Why do liberals think it's okay to use their children for their political views?
Why do liberals think it's okay to use their children for their political views?
because their political views are for children
Child abuse is what it is imho.
Really though, it's fine because they're the self-proclaimed good guys with the media on their side.
I see it as being the same as forcing kids to be on TV shows just because their parents want them too.
Also odd you don't really see this in Europe, but in US (California) this appears rather normal.
>constantly go on about trump is literally Hitler
>act surprised their kids become scared of him
What the hell do they think Trump is going to do? Come after them in the night?
Anyone else notice they we're all 8 year olds
I think the most important question is, how did Sally Kohn manage to reproduce?
The face of the kids says otherswhite. They don't even know what the are doing there. Poor kids.
That's the preferred age that these scums like pizza.
fucking kikes
Yes, they all are (including many more not included in the screenshot).
I'm fairly certain its an organized troll by the libtards on a site or forum similar to Sup Forums or something. That, or they're terrible fucking liars/
To them children are just another tool for propaganda. They shove this shit down their throats and take them out to marches and protests so that their liberal friends see what "progressive", "cool" and "hip" parents they are.
They're unsure of themselves because it's over their heads, but I guarantee they enjoy it on some level.
Not the same level as their parents, rather they feel like big kids and adults when they do all this stuff.
It's basically the same as dressing in Daddy's suit to them.
This kind of shit pisses me off
Is liberal logic trying to tell me that kids can't consent to sex, but can understand politics and "gender identity"? How is this not child abuse?
Why do conservatives think it's okay to use their children for their political views?
Cmon man its 2016 you didn't expect dems to have or live by any moral code did you?
They want to trigger people's emotions for lack of arguments.
Whenever you see a kid in a news -> propaganda.
Remember the floating turkish kid and the bombed syrian kid in ambulance.
You have to get them while theyre young.
If its one thing I learned from school its that young kids are like sponges. They will absorb the communist manifesto with 0 questions asked.
Thank God I had decent parent who sent me to private school. I would have been one of the retards yelling fuck donald trump.
Are you comparing a photo op to a protest?
IN the end neither side should use children to espouse their beliefs
>literally one toddler that is barely even conscious
It's like picking up a puppy. He won't remember and of it or even care.
Good practice for when their children have to help them beg for money on the streets.
Literally making him into the boogeyman, fucking damn can they just get there heads on straight and realize they're just going to make their kids hate them when they're older.
they don't have arguments just feelings and children evoke emotion
notice how as soon as trump won they were all talking about how they need to explain it to their children like it was some kind of priority
Because just about every political movement thinks that and does that.
Not saying that actually makes it right, but the absence of actual alternatives makes it hard to give them too much crap for it, as that crap would reach just about everyone else as well.
(i mean just take a look at those gun nuts and their kids at a shooting range in example, if you take a serious look you'll have little trouble finding exactly the same there)
Besides you should know by now: America likes its children. Way too much.
>based user
I'm sure these 8 year old girls are really personally upset about the Affordable Care Act.
*walks up to them*
Your mother is a fucking moron.
Everything she tells you is a lie.
I bet she acts like a real cunt at home, too.
Try drugs. They're awesome.
Damn son
Those aren't girls, they're young adult women.
Liberals think it's okay for the dead, illegal immigrants, people living in other countries and felons to vote... surely children aren't safe from this rhetoric.
8 years is young enough to not think for themselves, and old enough to parrot back anything their parents say.
>mfw the left uses their child as a portable echo-chamber
This inspired me, when I become a father I'll teach my children to read on Sup Forums.
Why would my kids be afraid of Hitler? They would be happyand sleep well.
>Why do liberals think it's okay to use their children for their political views?
Because liberals have no moral or ethical sense and thus lack basic decency.
Its also ok to use the children of your political enemys as targets.
My 7 year old nephew heard from Classmates that Trump was going to start WWIII. My sister in law is pissed, she doesn't think politics are for kids.