90% white. Almost no immigration.
>"Notably, very few Down Syndrome children are born in Denmark, with 98% of DS pregnancies aborted in 2014."
90% white. Almost no immigration.
>"Notably, very few Down Syndrome children are born in Denmark, with 98% of DS pregnancies aborted in 2014."
Other urls found in this thread:
>By the UN
Denmark is only 90% white? Jesus...
>By the UN
>implying killing your own children is something to be proud of
We god damn work our assessment off for it. I'm 23, working part time, and I pay 40% taxes.
based Danes
>everything is free
>more than half your income goes to taxes
A domesticated sheep is happy as well, eating his grass.
Social democracy breeds complacency because it creates a feel good bubble. Complacency leads to decreased vigilance which will one day be fateful to a nation.
>By the UN
>1 in 10 arent white
>20$ min wage?
Really tho?
What are the requirements to move to Denmark? I wouldn't mind paying 40% in taxes if they were actually used for something good.
Well at least that stuff's actually theirs, and they likely pay less than others for the stuff those others need to get to live properly anyway.
It's kind of a big deal to not need to go bankrupt over a medical issue.
Who cares. They're a bunch of pansy ass liberal peaceniks.
With a 60% income tax rate lol
I know, right? Thank you for spreading misinformation, Bernie.
>Average work week is longer than 33 hours.
>Denmark has no official minimum wage, but the lowest wages are around $20 because unions and shiet.
>Higher education is paid for through taxes.
>Health care is paid for through taxes.
>Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think child care still costs money here.
Actually the only info on Wikipedia said they were 87% of Danish descent. So odds are the remaining immigrant population are likely mainly from European descent.
Atlantic Ocean is a bit bigger than the rio grande paco
We have pretty much same tax but like 9$ min wage mate.
I don't think people realize what they're talking about when they say "free" healthcare and "free" universities.
Why are you such a retarded socialist piece of shit.
Nobody wants to live in a poverty stricken shithole.
>le medical bankrupcy maymay
What's it like when anyone needs to go to a regular GP, or receive surgery or high level life saving treatment?
Do citizens have the option to buy private insurance?
yea finland is cucked too
In the US if I were making $9 USD an hour my income tax rate would be about 15% + FICA so about 20% of my gross pay.
But during tax season I get 100% of all that back in the form of an $1200 check from the IRS
>and I pay 40% taxes.
Holy shit that fucking sucks.
I pay about 23% here and I make 60k a year.
Denmark is a shithole.
>Notably, very few Down Syndrome children are born in Denmark, with 98% of DS pregnancies aborted in 2014."
remember kids, it's not genocide if you murder it before it's born
Denmark can never hope to compete with god-tier Poland.
Denmark is shit.
Socialist debt slaves.
how progressive
I mean if u make 9$/h your tax-rate is about 15-20% as well, but the average is something like Denmarks. 20$ min wage doesn't sound right
I'm still doing fine, though. I'm honestly not complaining. But don't let anyone think it's just given to us. We, as a nation, for the betterment og every citizen, pay for it together. I think cheating with taxes is deplorable, but even more so in a country like Denmark where we depend so much on them to provide a good living standard for everyone.
I'd rather try again and have 3-4 healthy children than have 1 semi-conscious kid ruin my life
What's the 10%? Kebab?
>90% white
>almost no immigration
Pick one
I can see why finland is mad. If they started aborting 98% of downies in finland there would be no one being born desu
>wanting potatoes
eugenics for the master race you degenerate fucks.
Their socialist paradise will come to an end when Trump stops protecting NATO countries that don't have a military. They'll have to scrap their "free" healthcare and education to stop Russia fucking their shit up.
of course, it's not right
serbs and albanians like every european country
Now 86% by 2016 census reports, they are going down FAST
Are you alright?
>I don't think people realize what they're talking about when they say "free" healthcare and "free" universities.
Nothing is free.
"free" education is paying a large portion of your paycheck to shitty unionized/tenured teachers
Higher education is much cheaper in a free market(america's system is obviously not a free market, thats why the prices keep rising)
At least their Prime Minister doesn't have AIDS.
Don't group us with Albanians. It's insulting. I also doubt there's many Serbs in Denmark. Most people go to an English speaking country or Germany/Austria.
the extreme use of anti depressive comes as a surprise to no one. It's as common to say over here that you use them as it is to say you take a painkiller.
There's an intense societal pressure to use the potential laid out in front of you to become something great. Everyone has to have a university degree nowadays, creating a shortage of jobs for academics, but rich potential for tradeskills. I'm going on a journey, but I'm considering becoming an electrician when I get back, if I get back. I can specialise in assembling and maintaining robotic arrays and such.
Take this danish trash out of here
Have fucked Danes.
Danes are as a group extremely depressed. Saddened by a lack of opportunity in their future, strangling taxes and many are addicted to anti depressant
>that forced smile
even the weedman has limits
>25% sales tax
Fuck me. And I thought our 19% were savage. We also pay around 33% income tax, give or take. But our colleges are still not "free", since you have to pay around 200+ Euros each semester for various fees. Yeah sure, it's not as bad as paying for it every month like in the US, but there are a lot of foreignerfags (mostly USA) who come here and complain about their shit life situation once here. And how they have so many deductions on their wage. They fucking expect to leech off of our education system, but want american-style tax systems.
It fucking doesnt work like that, americunts. It's one way or the other.
I'm a reasonably healthy person, so I could be wrong, but you "only" pay for prescription medication and dental care here. Other things are paid for through taxes, I believe.
Yeah, it's not too bad, but I honestly feel kind of dirty about receiving SU while I'm still living at home. I'm saving up for when I move out, though.
nice scaremongering
>doesn't mention the over 40% taxes
You were once us. Let's stop fighting and unite under a Scandinavian Union already.
Unless we already are in some tsundere relationship. I'm sure Denmark would help Sweden if they got invaded, and vice versa.
You guys are everywhere
How do I sign up?
Is Denmark cucked as in part of the EEYUU?
>90% white
this better be a joke
beat being in debt for 10 years just to get a masters degree
>90% white
Next you're going to claim we're socialists as well.
Delete this.
Stay mad, habeeb.
I am not surprised most of our immigrants go to Germany and Austira. Other countries have a negligible number of Serbs. What does surprise me is that there were people who thought Africa would be a nice place to emigrate too. Serbia's bad but it's nowhere near that bad. Just... Why?
NO black people
>98% of DS pregnancies aborted in 2014
They are damned by God. Who cares about their earthly happiness?
what is the least cucked scandi nation?
denmark norway or finland?
>God gave their children down syndrome
Fuck that guy
can you imagine living that way? thats a worse hell than living. you're a naive faggot if you think they'll have the same opportunity for happiness as a completely normal person
Finland and Denmark are both at roughly 90% Finns/Danes. Norway is about 85% Norwegians.
The remaining percentage are immigrants, though not all of them are from Africa or the Middle East.
We don't have a minimum wage.
And we pay a very high tax.
Thank you, Based Anders.
Those statistics emerge from white majority communities, same with East Asia.
Let's loosen up those HUD and forced school integration laws. Let's let whites live in 95+% white communities in America. That's how to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
>90% white. Almost no immigration.
jealous as fuck
We are all equally cucked (Norway a bit more than Finland and Denmark)
Top banter
>50% tax rate
Im not.
Danish fertility rate 1.73 children = way below the necessary 2.11
If they were so happy they wouldn't shrink that fast. And the "Free Universities" is one of the reasons why they do.
Denmark is ridiculously left wing and they have 60% income tax so you'd have to work from January to July just to pay your taxes before you break even on income tax but that's not all then they have like 25% sales tax. How can Danes even get ahead? Their tax system is like a caste system keeping them below accumulating more than what it proper in their socialist system.e
do you have guns?
what did he mean by this?
For hunting purpose? Yes, there are some strict regulations though.
Fuck off, Christcuck.
free this free that , high taxes?
>90% white is now considered a lot
>implying you need to be Christian to be against abortions
Atheists still have a moral compass, but you seem to have forgotten that
Over 50 % income tax.
t. McCarthy
At least my state voted all red
fuck off leaf, we are the master race
>implying you need to be Christian to be against abortions
Yes, you need to be a Christian to be against aborting downs. Or at least heavily Christian influenced.
How does Denmark even have any businesses/industry with all those taxes. Surely they must give some kind of breaks to local businesses?
Why is Denmark ranked the happiest in the world by the UN
It's a challenge to keep the Germans out when you share a border.
Explain why Dubai is at equal footing with Denmark even though it has zero whites?
In 2009 the top 8 countries for children with Down syndrome were as follows:
1. The United States of America – Approximately 367,069 people in the USA suffer from Down syndrome. The USA tops all other countries with 713 deaths from Down syndrome alone.
2. Brazil – 230,126 people have been diagnosed with Down syndrome in Brazil. Although the deaths from Down syndrome are much less in Brazil than in the USA, there were 483 deaths reported.
3. Mexico – Mexico was next, with 131,199 people diagnosed with Down syndrome and 429 deaths.
4. Germany – Fourth in line is Germany with 103,030 people diagnosed with Down syndrome. There have been 212 deaths accounted for.
5. Venezuela – Only 31,271 people have been diagnosed.
6. South Africa – 55,560 people have been diagnosed with Down syndrome.
7. Argentina – Despite that the population statistics on Down syndrome in Argentina are unknown, there have been 106 deaths due to the illness.
8. Canada – Canada has 40,634 people reported with Down syndrome and 91 deaths accounted for.
Top 8 down syndrome country talking
>"Notably, very few Down Syndrome children are born in Denmark, with 98% of DS pregnancies aborted in 2014."
This should be done in all western countries. Some people are just a burden to society and should if possible not even get born.
Poorest people in Europe though.
there are a lot of reasons why all this muhdenmarkparadise is bullshit
1. we have a "hater" culture were everybody is tought to not stick out and be individuals. a lot of people are "happy" with what they have because they are told your an asshole if you want live big.
2. free healthcare, free education. well a free ipod would be the same all over the world. or a free ounce of gold is the same. but healthcare isn't a solid quantity. yes its nice to get treatment when you wouldn't be able to afford it otherwize. but its not like we get the same treatment as a burger would get.
3. scandinavia and switzerland was not effected much by either first or second war. that gave us an economical advantage compared to france, germany, eastern europe.
4. public healthcare/education is constantly reformed and changed for it to work. burgers don't have a goverment that can do that for 300 million+ people. the us system is to rigid. you can have this on state level maybe. but nationwide public policies in america is lunacy.
Income tax is high, corporate tax is internationally competitive.
if row vs wade gets repealed it would go to states. liberal states would kill their babies and conservative states would not