Only 50k found a job in a year? Seriously?
1mio came, 50k found a job. Now that's what I call a huge success.
They're coming for jobs now?
So are they refugees or migrants?
most are only "helper" jobs financed by the german state
>We expected a bunch of illeterates but some of them can actually read a few chosen sentences from their Kebab book
Also it says refugees - that still implies only the ones that fled from actual conflict and persecution not the majority of illegal immigrants that used those people to get the german moneys.
thats more than the 500 people out of 160k+ that came to sweden last year
do you want some more illegals to deport?
wtf is is that? why did pepe kill wojak?
yeah better educated at breeding faster than the germans.
>germany assumed they had no education
>many of them are indeed very skilled in using an AK47
I guess the racists got BTFO.
wow refugees are replacing German workforce, I wonder how long until quality of german product drops
Does the article mention 1€ jobs because I'm pretty sure 90% of these refugees are employed in these jobs that are basically modern slave labour and wrecking the economy
>and wrecking the economy
That pic really made me kek. :^)
You can hire refugees or immigrants and pay them 1€ hourly wage and the goverment then gives them welfare so they actually have a living standard
Instead of people being paid a decent wage that lets them actually survive and maybe even escape poverty they work just so they can still be dependant on the state
>no source for the article
I'm sure your source is totally a legit and unbiased web blog that's not overtly cheerleader the decline of the west. I'm mean otherwise, I might have to laugh at you
>no actual source or numbers
Well here is what I know. Guess I don't need to bother about numbers either.
>Industry actually complains rapefugees are as expected significantly less skilled than 16-17 year old kids in training
>most literally in training to get to the lowest level of a 16 year old german child or actually only do work kids around the age of 16 do like carrying out newspapers because they literally require zero skills
the lefts obsession with cheap labor is not a meme.
"Better than expected" isn't "good". Also I thought there were poor refugees traumatized by war, how did they gather the strength to get a job?
Funny how the excuses oscillate between "those poor people" and "SEE THEY AREN'T JUST POOR PEOPLE". It's not like they're all beggars, most of them are loaded as fuck and have huge bank accounts, they just keep them on the side, as we literally throw money at them.
We influenced the US election with magic memes, BTFOing the universe in the process. I think it's about time we drop this meme.
so around 5% of them have found some shitty jobs, of which half are still on welfare on top of that
gee, we've found a solution to all of our problems
real talk though, that cop is smart
nigger parents pretty much teach their parents to hate cops from birth, but if this guy is doing all that stuff, then they'll have fond memories of him and playing with their friends, and maybe not be such fucking niggers
then why ther is a big ad that say germoney need 2000 eng????
Wtf I love fundamentalist Muslim migrants now! Pls fuck my sister Muhammad! I want enrichment!
>doesn't recognize propaganda
That makes no sense as they are economic migrants from all over the middle east and Africa
read the article, the findings are disputed. the latest study is from BAMF so obviously spin is a factor
>better educated
Nigga, I work in HR and I get a ton of refugees asking for jobs each month.
They don't have any qualifications, they only speak broken english and basically give their curriculums like they are handing out a piece of trash.
Seriously, that shit about them having any sort of education is a fucking lie. I wonder why the same people that make fun of rural people in Europe for being less educated and backwards, are welcoming worse rednecks from shit holes on Earth that instead of saying mean things would rather chop your head off.
Wasn't that the main goal anyway? It's not like the importers of these refugees cared for them. It's all about the shekels.
>expect 1st grade of elementary school
>everyone says they finished 2nd
Don't worry it's simple Jewish propaganda to spread pro refugee rhetoric.
Lambaste it, put (((parenthesis))) on it and move on.
Bullshit. Just a few months ago, they reported the exact opposite. They originally said Syrian migrants would be educated, because they came from a previously civilized country, but after a few months, reports showed that most were not just uneducated, but didn't even have a high school education.
Is that why most of them cant even read or write
Or did germany get all the doctors and engineers?
>What is propaganda
Posting a reddit link for context, because the news article is in Norwegian.
> 50 000
> out of
> 1 000 000
That's 5% kek
a new (((study)))
Why do You even bother replying to this subversive crap
Does anyone here notice the trend of high influx of (((leftard))) topics and narratives supported by the (((leftard media)))
There is a pattern that goes along something like this:
1.Some crappy (((SJW))) topic
2.Followed by crappy (((SJW))) source
read the last line user
"Sand niggers are great for your country" said the Jew-run media
Well in Spain they gave a job of footbal scout to a refuge WITHOUT SPEAKING SPANISH so it´s more like the cucks find anything the refugees do fascinating.
Also with the auto-hate I assure you that our bosses are rude toward spanish young, yet if a refugee fart in front of them they will gladly smell his fart and give him the job.
>better educated than expected
"Abdullah is wise beyond his 12 years"
>trust me Kāfir, me is doctor
It is based on a fucking survey!!! They didn't need to show any proof of thier "education".
Let's make it a tiny Yugoslavia, what say you Balkanfags?
anything to push their agenda.
>logistic, warehouses and agriculture
so in short, harvest hand, stock boy and other jobs that require zero eduction and are minimum wage jobs, paying next to no taxes, competenteing with the already uneducated germans that would have gotten this jobs.
As a whole or just some cherry picked examples?
>30 thousand out of +1 million found a job
>over 970 thousand are still unemployed
Lets open up those borders. These "refugees" are an economic goldmine!
nah, this would be best case scenario. Most of the jobs are "Arbeitsbeschaffungsmaßnahmen", which means they do useless bullshit and literally earn nothing.
top fucking kek
>"the director of Germany's Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) has said."
obviously he would have no reason to lie about this. and better educated that whom expected? assuming the article is even real, and not just a random made up screenshot like most "news" here
even better, so the same 1€ jobs our politicians want to give them.
only a survey with 2000 responses
>and better educated that whom expected?
well this is a bland lie, a year ago they (aka msm) told everyone they where highly qualified rocket scientists, doctors and such.
>this is better than expected
Fuck. Merkel really wants to destroy Germany.
john oliver did a bad propaganda piece about this, but that's about all i've seen.
john oliver is somehow even more annoying than piers morgan. that's a special sort of talent
I can confirm. They are high IQ individuals.
so many lies
It is real. Reliable studies show that 70% of syrian people are functional illiterates.
Racist weenies are pathetic. Most of the shit they say here is factually wrong.
>expected: 0.0
>what they were really: 0.1^g64
I agree. Look how smoothly Germany is running these days. Yup nothing but a happy and super skilled labour force could've produced the economic utopia that is Germany in 2016.
>im totally a doctor engineer, i dont need no proof you racist
>refugees are highly educated
>working in agriculture, logictics and warehousing
I bet all the botanists will find new strategies on how to combat important plant pathogens, while all the mathematicians and physicists are using cutting edge heuristics and genetic algorithms to optimize our logistics.
>Believing ANYTHING that comes from the german media
You fucked up kebabremoverbro
Do they not have badays in germany?
As if they had botanists in sandnig countries who grew anything else than weed and heroin.
>get hand wet
>smear around your feces a bit
So the idea is: keep them poor, they reproduce and require more assistance, German born "citizens" grow and eventually vote for more socialist programs sapping Germans further. Poor get poorer and vote/socialists rule increases.
I hear some of them even have their pilots licenses and demolitions certification