Fucking hell, I love being Anglo

Fucking hell, I love being Anglo

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Those numbers are retarded but yes I share your sentiment.

63,000,000 aboriginese? nigga wut.

I honestly can't imagine being anything else. Every other country is either shit or not even 500 years old and therefore not a real country.


all other white people get blamed for your achivement




>Birthplace of butter chicken

Thanks for your contribution to humanity.

fuck da whites we wuz kangs and shit

150 million native american?
Didn't think there was that many but if so good fucking work imo

The honorable Natives Americans' lives were worth 100 times more than a despicable white life.

1.5 million dead Natives thus equals 150 million in real terms

Muh 6 trillion
On a serious note there is nothing honourable about them, we are all savages its just we are way better at it.

And it still wasn't enough
We were/are too kind

>we were/are too kind
Fucking this, all the natives should have been wiped out and replaced with British stock.
Can you imagine an africa with no nogs?
An India with no poo in loos?
The middle east free of mudshits?
What a world we would have created.

Imagine how much better America would be if Mexico was colonized by the brits

>tfw civilised

Wtf I hate aryan blood now

Maybe 20,000,000 abos in Canada, and 20,000,000 abos in Australia.

.@anglos is unattractive both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man- he made a good decision.

He must be stopped

>15 mil Indian famine killed

holy shit there were 63 million fuckin boongs??
i thought there were like 300,000 at most
why didn't we just finish the job?