How did the "electable one" Mitt Romney lose, while the "unelectable" Donald Trump won?

How did the "electable one" Mitt Romney lose, while the "unelectable" Donald Trump won?

Trump won PA, MI, IA, WI, FL, OH, ME-2... Romney didn't.

Because there is only so often the tail can wag the dog.

Because he's a choker.

mormons creep people out

People don't like being told who to vote for

Because the NY and LA based media is completely out of touch with the rest of the country. They live in their own little bubble with such a distorted view of reality that they thought people were going to vote for Hillary Clinton.

Obama was way better at campaigning and giving speeches than Hillary.

Because this faggot mormon is not a general election candidate.

He's prolly really butthurt.

Also fuck Utah and all mormons

Because Romney's opponent had charisma and inspired people to vote. Remember that Trump actually got less votes overall than Romney but Obama got the people fired up. Clintion caused a split in her own party's base and ran an entire election based on the flaws of her opponent rather than her own merits.

>Remember that Trump actually got less votes overall than Romney

By the time the final tally is up, he'll have gotten more votes than Romney. By a very small margin, but still.

>T. Icouldn'twintheelection

Obama was formidable

not just a media darling since he's a token black man, but no skeleton closet either

Democrats are probably scrambling to find their next unicorn rather than finding a genuinely good candidate

Romney was a political insider and corporate drone who talked shit about working class people. Trump, meanwhile, showed working class whites nothing but respect and he promised policies that would benefit them. It isn't rocket science.

because obama was a nigger and niggers didn't bother coming out in droves to vote for a wrinkly white woman

Because Romney is a Mormon Heretic.

Because he tapped into the dark side of the electorate by using inflammatory and incendiary rhetoric. There is a reason he was endorsed by the Klan, and it is the same reason he is the darling of this shithole.


how many times must this morom alien worshiping preper cuck get BTFO before he stfu

Mormons are not real Christians
Their magical underwear story's freak out voters.
Plus romney rejected the poor white community that Donald Trump embraced.

>are probably scrambling to find their next unicorn
Can't they have Obama running again next election?

There's a difference between going up against a sitting president and a candidate. Trump would have lost against Obama.

Because less people voted overall. Romney actually got more votes than Trump despite their being more voters today. It was barely what I would call a victory for Trump.

Romney was up against Obama.
I would've won a state or two if I ran against Hillary.

>magic underwear

What NWO shill romney is
White Catholics like Trump but hate Obama and Romney
We hate Islam and mormons

Fucker should have run and won the nomination. Woulda made a cool 1000 bucks.

Romney was a godawful candidate.

Just watch his debates with Obama, he was a little bitch.

Romney called unemployed white people lazy,Trump did not call unemployed white people lazy.

weak meme game

Romney made (makes) his living off of destroying companies by pulling out ridiculous loans and bankrupting the business.
It's actually a business model called torpedoing.

Why would you let someone run the country, who's job it is to artificially create debt to bankrupt the business?

Sounds like a great plan!

Romney always came across as slippery. He backpeddled and flip flopped so many times that people didn't trust him. He was also just generally awkward.

Trump has flip flopped all over the place just as hard, but he was up against Clinton, who was much weaker than Obama, so it didn't matter as much

A literal who vs a guy who has been a celeb for 30+ years and dominates the news headlines.

Same than Shillary
Literary no one was hyped about Rommey

Trump didn't have to run against Obama. Obama would have beaten him very easily.

Because he was the designated gentlemanly GOP loser cuck sent to be slaughtered by King Negro.

Romney just seemed like a rich bigot, at least trump had some charisma.

Mitt insulted the UK. Trump didn't.

Liz decides this shit you know.

because he doesn't even know Trump U was just business-related courses; it didn't grant degrees.

I love the Evil Dead

Mitt doesn't know how to fight.

He's a cuck. Stop bringing this b8 up please.

Mormons aren't Christian.
Mitt Romney has more allegiance to Mexico and Israel than he does to the US.
Paul Ryan is a cuck.

Overall votes doesn't matter as much as the votes in the right states. Trump won by getting the votes Obama had gotten previously, the same demographic that Romney failed completely to net and in fact turned off to Obama even though those voters already felt betrayed by Obama in 2012. It's unknowable whether Trump could have beaten Obama because of that. Trump ran an entirely different campaign than Romney.

He's just assblasted because a man a zillion times richer than him sucessfully ran as a populist man of the people whereas he still gets snickered at and called Rmoney.

I guess he should have tried making money by building institutions that create jobs and grow communities instead of by buying institutions, firing everyone, aND cannibalizing the assets.

>The Queen has been in control of our elections all along

We would have never had Trump without that divisive ape.

16 dimensional cricket

Missed the evangelicals big league


Because Shrillary ran her entire campaign on: "You're not allowed to vote for a racist misogynist user. The migrants and Black Lives Matter be gud boyz."
Easy choice between him and this retarded cunt.

Does anybody else even remember anything from the Romney campaign on here? Everybody here besides a few burgers were so unenthusiastic. I remember following Paul's campaign and raging along with everybody else but then after he lost I don't remember anything from that election, not even memes.

Does the "binders full of women" thing count?

>I remember following Paul's campaign and raging along with everybody else but then after he lost I don't remember anything from that election, not even memes.
This a thousand times. Although I remember normies going on about Obama being literally black Jesus who was gonna make everything better.

Only that, Herman Cain quoting Pokemon in a speech, and Newt's moonbase plan.

Romney is too slick. People feel like he's hiding something and he thinks he's better than them. Trump ironically enough seems authentic

President cant do three terms unless war breaks out iirc (hence tinfoil theory of obama trying to prevoke martial law)

What difference, at this point, does it make?

Romney was a bitch who wouldn't fight dirty like the Democrats do.

President can only serve for eight years (two terms) UNLESS a President gets assasinated and the VP takes over. In that case the VP gets to run for two full terms in addition to whatever time he served as the dead President's replacement, making the maximum amount of time anybody can legally be President 12 years.

trump has bragged about making his businesses fail and then running out the back door with loads of cash. how is that not the same thing?

>Trump won PA, MI, IA, WI, FL, OH, ME-2... Romney didn't.
God, that must hurt.
There is nothing I hate more then hedge fund manger. Worst sort of scum. "Hurdurr this company is profitable but it's land and asserts are worth more short term so let's buy all their stock on leverage, fire all the employees and sell the land off and keep their reserve cash; thusly the five people in the room making the deal steal the livelyhood of the 300 people the company employed.
Hedge fund managers are gross humans and I could never vote for mitt Becusee of that.

>called unemployed white people lazy
kek, this probably isn't the case, but it would be hilarious if that one comment was worse than everything Trump has ever said.

Because Trump bought votes in swing states. There is video of Eric Trump admitting this.

Nobody cares, faggot. When conservatives get something as embarrassing as SJWism, give us a call. Maybe bible-banging will make a comeback.

In the meantime, kys.