Do you read the official overwatch comics?
Do you read the official overwatch comics?
How about they make some real fucking lore first instead of making bullshit up along as they go?
We had ONE event on the Omnic Crisis to go off on, and we still hardly know what the fuck is going on canon wise.
Considering Chu retcons various details every other second I don’t think there is much hope for a concise well written plot. Fans seem to remember the story details better than the writers do.
I wonder when we are going to get OW Civil War over the filthy Omnics?
They're Omniggers, say it right. So them no mercy.
I used to. They're the reason I no longer play Overwatch.
This, you can only care so much about a plot like "Tracer gives Winston a pity visit on Christmas and takes her dyke gf with her"
Why does anyone put up with those fuckers?
I'm afraid Blizzard is content to put out thin origin stories and let the fans work their own head canons based on lines of in-game dialogue.
Omnics don't even make sense lorewise in the game. They're robots that can turn murderous at the flip of a switch. Of course people are gonna be less than trusting of them.
That comic makes me sad.
Murderous robots are no joke, mate.
I just hope we get Zen lore eventually.
Zenyatta short never.
Goddammit Zenyatta never change
The first time I read this I honestly thought it was about Rein wanting to fuck Torb's daughter.
>Theyre way too old to be fucking his daughter.
>You really wanted to ride my daughter huh
They can't, because who knows how many characters they can come up with, that played a major/minor role in the story.
If they want to make something, they either have to make it as bland as possible, so they can add characters later on, or focus on 2-3 things each time and have small stories, that vaguely touch the bigger story.
I see nothing wrong with showing them mercy.
As long as it's the battle Valkyrie herself raining a hail of gunfire from above
Yeah, I'm a big fan of the game and I like the comics. I'd love more Bengal ones.
Which is basically the plot behind Deus Ex: MD
>dead Miller
Well they already ruined my headcanon that Pharah is 76 and Ana's daughter.
We know his lore.
He was among the Omnics that found religion, built a monastary, and ended Judgement Day with mantras beamed to all the other Omniums.
Then he got sick of all the rest of the religious Omnics just sitting in a monastary and converting others instead of going out into the world to preach, so he became a Komusō and joined Overwatch towards the end of its existence. Once it ended, Genji was left without a purpose and was suicidal and rage-filled, so Zen stuck with him and taught him zen.
Now he’s back in the reborn Overwatch. His only connection to other characters is Genji and thus Hanzo, Tracer failing to save his friend and fellow religion founder, Widowmaker killing that guy, and generic Omnic plot.
They cancelled a book because it was gonna interfere with fan theories. Let that sink for a second
It makes sense.
Overwatch exists because they made a generic gritty team shooter that nobody liked including the guys who worked on it that was so bad that it made Metzen quit, then they axed everything they didn’t like and said “fuck it, just make it fun and we’ll see who likes it”.
That “fun” design is so integral they literally took one of the production notes of “no flying cars” and said “fuck it, ALL vehicles fly even when it doesn’t make sense, except Roadhog’s motorcycle because that makes it more cool”.
The entire game is basically an experiment, like TF2 ironically. But while Valve sees TF2 not as a real game but as a way to test gameplay and financing mechanics, Blizzard sees Overwatch as a PR experiment to see what fans like and react to.
Well my fan theory involved Tracer being straight and they didn't care about that, so whatever.
What do you lot think about the current theory of Winston’s “dad” Winston being alive?
That's not exactly true, the comic was written when the game was still in development and the end results were so different from each other they felt cancelling it would be better. I mean, Jack was a ginger and Ana's color was green. Jeff has said they don't want to "interfere" with fan headcanons, but that might be PR "everything is valid!" talk.
That doesn't mean Overwatch's lore isn't a slow mess, though.
IDK how someone can survive being vacuumed into space (unless he was conveniently wearing a suit), I think it's a Hammond hint desu.
Hammond in a wheelchair?
Also, Winston’s suit was missing. Everyone assumed gorilla Winston took the suit, but it could be human Winston realized he should put on a space suit before investigating inside an airlock.