How to UN-CUCK yourself. Easy steps

- eat plenty of red meat, animal fats, fatty fish, seeds, nuts
- eat plenty of seafood (minerals), mushrooms (rich in D3 Vit), garlic (Zinc)
- drink raw milk, eat cheeses made with raw (not pasteurized milk), use butter for the frying pan
- choose complex carbohydrates: potatoes, yams, veggies, legumes instead of simple carbs (refined sugars)
- stay away from SOY (high in phytoestrogens, will turn you into a faggy
** cholesterol, Zinc and D3 vitamin are ESSENTIAL for optimal levels of Testosterone

HIT the GYM:
- 4-5times /week, 45-60 min of intense weight lifting
- get plenty of sleep, at least 8/night, try to be in bet before 23.00 (HGH will be released into the bloodstreem between 23-03 if the body is resting)
- cut your alcohol to a minimum
- stay away from DRUGS

Bask in the SUN:
- boosts your D3 vitamin levels, essentials for maintaining an optimal level of testosterone
- ditch your sunscreen. If you're too sensitive to light use natural vegetable oils: olive oil, coconut oil. First time in the sun you might get sunburns but after a while your body will adapt and defend itself by boosting melanin production
- ~30-60 min/day of direct sunlight on naked skin could be enough

- interacting with girls in order to FUCK them will boost your confidence testosterone levels
- more sex = better health AND NO, FAPPING DOESN'T COUNT AS SEX !
- start low if you need (ugly girls/easy pray) to boost your game and slowly go up. DON'T SETTLE FOR leftovers.

Other urls found in this thread:

PS. You might say that there is a conspiracy to cuck the western males :

- human sexual hormones (steroids) got banned
- raw milk got banned
- SUNSHINE got vilified

Raw milk is terrible for you. Milk is pasteurized to kill off bacteria that will make you sick. Unless you live on a farm and regularly consume raw milk, do not drink this. Especially do no give this to your kids or the elderly, as they have weaker immune systems. Homogenization isn't as necessary, but it keeps milk from getting lumpy when it sits in your refrigerator.

The biggest problem with is the estrogen and other hormones given to cows that effects the milk. You will consume these whether or not the milk is pasteurized and homogenized or not.

The whole point of drinking milk is for calcium. You can get calcium from eating spinach, broccoli, and other vegetables. They're less calorie dense, and it will make you less of a fatass than drinking milk.

There's a lot of shitty information in your posts, but I don't have the interest to grow through it all.

>- 4-5times /week, 45-60 min of intense weight lifting
3 times is enough, when doing heavy compound exercises.

>- ditch your sunscreen. If you're too sensitive to light use natural vegetable oils: olive oil, coconut oil. First time in the sun you might get sunburns but after a while your body will adapt and defend itself by boosting melanin production

you are straight up retarded

>- start low if you need (ugly girls/easy pray) to boost your game and slowly go up. DON'T SETTLE FOR leftovers
>fuck ugly chicks

>pic related

i eat a lot of protein but i tend to take a small dose of soy lechitin granules cause it makes you cum a shit load. is there a replacement to that?

OK, go drink your soy latte, now. They brain washed you already. Enjoy your cuckness

(RAW milk from grass grazing hormone/antibiotics free cows, nigga)
All my youth I drank raw milk and here I am still fucking yo momma sideways

Yes, start out with 3.
I would also recommend

Have money for all that

Fuck off

Don't start dating them, ONS only with the less fortunate. NOT ugly, insecure.

great post

overtraining is a meme, you will adapt

agree but the point of milk is not just calcium, it has a good ratio of nutrients, personally i can't drink it anymore would rather eat normal food

Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0, Super Male Vitality, Iodine. Jogging, swimming, lifting weights and going after 9/10 pussy is the only way to boost testosterone.

>- SUNSHINE got vilified

You won't adapt if you get injured

Try squating 5 times a week.

Straight shota...?

Can I still get loud on the weekends?

>overtraining is a meme, you will adapt
The problem is that a beginner is much more likely to not stick with it if he goes too hard for a few weeks, sees no results and then quits.
I think you are more likely to see lasting results if you work to get progressively stronger

Does super male vitality actually work

Decent gym advise but
>4-5times /week, 45-60 min of intense weight lifting
You're supposed to rest 2 days between working each muscle group. Personally I just do 3 days/week of full body.

>Bask in the sun
Enjoy your cancer. This is no propaganda meme, it has to do with the UV wavelength and the ionization energy of atoms, quite trivial stuff we discovered almost a centory ago along with quantum physics.

>Beer pushed as a "man's drink" by pop culture and media
>The hops in beer boost your estrogen levels

>Wine pushed as a "woman's drink" by pop culture and media
>Red wine contains compounds that make you piss out less testosterone

Hmm, really makes you think

>Starting Strenght.
It's okayish for newbs. Altough, imo, SL 5x5 is better.

your body borrows calcium from your bones in order to break down the huge amounts of raw fat in the milk, you're not getting any calcium from drinking that shit.
>falling for the milk jew

Spain confirmed as most cucked part of the world, just by OP alone.

wait is there such a thing as pasteurized milk cheese? that must taste disgusting.

>implying milk is an essential part of a diet

I agree with pretty much everything else you've said so far, but milk is a meme and completely unnecessary in your diet.

Think American cheese, and yes it's awful

Work hard, train hard, your mind (not only just body) will get stronger and success will follow. -> $$$

That's because he ate crap food, lived in a toxic environment, maybe too much alcohol/smoking also

Healthy food is the BEST DEFENSE for cancer. Not sunscreen.
Lurk more and see the D3 is anticancerigen. So sun boosting D3 will DECREASE chances of cancer.

Do you guys think tap water is fucking up our testosterone?

It's the only thing i can think of in my diet that is possibly fucked up.

>Beer is pushed as barbaric drink where whine is more widely used
>Whine is pushed as girly drink where beer is more widely used

Makes you think.

Now I'm just saying, that diet will also likely give you high cholesterol, heart problems, and likely diabetes.

You could simplify it by just saying to avoid soy products, avoid processed foods, and avoid meats that have additives added to them.

That's sexist you spik pig. There are women who browse pol too, now where is that option?

oh look, broscience

It was the same for me, sl eclipsed ss

I'm on the fence about that, it seems farfetched to me but I understand the points that people make about it.

Are you avoiding soy and beer?

enjoy skincancer

How to become a hamplanet: the post

>increase your alcohol to a maximum


only pussies can't handle bacteria. bitch i can take ebola injections all day

You don't get injured when you're on 500mg test and another 300mg of tren. I'm a total dyelfag, a literal hacker on steroids. Even without a real training schedule or diet, I'm looking better than ever, strength is going up. I'm better in bed and girls actually run their hands over my body during sex.

If you're over 30s, you're basically an idiot if you aren't on sterons.

Buy that Alex Jones tap filter, get into shape fast.

I leveled up :D

Don't sleep 12h under the burning sun, sunbathe between 9-11 , 16-19 then you won't need sunscreen
Fuck, I thought everybody knew that. Midday is for siestaaaa esse

you're a fucking retard. what am I on some vh1 dating show?

I've been doing SL 5X5 for almost three months now. I've been lifting since high school and nothing gets me like this regimen. Makes me horny as fuck too which my girlfriend loves.

>Healthy food stops cancer
>Basking in the sun too much actually PREVENTS CANCER

Retard confirmed.

DHEA + Clomid, doubles your internal test, no roids, no shutdown, no reproductive side effects. Massive gainz.

you think all the weebs and betas on this board actually do exercise? No one is going to do any of this and will remain cucked. believe me, ask anyone.

Cut this pseudoscience shit. Only way to raise testosterone levels beyond natural fluctuations is by injecting it. Thats it

This right here. I just got back from a trip to Italy and the UK and when I arrived in Italy I was sure I was going to be surrounded by feminine men who cried about everything and wore skinny jeans. I was way off, the men in general the were normal masculine men and it has to be because of the food and the fact they drink wine.

UK was the complete opposite, fags everywhere and man tits on everyone

Yeah, no soy, no alcohol and no caffeine.

feels good man.

Just a bit afraid of residual hormones in tap water.


>low test beta fuccboi detected.

>avoiding beer
hard liquor is fine, right?

Moderation is the best

Tell that to my battered in streetfights, falling from bikes, trees, etc body and not a single broken bone

Yea i worry about that too, but I'm not entirely sold that it's a real concern

You fucking retards ARE aware that high testo is the reason for manboobs and hairloss?


you might aswell cut out bacon and convert to islam. atleast you'll be eternally uncucked

No shit you got it straight from the farm because you're a poor country bumpkin fag and developed the bacterial flora in your stomach to handle it.

Pasteurization is simply heating it up and cooling it to kill off microbes that may be present. It doesn't affect the nutritional content or somehow add estrogen to it. You can buy organic pasteurized milk where the cows aren't treated with hormones and are grass fed. Same thing for cheese.

You're basically just saying "I have big nigger farmboy genes, but thats totally not why I am buff, its because I replaced sunscreen with vegetable oil and drank milk straight from the cows tit. Git on my lvl fgget."

>Tell that to my body
>not a single picture of beta cucks body

Depends on the liquor really, i actually drink alot of wine, my friends make fun of me for it, but then i just remind them of their man tits.

>i ran a cycle without an ai
>i have gyno

DHT and genetics
>bitch tits
Estrogen (through aromatization of test)

So no and no.

Milk is useless. The dairy lobby spends millions trying to push it as an essential part of your diet when it's not. It has less calcium than some other foods. You'd be better off eating food with more calcium like spinach.

>eat plenty of red meat, animal fats

Chances are that meat is 1) coming from a female. 2) ate a ton of soy while it was alive. You don't need any animal product to have healthy hormone levels. Exercise, vitamin d, zinc, plenty of green veggies will keep your testosterone levels high.

Got some straight up retards in here.

The sun is fucking good for you as long you dont tan to look like some leather skinned shit bag.

Raw milk is great for you as it contains way more nutrients.

And yeah, fuck ugly girls, you hand fucking simps. It's called brick laying, and the fact that some of you wont go out and get some pussy says a lot.

Great advice OP. Still have a lot of deniers to cut through.

Wait, what. Is there really something special about beer, I thought it was just alcohol fucking up your hormones.

Low testosterone levels may result in a decline in:

Physical energy
Diminished mental aggressiveness

Additional symptoms of in low-T in men may include:

More aches and pains in the bones and joints than normal
A decline in libido and erections
Weight gain

Also, I highly recommend against this. Most fat and ugly chicks don't anticipate getting laid so they don't maintain their vaginas.

If you hit a fatty/uggo expect a nasty smelling cunt and a fucking jungle down there. If anything it makes you feel worse afterwards.

You're retarded

or how about you do not engage in cuckholdry. That seems like the sensible option

>the iron jew
>the burning jew
>the vaginal jew
yeah nah

forgot about Fluoride in tap /some bottled water
It fucks up your testosterone and pineal gland (other endocrine aka hormone secreting gland)

With you, but no sun for me. I'ma fucking redhead. Can't let that happen.

that face when betas on Sup Forums organise their entire lives around increasing their slim chances of getting laid but you won the genetic lottery and dont even have to try

OP literally said that sunlight prevents cancer if you eat healthy food. Obviously some sun is good for you, but that's retarded.

You didnt need to go full numale sperglord, you couldve made your one good point about pasteurized milk and moved along. Maybe the fap =/= sex troubles you
>There's a lot of shitty information in your posts
Says the guy who rageblogs about milk. OP is helping us out here and you are not, so shut it

Fuck. The image is imprinted on my mind now :(

Luckily we don't have fluoride in tap water in the netherlands.

Wrong board ultra cuck.

cholesterol -> heart problems myth already debunked. The culprit is the refined sugar not the cholesterol.
Lurk more

>no cardio mentioned

Sure thing bud

All alcohol is bad. Beer with hops is probably the biggest offender though.

>ditch suncreen
>eat animal fats

somebody fell for the paleo meme

I fucking hate mushrooms.

Raw milk is mega illegal in the U.S. unless I want to buy a cow.

I have no idea how to find women to interact with because I only go to work, home, gym.

My real problem is finding out what normies do when they're not doing the same things, but they're all fucking retards and don't even understand that question when I ask it.

Beer in general depending on the type of beer (iPas for example) lead to a higher level of estrogen in men. Alcohol overall doesn't necessarily cause it though.


Tap water is fucking terrible for you because with the overabundance of women on birth control it leads to them pissing the shit out which stays in the water system.

Also Fluoride is terrible for you.

>overtraining is a meme, you will adapt
not if you train correctly and without drugs

Its not the fluoride as much as the waste run-off from prescription drugs which is a hidden problem at least in the US. My tap water has a sweet taste, I dont drink it. Reverse osmosis filtered FTW

I have more interesting ways to spend my time

>man tits on everyone

This is like a Nigerian complaining about niggers on his trip to the USA.

>you're basically an idiot if you aren't on sterons
steroids are for looking good, true men use weightlifting for mental and physical strength. you're basically using make up for men, cheater

You seem to be focusing your advice around fucking girls and increasing your notch count, but what about attracting a quality traditional wife and being a traditional husband?

>implying I said my country is thin

Just because we're fat over here doesn't mean you aren't

This proves that most of what you said is copy pasta.

Raw milk will fuck you up if you havent started already in early childhood.

>Raw milk is mega illegal in the U.S.

Everything adds up but Gym 4-5 times a week, unless you're only doing specific muscle groups a day.

if you're going for a full body workout every time, only go to the gym 3-4 times a week with one day of recovery between each session.

Taiwan gook enjoying his daily soy and complaining his cock is invisible and no shadow EVER.
All asians be like betas for something, checked your diet. Western grown asians more developed, I wonder why. No tofu around?

fuck alpha males Theta males are the best of men