer but we won't share because whites are evil' bit was pretty off-putting, as well as rewriting a lot of Black Panther lore and backstory. He didn't exactly put his best foot forward, and he very much wrote BET Black Panther.

One thing I liked about Priest's run was the respect he showed to previous Black Panther takes. He wasn't just doing his own thing, he was building off Don McGregor and Lee/Kirby. He had his own take on BP as a person, and grew Wakanda, but he didn't set fire to old books to do it. Hudlin noticeably started his BP run by rewriting T'Challa's origin story and doing weird stuff to the Wakaanda the readers had grown used to.

I liked that he invented Shuri, but I dislike that he jettisoned Hunter and the Hatut Zeraze, removing some of T'Chaka's moral ambiguity. One of the great bits in the Priest run was T'Challa realizing his father wasn't a perfect monarch, and that a king can't always be a perfect hero and have a stable kingdom.

- F4 53-53 for his origin and old school comic stuff

- Panther's Rage if you like old, wordy comics. It is incredibly wordy and tchalla gets beat up a lot but its pretty

- Priest run always

- Geoff John's Avengers: Red Zone is the best Panther related Avenger's arc

- Hudlin if you arent a little bitch that gets triggered easily. Its a rather simple, action oriented comic

- The New Fantastic Four arc is solid prime McDuffie

- See Wakanda and Die is perfection

- vol 5/Shuri run if you want some Shuri

- Doom War if you are a DoomFag and hate Black Panhter

- Man Without Fear/Most Dangerous Man Alive if you want some street level, depowered Panther with a stupid premise but is really well written and great art

- Hickman's New Avengers/Infinity/tTRO/SW features t'challa heavily

- Coates run if you need something to help you fall asleep at night

- The Ultimates by ewing is ok ish

- World of Wakanda is literal cancer and doesn't feature Tchalla

- The Crew was horrifically slow and boring

- the current Rise of the Black Panther is off to a great start.

Hudlin was tasked with writing an alternate reality Black Panther story.

it sold so well and people liked it so much that Marvel just made it canon.

The rewriting ot he origin really isn't Hudlin's fault, but Marvel.

If it helps, the new Rise of the Black Panther book kind of merged the two origins and retconned stuff

Black Panther works better as a supporting character, you see, you like him because he is not a mass murderer as some of his pal are, but it never goes beyond that...

>>If it helps, the new Rise of the Black Panther book kind of merged the two origins and retconned stuff
I've been meaning to check that out, but I'm a poorfag.

I don't agree but I do think he works better as an 'Ahab', not necessarily the primary POV but filtered through other people/an 'Ishmael'. It adds mystique to the character when he's one step removed from the reader.

Also, hi Juni. Pretty sure you're posting in here.

basically, in the new merged origin

- Wakanda was always advanced (hudlin)
- Flags of our Fathers still happened (hudlin)
- T'challa's real mom Nyami is reponsible for a lot of the crazy tech (shes a super scientist like tchalla)
- Hunter exists (priest)
- Klaw kills tchaka and gets arm blown off by tchalla (original)
- shuri exists (hudlin)
- tchalla beats syan to get mantle (hudlin)

none of the cure for cancer stuff but the "we hate outsiders" stuff is still prevalent. in fact, some of the elders are pissed Azzuri gave cap vibranium.

but also... tchaka calls howard stark for help actually.

Wait- a coates book is good?

>Hunter exists
Fuck yeah. My favourite evil step-brother in comics.

Rise is written by Evan Narcisse

Yep, written by Evan.

they just put fucking Coates name first on the book because he is an egotistical dickface.

he literally hasn't hasn't written a single word or done a single interview abotu the book.

honestly after dealing with Sup Forumstards on twitter (and then quitting twitter) I think he deeply regrets doing Black Panther.

I've tried so hard to get into bp. Priest loses me pretty quick. Hudlin was okay for action pulp. Don was cool I guess, never made it to issue two. I don't remember much from Coates outside of lesbians.

doubt it

He'd quit then. instead he is talking about season three/galactic empire crap

dude's run is such a misopportunity. so many eyeballs on BP and he botched it with his boring ass T'chumpa so he could focus on lesbians no one cares about