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let them push their insanity to lengths we can even imagine the pendulum will swing back even harder. skyrim for the nords

>Woman in hijab
>Iranian flag on the desk

>"Change the name of the event, 'Mansplaining' is incredibly sexist," Fanny Uppenberg said.
>But Unionen said it was important to look at historical, structural inequality in society.
Always the 'it was like THIS decades ago so were going to keep pushing as if it still is'

>"The campaign is not intended to single out or add debt to all men,"
Dumbass doesn't understand what names do
If we changed the word theft or stealing to 'niggering', of course it'd do exactly that to blacks


oh it's sweden

Swedes are weak lieberal scum.

Good news, even us Swedes are mocking this and aren't taking it seriously. Just another infantile leftist idea.

Ring it up and just laugh uncontrollably until they hang up.

Hang on guys, I'm ordering BRAIN FORCE when it's back in stock. It's only a matter of time before we're great again..

If you've not written off Sweden by now you're deluded.

What's the number?

>report mansplaining
To who? Is it illegal or something? What happens from there?


It's like they feel the need to compensate for anything uncucked that happens outside of Sweden.

What's the number? We can spam it with idiocy. Give it to Sup Forums for all I care.

It's the code you have to dial on the handset to get through to the person you want to speak to, dear.

lol watch a bunch of ccucks

Exactly this.

Doubling down on cuck? This isn't going to keep the EU from falling apart.

t. German on vacation

the whole "mansplaining" thing is incredibly sexist. men have their opinion and knowledge belittled simply because of their gender.

Sweden doesn't exist anymore. They have relegated themselves to an imaginary country. Having a Swedish flag would be racist, but an Iranian flag is cultured.

I don't believe it

Habeeb it



i want off this ride

>LITERALLY calling the thought police

>pure coincidence

Males should TROLL the hotline to the point of taking it offline.
Case closed.

>call the line
>number gets tracked
>cis swat bust into your house
>10 years in prison

Assange was right
The Saudi Arabia of feminism

the ride never ends

Thank you sweden. When is Assange going free

>2018, Swedish Prison
>"So what are you in for?"
>"Tried explaining the offside rule. Got 10 years."

>men stop helping their female coworkers out due to fear of mansplaining
>Sweden's economy sinks further faster
I just posted this in another Sweden thread, but it's terrifying that I'm seeing this in real time. I thought this shit was suppose to be 10 years from now, Sweden is becoming a third world country a little more every day.

once again sweden demonstrates the dystopia the left has in mind for us. I guess the only logical thing to do is tell women to fuck off whenever they ask any sort of question.

>election over
>back to making fun of Sweden

lmao Sup Forums

>even us Swedes are mocking this
Russians mocked Stalin too, what's your point.

Sweden YES!

This. Counter revolution is what put Trump in office.

"Mansplaining" as a word would be ok, or at least not so goofy, if its usage actually were held to the definition the headline used.

(well, its still pointless because a word already exists for that, "patronizing", as in patron/matron you know?)

But the problem is that the word isn't being used merely for guys being condescending or patronizing, its become a blunt object to bludgeon men for saying *anything* to women. A women is objectively incorrect about an issue and is provided a measured explanation by an expert on the topic? Thats mansplaining. Its used to attack men for the audacity of disagreeing with a woman which is not to be allowed.

>>men stop helping their female coworkers out due to fear of mansplaining
Oh, I think you don't understand how these systems work.

If you refuse to participate in them, they get you too. So if you just stop talking to female coworkers, you'll be fired and/or prosecuted for stare rape, being creepy, not fostering a good workplace atmosphere, or whatever the fuck.

The only way that's accepted is to show enthusiastic support for the system.

I'm always surprised how little Sup Forums knows how life under totalitarian regimes actually is/was like.

Can someone from swedistan explain what the hell is going on

>knows how
*knows about how

What's the number? I'll give them a call. I'll say I identify as a woman and a man told me I have too much facial hair to be a girl.

this is cuntfusing me

It's like Sweden is asking to be invaded and uncucked by some big brutish neighbour...hmm.

Women do this kind of shit more often, senpai. Upper class women and liberal women (usually one and the same) love to be smug and condescending.

Too bad you guys cant read swedish but every facebook ad this company makes about their campaign gets attacked by males questioning "mansplaining" and there is almost no one defending the company either

I think its good that this comes to our attention though, since a lot of women feels this way.

>Sweden is becoming a third world country
>USA poster

Ok I found their number but it seems they won't accept my calls. I'll try again tomorrow. I already have the perfect story. I'll post the conversation tomorrow.

Why is Sweden cucking out so hard today?

Did something happen?

The virtue signalling ramped up after Trump won the election or something.


oh sven

I feel like the only last true bits of sweden exist in the instruction manuals you find in ikea furniture. You must make yourself great again, please.

>doesn't own a house
>doesn't own a car
>sister fucks a muslim
>girlfriend fucks a musl... never had a girlfriend*
>no healthcare
>nothing to be proud about
>slowly waiting to die
First step is accepting you're depressed user,
second step is admitting you have a problem.

You can still fix this, you can still make this right.
Stop your shitposting and just accept you guys fucked up.

just say that you indentify as a woman and they will have to pay you for the offence

I'm convinced Sweden is a US testing ground to study the effects of extreme feminism.

Code red send the nukes, I REPEAT CODE RED

>Swedecucks can be v& for disagreeing with women
Literally can't make this up.

Why aren't you asking for a nuke?

>sweden creates hotline for women to report men who dared to speak in the presence of a woman

How dare you fucking mansplain to us on here you disgusting misogynistic swede.

Reported to the Emergency Mansplainer Hotline.

the happy mercant will not allow it

I know a Swedish woman who moved to Canada. Not a hot viking babe but a pig-ugly fat beast. She's amazingly smug and arrogant. She just floats along with an irremovable smirk of self-satisfaction on her face, and speaks in an utterly condescending tone to everyone, men in particular.


Women need special protection because they are weaker than men!
Women are just the same as men!
Women need special privileges because they are weaker than men!

The only difference is that in 2016, its genial coworkers and abortion laws that women need protection from; while molesters and rapists are seen as an integral part of society.

Funny because I know an American in my college class exactly like that. All the Swedish girls are fine and nice to talk to. Maybe the ones that move are the ones that nobody liked at home?

instead swedes need to be more thorougly educated about feminism, also known as why women are better.

The article was written by an english woman named "Charlotte England", of course it's going to be arabic. They much further along than we are. They even have an english mayor running their capital.

That's a strange way to spell electoral college

Two months probably, when the zionist regime of the US changes leader and Trump drops the pressure on the case, probably. Unless he's a plant, like literally every single president since Kennedy.

Someone seems triggered

>woman uses terrible analogy or dumb rhetorical question
>man in the nearest vicinity explains why she is wrong

There, mansplaining mansplained

notch is active on twitter atm somebody tweet this to him kek

So they call the hotline

And then?

This hotline is actually getting a lot of criticism for being sexist for using "mansplaining"


>when you have to be conscious of how you sit and change the way you sit because it's illegal to sit a certain way
How did this become a thing? I recall it starting not too long ago. Didn't take people long to make it illegal.


>Source: S.Trawman(2016), Published in the Greater Leaf Dickbag Conference Proceedings

A Britistani posted an article about some Swedish union saying that people can call in and complain if they feel as if someone explained something unecessarily/mainsplained to them. Basically it's just another reason to justify their existance. The British woman, literally named "England" posted an arabic picture with her article, which of course reflects nothing more than the fact that Britain has far more muslims than Sweden, to the point where they win elections to run the capital.

Of course Sup Forums only sees what it wants to see, and that is all presented as "Sweden starts official hotline for (word that doesn't exist in Swedish)".

now that south korea as gone to the toilets,
they had to move all tests to sweden.

behold we dont know what tomorrow will be. (for them)

Swedish prison is better than most college apartments.


So basically guys explaining that it is sexist?

Here's the number for those there:

08-504 15 500


Anyway, I hope men work at the call center. That way when she calls to complain about mansplaining she gets a man who explains how she is being a cunt

>implying there is even a pendulum left in Sweden or Germany
Don't you get it? Your countries are fucked. Doomed. There is no going back now. The only thing you could hope for is the purging fire of a nuclear apocalypse.

>cis swat

The Swedish country code is +46
+46 08-504 15 500

>There is nobody to answer the phone because they were prevented from getting to work by snow covered roads


Whatta fuck is "mansplaining"?

Man disagrees with a woman.

I don't think you can go that much to the right. It's impossible. They will break the spectrum and end up in another time line.

Call to them and start explaining why you called, and explain how the answerer should respond. Also explain, why you think this kind of service is not needed, and explain what are the negative effects of it.

Then when you've done explaining, ask "Did you understand what I said girl, or should I repeat? :) I understand if you can't grasp it at first we can go slow too!"

Not this , but like if woman does something extremely stupid, you go and give him friendly advice.

That is mansplaining - how men communicate with eachothers, if you see someone doing something which could be done more efficent or want to give tips/advice, that is MANSPLAINING AND HORRIBLE
