Drumpf BTFO...
Other urls found in this thread:
Is anything he's saying incorrect?
>3 of those head lines are Milo's
Why are they against gay foreigners ?
>the "renegade Jew" headline did not make it
leftists are their own worst enemy
What do you mean? This is butiful !
a faggot wrote 3/4 of those headlines though, and the last one is ust a statistic number so
He just say the truth
I could fine a bunch of headlines from the guardian about "white men never being allowed to run for office again" and shit like that.
>caring about being correct in The Age of Feefees
It'd almost like you want to go to the reeducation resort, comrade.
He's right though.
wtf i love democrats now
>That first comment
Do they understand anything beyond political satire at this point? I mean, MSNBC made a valid point on the guy's views (or ones he signed off on, either way), and all that nu-cuck and 1,625 other people can think about is Otis, the town drunk in Mayberry.
Hey it's that website that just got it's ad revenue yanked!
>look a white supremacist
>nothing racial about the headlines
You didn't answer the question on any inaccuracies...
>There's no hiring bias against women ....
Well, java monkey here, maybe some companies would hire them if they sent CV
>white supremesist
>articles about women and trannies
>not Milo
why do we hate Milo again?
MSNBC linking directly to Occupy Democrats
>1 post by this ID
Yeah, none of the headlines is by Bannon.
He's a degenerate faggot, but turns out he's right about this.
>woman are now a race
because people think bored stormcucks shitposting is the "Sup Forums hivemind"
Why do Canadians care about who Trump appoints?
at least he doesn't want to mutilate little boy penises like Milo
Tanks a lot , Milo.
wtf I love Steve Bannon now
I see nothing wrong in those headlines...
>by Milo
>by Milo
>by Milo
>not Milo
Why didn't they just post every Milo headline? He's the journalistic equivalent of an Aussie shitposter. Also, it seems that their problem is Milo Yianoppolous more than it is Steve Bannon.
OP still doesn't understand why Hillary lost, continues to think Ivory Tower PC nonsense is important to everyone.
I don't see what's wrong with that last headline. How is a report from WHO bigoted in anyway?
>bunch of articles he didn't write
>he allows all opinions to be heard
woooow what a shit lord
>why do we hate Milo again?
It seems to me the only people who really hated Milo were the legit Stormfags who are butthurt he called them out (and that he bottoms for black men).
Blumpftards btfo
Fuck. I thought he would get someone more red pilled then Bannon. Breitbart is a Zionist rag.
>three of those are Milo
Do you think Milo will make it into Michael Moore's next anti-Trump movie?
You're supposed to be offended by the word trannies.
guy tells it how it is.
i appreciate such ppl, highly!
bannon all the way !!
Hate facts.
no, but it FEELS wrong maaaan
Dafuq should I know. Because people with more money than you said so?
>nigger lover
>newfags now shit Sup Forums because of he
>think homosexuality is not a fetish
>bottom for a black
>scam nu-Sup Forums
only reddit likes him
I hate him for being, but times like these makes me realize why I liked him before Sup Forums. Oh god these are hilarious, just seeing their reactions. Imagine how pissed Bannon is at Milo
hi CTR, run out of NEETbux already?
*him being degenerate
Godamn I am tired
Zionism is how you get rid both of international jewry and judaism, user.
As kikes are doomed to become normal people with a country (and get cucked), goyim are on the path to crush their enemies with neo-Talmudic meme warfare.
Winning take a lot out of you user. I know that feel
K I don't care
>all these Milo headlines
kek, fucking faggot
watch your manners Poland
>The solution to online "harrasment" is simple: Women should log off
Literally NOTHING wrong with this opinion..
>WHO Report: Trannies 49 XS Higher HIV rate
Literally a fact
>Milo detected
Milo is an attention whore riding the wave of something he can never understand.
He belongs on the other side.
Oy vey I've been found out
Whatever shall I do?
>Milo is single-handedly destroying Bannon's reputation with his faggotry and the msm is trying to pin this on Bannon instead of being truthful and recognizing that Milo is basically a performance artist
I would be almost worried about this if the entire situation wasn't so ridiculous. The MSM has lied time and time again and anyone who still believes them can't be saved at this point. You're better off blaming the chief editor of breitbart instead of bannon for this shit.
The results of a generation that learned politics from Comedy Central.
Sup Forums doesn't like him, because he's a big part of whats wrong with people today.
But you cannot deny that he's done a lot for trump and that he's one of the most useful people in this fight.
>cutfags fell for the "it's more aesthetic" meme.
Ahahahahaha ok ok I see why we're supposed to hate Milo now.
>Drumpf BTFO...
Hey CTR, you lost. Go away.
Yes he is a degenerate fag, but he is very useful.
He knows how to rustle the left jimmies and put normies to the path to the red pill.
sounds like a lot of dead weight desu
>Thee solution to online 'harassment' is simple: women should log off
>inb4 nigga close your eyes hahahaah
Or stop being a pussy who cries at mean words
literally /ourguy/
Couldn't be any better
nigga close your eyes hahahaah
What a dumb cunt! Seacow and Ryan have NO influences on Trump's picks.
Rewind back to Barry's picks for czars and cabinet members...and remember elections have consequences.
Maybe he shouldn't hire faggot jews to write headlines about women?
We'll at least get an effective Hungarian style fence with patrols if this guy gets hired.
Isn't he Catholic?
Aw, still butt hurt? LOL. Losers are gonna cry.
So Milo writes provacative stuff, you want to blame Bannon.
Milo is actually correct, and gay, and conservative.
Man, that must suck to be on the wrong side of history.
Facts are sexist, user.
basically all ""arguments"" against Bannon are guilt by association.
>Breitbart under him
he hasn't said any of those. lugenpresse should hang
Also there's a confusion between the old right (neonazis, stormfags, cunt defenders) and the alt right (women haters, mgtows etc).
The old right would never post images like pic. Instead the old rights whines how "men have to protect women from muslims".
yes he is but some one in his family was jewish so he is part jewish
I saw a Jew on CNN bugging the fuck out about Bannon--completely shameless. Kept repeating the phrase antisemitic. The moderators and most of the guests kept using the phrase on the basis of literally nothing. They must have received a memo from the DNC again.
womens are like kids, they dont know what they are doing, you have to protect them from themself.
I wonder if MSNBC realizes a gay guy wrote 3 of those articles. Oh wait, it's MSNBC so they're fucking retards
>you have to protect them
No, that's what the old right does, whiteknighting for women. That's exactly why the West has failed. Because women are shielded from all consequences.
>that first quote
Lads, we're about to uncuck all of the cuck trends Obama started
i love how they call him a white supremacist and don't show an example of any headlines involving race.
the west failed because of cunts like you, human rights fucked everything up, the ignorant and uneducated is not insulted and the weak is not killed, also blacks i hate them all.
Wtf I love Bannon now
Milo wrote many of those headlines, not that it matters
Literally nothing wrong with what he said.
The 'women should log off' headline is pretty fucking horrible tbqh
You fucks really think that telling half the population to stop using the internet is acceptable? Really?
Redpilling normies on trannies on national tv? KEK
There are a couple in there I've never seen on Sup Forums