This is one of the highest rated posts on Reddit right now.
This is one of the highest rated posts on Reddit right now
>highest rated posts on Reddit
What toxic masculinity. I hope they realise how oppressive they are being.
>not wearing safety pins
>browsing reddit
>highest rated posts on Reddit right now
You have to go back
Why can't I, signal all this virtue?
Digits check out
From the looks of them they're probably banking on a Venezuelan girl needing some escorting
Go back there and never return cuck nu male fag
Chad's dick probably gets rid of their oppression complex in about 5 minutes
Good. White men need all the protection they can get from niggers.
you pc brah?
pc arizona state brah, cool
these guys are turbotrolls
I have mixed feelings about this, surely it will trigger stronk womyn but these guys are virtue signalling faggots
Those bros are just working that angle and getting laid. Trust me, as a dude bro I recognize my own kind.
That pic is of them laughing all the way to the pussy bank.
I'm gonna get raped. Ain't I??
hell yea their only goal is slaying puss
This. The clever bastards.
frat guys with genius idea to meet chicks. Had literally nothing to do with them giving a shit.
Yo that nigga got a glass cloud wife beater on. He may be a cuck but he's got good music taste.
>hey chads let pretend as if we care so we can pull some chicks
that music fucking sucks
music to cut your wrists to cause you miss your high school girlfriend
Thanks, fren! I will be sure to upvote it! Le rage face xDDD
I'm surprised nobody figured this out yet. I'm not even a Chad and I know their game.
Maybe this board is full of retards
my first thought kek
>Strong white males
>Adhearing to "protector" stereotype for damsels in distress
I'm confused, shouldn't they be getting yelled at?