When Haiti showed France who the BOSS is

>This happened in the last year of what it is called The Haitian Revolution (1791-1804). In this year, the French soldiers were already dead/defeated/escaping on their boats, and blacks already had the power. In fact, The 1804 Haiti massacre was carried out against the remaining white population of French Creoles (or Franco-Haitians) in Haiti by the black population on the order of Jean-Jacques Dessalines

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>The massacre—which took place in the entire territory of Haiti—was carried out from early February 1804 until 22 April 1804. The course of the massacre showed an almost identical pattern in every city of Haiti

>The pattern: When Dessalines arrived to a city, he first spoke about the atrocities committed by former white authorities, after which he demanded that his orders about mass killings of the area's white population be carried out

>Mass killings then took place on the streets and on places outside the cities. In parallel to the killings, plundering and rape also occurred. Women and children were generally killed last

>French women were often raped or pushed into forced marriages under threat of death. By the end of April 1804, some 3,000 to 5,000 people had been killed and the white Haitians (French descent) were practically eradicated


>Historically, The Haitian evolution has no precedents. Self-liberated slaves destroyed slavery at home, fought to preserve their freedom, and with the collaboration of mulattoes, founded the sovereign state of Haiti. It led to the greatest slave uprising since Spartacus, who led an unsuccessful revolt against the Roman Republic nearly 1,900 years prior. The Haitian Revolution was the only slave uprising that led to the founding of a state free from slavery and ruled by non-whites and former captives

Yellow fever decimated the French. Also some Polish soldiers switched sides.

There were a few German merchants on the north side, they were spared.

Wow so successful Haiti is now the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere where they literally eat mud cakes to not starve to death.

> Free from slavery


> Dessalines tried hard to keep the sugar industry and plantations running and producing without slavery. Born into slavery and having worked under white masters for 30 years, as well as having seen many atrocities by all peoples, Dessalines did not trust the white French people.[9] Between February and April 1804, he had the white Haitian minority killed by ordering the 1804 Haiti Massacre.[2] Dessalines declared Haiti an all-black nation and forbade whites from owning property or land there.

> He enforced a harsh regimen of plantation labor, described by the historian Michel-Rolph Trouillot as caporalisme agraire (agrarian militarism). As had Toussaint Louverture, Dessalines demanded that all blacks work either as soldiers to protect the nation or as laborers on the plantations to generate crops and income to keep the nation going. His forces were strict in enforcing this, to the extent that some blacks felt as if they were again enslaved.

In other words, niggers rebelled on one of the wealthiest islands in the Western Hemisphere, slaughtered innocent whites, destroyed the local economy (which has never recovered), and then promptly reenslaved themselves.

What a wonderful success story. Black Power!

Yeah and how's Haiti doing now?

Absolutely great.

Their society is completely free of racism, sexism, islamophobia and white males - and that is the model society.

Everything else is irrelevant.

...and then what happened?

And now they're one of the poorest andmost violent country in the world.
If they choose to stay french they will probably be like our current overseas department (people are either unemployed or have cool jobs in administration, smoke weed and sing on the beach every day youtube.com/watch?v=wfxt1SGWAI8 and get a lot of money from metropole, they're even part of European Union).
Instead of that they've chose to be independant.

You really blame them for this? Srsly? They had been raped in brutalized for decades and they got their shot to fight back....like you wouldnt have done the same shit

you do this every fucking day.
what's wrong with you?go outside,have fun and stop shitposting

*raped and brutalized

Yeah, the revolution and massacre of whites has worked out so well for Haiti hasn't it.

Does anyone have a link to a 'politically incorrect' documentary with some old white guy narrating just how savage the Hatians were?

It didn't have much for video except slides from pics like OP posted

Lol, better to die free and rape some white ass while your at it. The french colonisers use to flay and torture their slaves daily, they got what was coming

Didn't France just basically abandon whites on Haiti? Your country could've exterminated every nigger on that island in a matter of days.

Butthurt nignogs detected

Cant blame them desu. Too bad we didnt do the same with Hungarians after ww1.

Chileans are buthurt (and rightfully so) cause a once mixed country with high white population and no niggers is getting invaded in droves by haitians that can barely speak, less alone being functional in a developed society

>Yeah and how's Haiti doing now?


I guess that since it was in 1804, Napoleon cares more about European wars than our colonies.
But I don't know really much about it.

As a matter of fact by 1804 the French empire had other shit to worry about than a few of its citizen stranded on the Planet of the Apes.

So just like present day Paris. No change in policy there.

Anytime anyone asks about repararions, show them this shit..

Death of the pig. Part 1

>The most historically important Vodou ceremony in Haitian history was the Bois Caïman ceremony of August 1791 that began the Haitian Revolution, in which the spirit Ezili Dantor possessed a priestess and received a black pig as an offering, and all those present pledged themselves to the fight for freedom.[42] This ceremony ultimately resulted in the liberation of the Haitian people from French colonial rule in 1804


>Dominican Republic
soon there won't be any Haitians left in Haiti

OKAY so, while this was fun and all I wrote a paper about it and its long term effects on race relations

Fucking France, after getting their asses BTFO made the Haitians pay $21 BILLION in war reparations. For comparison, around the same time period, they sold us the Louisiana Territory for what, $15 million?

Basically, there were years when Haiti would be paying back this debt and it would suck up upwards of 80% of their GDP.

When the Civil War came around in the USA, many southern newspapers would cite the slave uprising as what would happen in the south, as well as point to the failures of a black society (even though it was impossible for the Haitian's to survive under such debt)

Worst of all, Haiti DESTROYED all the infrastructure and refused to work on plantations making sugar. EVERYONE refused to trade with them except small Caribbean islands so their economy was just shit forever after.

> The french colonisers use to flay and torture their slaves daily, they got what was coming

No they didn't this never happened. Whites never systematically abused all their slaves in this manner daily. Niggers need to be able to pick crops, they're only a stomach to feed if they've been beaten and handicapped.

Yes slavery was bad. Yes slave masters used brutal techniques to ensure discipline. But these techniques were used sparingly. It's just not logical that the whites acted like Saw everyday.

Badass. They sure showed those white people who was boss.

If I'd benn a slave, I would have wanted to kill the slave owner.
In a way the masscre was fair, except for innocent children.
What they did after that with their country, however....

And these shits are invading my country. Stupid liberals will support them as usual

Napoléon was fighting alone the rest of the world.
But we always managed terribly our colonies, see New France and the 7 Years War, we used to possess almost the entire continent but we never populated it, New France we had a population of trappers and merchants but no real settlers.
It's even more stupid when you think about the fact we were the demographic powerhouse of Europe (we had something like 5 times the population of the UK).

For example we lost Québec to the anglos because we only had 80 000 men in North America while they had something like 2 millions settlers.
In Haiti it's the same thing: we flooded ourselves with niggers insted of sending actual french people and we reached the critical point at which we couldn't control them anymore.

Our colonial policies weren't the total fiasco of Spain but they were pretty bad.

Bunch of nigs kill innocent whites, suffer because of it. Dig their own graves. I hope they enjoy their mud pancakes...

We are going to build a wall but Haiti can't pay for it.

Pigs revenge. Part 2
>In the 1970s and 1980s, the US sought to safeguard against a global swine flu epidemic.

As part of assessments in several countries, the US determined that as many as 1/3 of Haiti’s pigs were sick. Aggressively pursuing its goal of containment, the US “pressur[ed] Haitian dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier into slaughtering virtually all Creole pigs.” USAID then sent pigs from Iowa to Haiti to replace the 1.3 million it had just sentenced to death.

The imported pigs were ill-suited to Haiti. Their need for pricy vaccinations and their dietary selectivity earned them the title, “le prince aux quatre pieds” (the four-footed prince). Shortly thereafter, all these pigs died off.

It didn't help that just to get to the island was a pain. There was a lack of communication and those on the island were on their own. Troops and supplies were sent in small quantities, but with everything else going on in the world the French just decided to cut ties and fine the ever living shit out of Haiti.

>This will happen to our grand children one day unless we stop the demographic change

The clintons love Haiti

>former President Bill Clinton, now the UN special envoy to Haiti. Last month he publicly apologized for forcing Haiti to drop tariffs on imported subsidized US rice during his time in office. The policy wiped out Haitian rice farming and seriously damaged Haiti’s ability to be self-sufficient.

Only thing they are good for.


That's hilarious actually. It's like the USA are out to ruin Haiti's economy even further one short-sighted policy at a time. Please tell me there's more

Slavery differed in different countries. In Haiti and Brazil, they worked a lot of slaves to death because diseases would claim them later, so one might as well get as much labour out of them as possible.

>48k hitians predicted for 2017
Just fuck my country up sempai


You know what needs to be done Raoul.

There's literally nothing wrong with dead frenchies.

Yo, swedecuck

If Chile decides to commit suicide, what swede-city would be nice?

200 years of independence from evil whitey

surely they're doing great now? right?

Read Hesketh's dispatch from Haiti, Where black rules white. Brutal stuff.

>LOOK MOM I POSTED IT AGAIN for the 100th time

>Many supporters of the Fanmi Lavalas party and Aristide, as well as some foreign supporters, denounced the rebellion as a foreign controlled coup d'état orchestrated by Canada, France and the United States (Goodman, et al., 2004) to remove a publicly elected President. A new book on the subject, Damming the Flood: Haiti, Aristide and the Politics of Containment by Peter Hallward, documents the events leading up to 29 February 2004, and concludes that what occurred during the "rebellion" was in fact a modern coup d'état, financed and orchestrated by forces allied with the US government.

Aristide was elected by the people
>Paul farmer

>Self-liberated slaves destroyed slavery at home, fought to preserve their freedom

Way to show sum of dat justice to evil whitey.

>no, this aint no gencide, we liberation naow!

And haiti is a giant pile of diarrhea now.

They reverted back to tribal africans, who praticed voodoo and killed each other over small incidents. Instead of creating a new path, they like all blacks just revert back to the apes they truly are.

That looks pozzed as fuck