Your thoughts on this man?
Your thoughts on this man?
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Botox queen.
He rekt Alex Jonesberg in a debate
all these WN retards give the left what they want, easy targets to ridicule
He dindu nuffin. He needs money fo dem programs
FBI snitch and generally creepy Hillary shill
>botox and L'Oreal
Idiot with anger issues.
Looks like a very weird transsexual. What the fuck is this?
He supports Trump though.
He's a cuck
His public support does more harm than good, thus making him a Hillary shill.
controlled opposition
>Three percent of the vote
Three percent of the vote
>Three percent of the vote
Three percent of the vote
>Three percent of the vote
Alex wakes up at night in a cold sweat because of that interview.
It seems like he only comes out every 4 years to be the boogie man to the left.
I don't know much about him other than he was a member of the klan in the 80's and that he is a white nationalist. The jews or whoever else in the media has completely tarnished his name and it has become poison. They weaponized his support to construct a narrative against anyone they want. They will say "avid duke supports you that must make you a part of the kkk". I shit you not, that is what they were doing to Donald the entire time. When he did not even know who he was and didn't want to disavow him based on that they ran for weeks with headlines like "Donald trump supports kkk" and all sorts of bullshit.
Democrat operative and his head looks like Neapolitan ice cream
fuck him
This guy wins my vote for creepiest looking motherfucker to ever play the political game.
Crown taken from Nancy Pelosi. She just looks like an axe murderer, he looks like a fucking Chuckie doll.
He mostly tells the truth.
Very original flag there, friend
He should step down and mentor an unknown face from the shadows. Currently he seems too vain to actually achieve something on his own.
Quit taking pictures of me
moot in the future
Hes a genius that will put the Jews back in their place.
You seem confused. The headlines were along the lines of "former kkk grand wizard supports trump", "trump refuses to disawow duke", not "trump supports kkk".
Is he the first openly transsexual KKK member???
>pic related is him, I'll let you know when I figure out which one it is.
Deserves a bullet.
>da jooos!
>da jooos!
>da jooos!
David Duke show on in an hour!!!!!!
it's been, what, a year since moot cut communications with Sup Forums? he's aged horribly.
he's a total fucking retard and controlled opposition.
He works for the government and is paid to make statements that will drive people away from right wing viewpoints or candidates at strategic times.
He looks like an evil puppet.
He looks like a child wearing an adult costume and fake beard
One year ago I'd never heard of him, saw a video where he rationally names (((them))) without saying it makes them inferior and that he works with jewish leaders in israel who denounce subversive globalism. Come within seconds of showing gf before checking further. Nearly undid the whole "shaking awake" redpill process. His autism makes his arguments sound bad and discredits similar arguments from other people. Sucks for him, but he needs to realise he fucked up and then have the nads to accept it and distance himself.
>He's a liability for any hope we have on this board
>Only because normies are dumb, yes, but such is life we have to work with what we've got
He should kill himself so we can be free of his bullshit. Just because he sometimes presents good arguments doesn't make him based if he's too ignorant and/or stupid to see he's a detriment to everyone just based on association.
I see a lot of r/thedonald alt-lite in here
Get the fuck out of here. He's been stanting up against the zog since before you were born milofags
>b..but anyone with wacist beliefs is contwolled opposition!
he's not wrong
Has a nice beard. I'm sure he's trying his best, good for him!
he did a webcam talk with tommy sotomayor about society and stuff
Or hes a democratic plant
Looks like a faggot.
Moot looks good with a beard.
if the media hates him then that gives him at least some credibility
No different than the leader of the Black Panthers or BLM.
I voted for him for senator