>it's a "Londoner believes the whole UK is as diverse as London" episode
Let him run and fail.
that should scare them off.
it isnt ?
As long as blacks live here it will happen eventually. Sooner rather than later.
Britain's Obamas (half-Africans raised by white mothers) are all playing for the English national team
UK is 88% white
London is 45% white
My country (Scotland) is 95% white
Woah, so these are the Anglo people i have heard so much about in the history books!
Woah look, a talking monkey!
Indeed, i have Anglo heritage.
based Martian Manhunter.
its a moot point. i wouldnt vote on the basis of skin colour, but how good they were as a pm.
Chuka deimus and diane flabbot are fucking useless.
Adam Afriyie was a potential candidate to run against cameron. He may well have done a decent job and seems like a viable candidate.
But really as a percentage minorities in the uk are a small percentage and blacks within that smaller still. Why the fuck didnt they ask if a British Asian PM will be PM.. It's got more of a chance. Why? Because it's the fucking BBC
How's the wi-fi out there in the rainforest, Curious George?
hehehe thanks for a laugh lad
>Most cucked: Scotland
Good luck getting anyone to vote for a nog. This isn't like the US where you'll rouse a huge black turnout due to ingroup preference.
Even Muslims won't vote for one.
Just as good as in your mosque, abdul.
>London is 45% white
3% of the population is black, why should they be in leading roles?
Don't let that Zika virus go to your head now, wouldn't want you to become anymore endangered than you already are.
It would solve so many problems
Save some of those for California too please.
As long as London is gone I dont care how many nukes you want, the place is a disgusting shell of a once great British city
Just cordon it off and offer all the non-whites a free trip to France via the Eurostar.
fuck niggers. stay in london where you belong.
1 great fire wasnt enough
>My country (Scotland) is 95% white
but they all act like niggers and have a leader that looks exactly like jimmy krankie
picture related its nichola sturgeon
depressing desu, but I must say BBC has the best fonts/layouts of any news outlet.
Those pictures are also really nice.
I thought that was Mugabe for a second.
>London is 45% white
London is 60% white
London is 45% white British
Black ethnicity made up 3% of the UK population in 2011, maybe it's around 5% now, I don't know,
but based on this I don't see how you could expect to see more than a 10:1 ratio of white to black in government, business or media.
just more cry bullies methinks.
This nog is trying real hard for this shit
>oh no only 2% of parliament members is black, is not like the country is 2% black
Is there even that much nig immigration to even raise it that high?
>Nuking the main sources of your GDP
It's not worth it mates, a good old fashion race war will solve our problems
British Jews make up 0.2% of the population but 48% of the judiciary, 36% of house of Lords, 28% of house of commons
No thats bullshit, I need a source
We're not that Goyed..........I hope
Isn't London only 22% of annual GDP anyway?