What happens here?
Other urls found in this thread:
>redpill me on bavaria
>no additional input of your own
Incest and nepotism.
interracial breeding grounds
niggers, shitskins, rapefugees
number 1 in everything while the rest leeches off of its earnings
Shitskins who think they're true Germans.
And I'm not talking about immigrants either.
Drinking, Oktoberfest, incest, yodelling, weird leather pants, and the most nazi like people in germany
Thanks for your input, you true german.
Why did I have the idea that Bavaria was the most based part of Germany? I always thought it was like the Texas of Germany
It is.
West Germans are extremely butthurt about Bavaria because Bavarians held on to their identity which is, of course, racist and bigoted.
Worst Germans
Pedophilia and addiction mostly, as well as American fantasies about Germany.
There's a clear conflict between Seehofer and Merkel. He has recently invited Orban to the local parliament
>Why did I have the idea that Bavaria was the most based part of Germany?
Because it is the rest i just whining and hating despite Bavaria outdoing them on every level.
Next to the east they are also the most outspoken against the rapefugees and its state minister was very welcoming about working with trump before he won last week
I loved Bavaria. These were the true germans. After loving Bavaria, I went to Berlin and it was basically America.
Cars, beer and fundamental catholics.
Funnily also best school system that is actually based on results and best police.
It is, but we're still mocking them because their 'german' accent is hilarious and they think they're hot shit while wearing Lederhosen and eating Weißwurst.
Alpendeutsche Herrenrasse.
>haha look at those people taking pride in their heritage
Bavaria is considered west german though, as east german refers to the former Soviet-controlled DDR. The rift runs rather through north/south, with the south being notably more conservative, rich and culturally distinguishable from the high-german north.
>t. Saxonian
I divide it into south/east/west, I wasn't talking about the BDR/DDR divide.
Bavarian German is much different than Low German.
It is and Texas is anything but white.
>and its state minister was very welcoming about working with trump before he won last week
stop believing his lies. please for the love of god, stop buying their bullshit good cop bad cop game. Seehofer is part of the government, he could have singlehandedly stopped Merkel in the past but he didn't. Not even once.
What's that castle on the right?
Wos host Du grod von mia gsagt Du gstingada kloana Saugrattler? Du woast fei scho dass I schon aus da Grundi im Hochzug bei de Gebirgsjaga ois Besta aussaganga bin, I war in am Hauffa saugeheime Raffareien mit de Mohammedana und hob über 300 obgraglt, garantiert. I bin a drainierta Untergrundkempfa und I bin da beste Scharfschütz von da ganzn Armee. Du bist nix für mi ois a zui mera, I blos Dir so prazis Dei Liachtal aus wie's die Welt no ned gseng hod, host me? Du glaubst Du kanntst davokemma nachdem Du sowas von mia gsogt host aufm Internet? Da denkst nummoi drüba noch, Oarschgsicht. Grao wie mia redn ruaf I meine Spionage-Spezln im ganzn Bayernland zsam, und dei IP werd grod im moment zruckverfoigt oiso richt Di scho amoi her fürn Sturm, Du Wurm. Der Sturm der wo des kloane Ding ausradiert wos Du rührselig Lebn nennst. Du bist aufgschmissn. Kloana. I kon übaroi sei, ollawei, und i kon de auf mera wia siebnhundad Artn dagragln, und des aloa mit meine Handerln. I bin ned blos gübt im Wirtshausraffa, sondern i hob a an zugriff auf des ganze Arsenal von der freiwillign Feiawehr von Olching und i werd des ois hernemma damit Dei gstingada Hintan vom schena Bayernland runtergspült werd, Du kloana Schoashauffn! Wenn Du gwusst hätts wos Dei kloana "schlauer" Kommentar auf De runterreisst, dann hättst wahrscheinlich Dei voisoachts Maul ghoidn. Aba Du hosts ned kenna, Du host Dei Mei aufreissn miassn, und jetzt zoist, Du gottverdammta Troddl. I scheiss an grant üba Dir aus und Du werst drin dasauffa. Du bist komplett hi, Klona.
Schloss Neuschwanstein
Neuschwanstein, looks fancy but has next to no historic value.
>fat alcoholic never held a rifle
Bavarias military reserve is bigger than that of the next 4 states combinded. Source: I was a militaryfag. Also there are a fuckload of shooting clubs.
neuschwanstein it is part of the german disneyland
>What happens here?
not much
What did he mean by this?
>ich bin deutscha
>du bist n wichser bist du
>been to munich 11 years ago
>wonderful city
>met my first love
> 2016
>everyone is a faggot or a refugee
what have u done to munich for fucks sake
That he's a Gebirgsjäger and probably catholic as well :DD
Erdinger and Weißwurst, not Becks and Fischbrötchen, okay?
Praise Stoiber
fairy tales
I thought that was in Swabia. The Joachim Low kind of guys.
It's the navy seals copypasta in a bavarian dialect.
>what have u done to munich for fucks sake
vote SPD like all good city cucks