Liberals will defend this
Liberals will defend this
White people are literally the devil and their lives don't matter
Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people
I think hes just using the scare tactic.
Hes just scaring white people there so they leave SA.We done that with the Turks here aswell and it worked great
>Hes just scaring white people there so they leave SA
Other black leaders have tried this. It doesn't turn out so well because the plan is missing a key component: niggers are evolutionarily incapable of running a successful modern civilization on their own.
fpbp fuck drumfpf
Why is this being not in prison?
Yeah, they are scared raped
I don't think they ever left user
Give this man a Nobel Peace Prize.
hey guys maybe we can start talking about the south african white refugees with our meme magic? i would love for them to come to america!!
fuck drumpf and FUCK white people
Let's rapatriate Afrikaners to Yurop, and send them african "refugees" instead.
A fair trade?
I hate all niggers, even the friendly ones.
>liberals will defend this
Liberals don't know much about South Africa, or southern Africa in general, before Mandela and the end of Apartheid. Maybe some stuff about colonialism but nothing that is really in depth.
They don't know that when the Boers arrived it was sparsely populated by any African tribe. The Zulus arrived around the same time the Boers did and killed or enslaved the local tribes to the north east of the Cape.
Liberals are also ignorant of the Boer Wars, the Border War with the communists, and the buildup of what was one of the best chances Africa had to stand up on its own. But since Afrikaners are racist they had to step down, self determination didn't meet the standards of people who don't live there. But the genocidal maniacs that took over were acceptable. There is a very good reason P.W. Botha had the nukes dismantled before he gave the reigns over.
Liberals claim they want to help Africa, but have fucked it over more times than colonists ever did. Now they are scratching their heads wondering where did all the food go and why are children being raped to cure AIDs.
Can we start pushing Trump to accept Boers and whites in South Africa as refugees with full citizenship granted? That would help us a lot with the demographics. It would make America shoot up to like 75% white again and there would be a huge conservative voting base and they would support the alt right.
>Africa for Africans
>Europe for Europeans
>Asia for Asians
No, they're ours.
Come home, white man.
He actually tweeted about South Africa being on the brink of civil war a fee years ago.
Pls make it happen
Get me out of this god forsaken continent
Cool, so they will become a shithole like all black countries after they killed whites
Isn't it possible for you to move to Europe?
If they do, then we should kill kaffers here.
>Europe, America and western white nations
>Accepting and helping whites
Choose one
>dindu nuffin
>dindu nation
>dindu continent
If Black people are so "superior" with their giant pee-pees ... How they can constantly fuck up Africa? They have every fucking resource... plenty of land to farm on...
>cant stop killing each other