Feminist science
Feminist science
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Like... what the fuck does that prove? Does the man always have to step out of the woman's way now?
Prove it.
Not surprising. Their science is as groundless and baffling as their art, which consists primarily of menstrual blood and feces.
>Experiment: driving down the wrong side of the road and so far have collided with 15 cars. Why don't they move? #patriarchy
>feminist logic
>take societal norm
>attempt to disrupt societal norm
>target only men
>attempt to change societal norm for everyone
France has surrendered on 100% of 2nd world wars ever
>French are pussies
Seems to work :^]
>men have to step away
Why, you find women repulsive, you misogynistic white male?
You can't win, desu
There is an actual reason people move out of the way.
It's because they're shorter and would be hurt more from the impact. If some 6'5 linebacker is walking down the street, I move out of his way too - because he can just brush it off, but I just got slammed with 250 pounds.
This usually goes one of two ways:
1)the smaller person moves
2)each person moves slightly to their right hand side
Her sister will probably get a PhD for this groundbreaking study
>then she claimed to the police about sexual assault and bump rape
>28 guys are in jail right now
Conclusion: feminists are ugly and guys tend not to look at them.
sound the alarm, we've got a game changer here folks
28? There should have been one and a trip to the hospital
lol i openly carry a gun, if a woman moved into a collision course with me on the sidewalk i'd probably stop dead and stare at them until they moved on. i already have to do that to beggars and i don't see that women are much different these days, especially feminists.
I'm confused, because doesn't modern feminism preach that men and women are equal and that doing polite actions like holding a door open is sexist? If that is the case then why should guys move out of this cunt's way?
I think it proves that if you don't move out of the way when someone is coming at you, there will be contact.
This reeks of bullshit. Anytime I cross paths with someone I always move further to the right and so does the other person.
Well yeah, the smaller, lighted party gains the most by moving out of the way usually.
'S why i don't need to move for manlets either but will avoid landwhales if i encounter them.
>be walking down street
>feminist hamplanet bowling ball charges at me head on and runs me over like the boulder from Indiana Jones
>get arrested for sexism 5 minutes later
>no where does it claim that it's science
>faggots freak out
Stalking some nobody on twitter just so that you could try and get a moral highground with your le alt right internet bros. Literally worse than SJWs.
this is heightism, not sexism
there's a video from like a fucking decade or so ago or something showing what happens when a short man walks against traffic versus what happens to a tall man. I can't even find it now despite how easy it used to be to find because google had their (((algorithm))) push the new manslamming epidemic to the top
again feminists taking what is essentially a male issue and making it about them.
>No controls
>Not defining location of study
>Not defining time of study
>Not stating how many people present in study
>No other variable besides woman/men
>How many women has she collided with?
>No statistics present
I bet it will get a roaring admission into a high-tier (((gender studies))) journal :^)
Like ur mum, rite m8?
>I am doing an experiment: Everytime someone brings up the US election I say I support Trump. So far I have been beaten up 28 times.
Does she accuse them of rape afterwards?
women btfo of the sidewalk
>doesn't modern feminism preach that men and women are equal
You really are confused
I bet she was on the wrong side of the sidewalk too
It's from 2014. Feminism isn't fashionable anymore.
>my sister collided with 28 men
She sounds like a real whore
but shouldn't she do it with women as well to see if it's a male thing
>28 men
I bet they're all niggers. Niggers are like baboons and are very territorial. You can't walk in a straight line in a nigger neighbourhood without being ready to fight to the death.
t. knower
The left went from Stalin to bitchy women getting uppity about male walking patterns.
What a fucking joke. Men constantly move out of the way of women if they don't move. I had an in-depth conversation about this with 2 friends on halloween. Women feel totally fine walking straight at you because they know NO man is going to fucking shoulder check a female stranger to show dominance. If a guy walk right at me in a fucking hallway without making any attempt to move, I'd fucking shoulder check him. The obvious protocol is for both people to move out of the way and give each other some extra space out of respect. But women will never have to do this because it's socially unacceptable to contact them in any way, let alone fucking walk into them. What a god damn transparent joke.
Took the words right out of my mouth.
sounds like a plot for a romantic comedy
>Walking down the sidewalk
>Some hamplanet with pink dyed hair is coming down the center of the walkway like a complete idiot and is obstructing traffic both ways.
>Fuck it, im in the flow of traffic
>Turn my body sideways and lower my leading shoulder, making my profile smaller for those passing me but turning into a battering ram for those who actively try and obstruct my path.
>She curls her lip into a sneer and starts shambling into my walking path.
>My shoulder collides with the 3rd lower boob blob on her left half of her body.
>She falls backwards and lands on her ass.
>Stress cracks appear in the pavement.
>A grilled cheese sandwich slides out from under the fat roll I hit
>She screams rape
>A pack of farmers show up and mistake her squealing for the sound of the pig they lost.
>purposely walks in a manner in which someone would run into you
>only do this around men
>gets expected result
>muh sexism
I love feminist science, soon we are gonna walk down the street watching women walking into shit to protest the patriarchy. Apparently women walk as shit as they drive.
>showing what happens when a short man walks against traffic versus what happens to a tall man
what happens?
Warren Farrell showed an analogous thing with pay-gap. There's a pay-gap bw men who work part-time and men who work full-time.
Feminist 'science' not accounting for confounding variables.
Now imagine they got 28
dostoevsky and the underground man would sympathize
Google is absolute shit now, even for simple searches now it doesn't find what I'm looking for even when it's obvious. Bing is slightly better i've noticed.
>hamplanet bowling bowl
I haven't heard that one before Desu
this it?
the short man gets bumped into constantly while the tall one gets bumped into once or something
how the fuck do you head on collide into 28 people in a single day? never had a situation in NY where people would play chicken for the fucking sidewalk. only times I've been bumped was entirely on accident because either me or someone else was distracted. why does everything gotta be a story of oppression with these people?
She looks like a jew.
new af
I hate when people do this. When I'm waking headlong into someone, I move to the right. If I'm already on the right side of the walkway, then so fucking be it. I won't slam right into them but I'll gladly move them out of the way.
They make Bullshit up for attention.
autist much? :DDDDD
Btw I doubt the numbers. Most of men move of the way when a woman walk in the west.
She probably colided with niggers or arabs.
out of how many? Otherwise this is pretty pointless.
Also known as "walking at people", and "being a dickhead".
how many times did she conduct this ""experiment""? retarded bitch
You move a tiny bit to one side and the other one move a tiny bit to another side so you're equally evading each other.
How the fuck do Americans walk???
Do you know what an experiment is?
Yeah this. It's made up.
Woooooooooow fucking walking mechanics
These feminist stunts are distractions. What they really do is to make/prevent changes in Family Law and Criminal law to screw over men.
U bet my Finnish Faggot Friend :DDD
>Autistic science faggot master race
kek, when will they learn?
They should try that but with trains.
How does it feel to try and bait and get no (you)? Step it up fampai.
Of course you're going to run into somebody of you don't move out of the way.
This is not an experiment
Have they considered the men are being sucked into their gravitational pull?
so true
I work in NYC. I can confirm this.
>Hold the door open for a woman.
>Stop doing it.
Goddamn, bitch. Make up your mind.
That man opress woman. Duh.
kek that poor manlet.
Her sister must be really fat
This shit was bothering me regardless of gender. Drives me nuts how some people just passes an inch from me on a wide open sidewalk
big, round, and useless except for its 3 holes :^)
My very scientific anecdotal evidence suggests shorter men give me the widest berth while walking down the street. Women are more likely to barely squeeze by (though they are more likely to travel in groups). Men my height and above normally have the common understanding that we both try to move half out the way for the other.
I'm more likely to run into someone and it be my fault if I'm traveling with a group.
I've been doing an experiment my whole life - I walk on the correct side of any walkway, and if someone walks into me they get bumped into. I'm usually bigger so that usually doesn't end well for them.
In the rare cases I'm walking on the wrong side, I of course do the polite thing and move to the correct side.
>28 men were doing the same experiment with women.
Uncommon at best.
ayyy lmao
This. Whatever it is, if it can squash you harder, it has right of way.
Not our problem that women are all manlets.
>walk down the street
>Find girl doing a walking experiment thing
>don't move out of the way
>get to actually touch a grill
Can't wait desu.
That's funny, I always noticed how men will move approx 50% to fairly accommodate an oncoming male. Men usually will get completely out of the way of oncoming women. Women 50% of the time move at least halfway as appropriate and 50% of the time are just fucking oblivious and plow forward.
Manlets. Will they ever learn?
Kek, I love asserting dominance over people like this.
Just walk directly towards them and don't change the direction. They always step aside.
could be because i'm 6'4 too kek.
>tfw big burly rugby player
>tfw would flatten the cunt for the fun of it
It's best to just move, love.
When a group of people walk towards you on a pavement, leaving you nowhere to go, just casually scratch your head as you close. They leap out the way suddenly.
>tfw 6'3 and 280lbs
The normies move for me top kek
>women being inconsiderate and self-centered
>tfw you're about to bump into someone and you both move to the same side to avoid collision
>and again
Awkward desu.
i always get out of the way of everyone walking toward me on a sidewalk disregarding them being a guy or a girl, but that's because my mom beat the shit out of me with a shoe as a little kid for being impolite or an inconvenience to other people.
If someone is walking in my direction and doesn't make at least a token effort to shift to the side like a non-sociopathic human being would do I run them right over. You won't cuck me faggots.
You guys really need to stop using a picture of a canadian when trying to make fun of us
My dad is like this. Literally always looking for an excuse to get angry at people. Fuck.