Hillary Clinton

How did she lose?!?


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She didn't rig it hard enough.

Media demonizing trump supporters drove them underground and not even their inside polls measured them.

Soros believed he could destroy America easier from the bottom up.
So he switched tactics & sides.

Probably shouldn't have sold her soul to satan. Too many people noticed something was off about her.

She was the strongest candidate

Here last campaign days were spent campaigning with LeBron James, Beyonce, and Jay-Z. Right before the election.

"We have the demographics!"

"The era of white people is over!"



>She was so cool! Yo! mah man! Wazzup

"No matter who wins, after the election we all need to come together and get behind our progressive multicultural plan for America. White people, you will have a special place at our events where you can stand silently as allies. BLM and Feminism has lots to do in Hillary's America!"

"That's the sound of the glass ceiling being shattered. We did it women!"

Does anyone else play Half-life 2?

She's like that one kid in the group that tries so hard to fit in. And everytime he seems to one up himself on the retard scale, the more everyone else is just like 'eh fuck off man'. Thats putting it in the nicest way possible for her

>attacks campaign manager

>Media demonizing trump supporters drove them underground and not even their inside polls measured them.

the underground got one. it's shocking mate

She couldn't shake off scandal as if life her life depended on it. Once Comely re-opened the case, it was over for Hillary.

The other problem was her policy's, She basically had none other than lets go to war with Russia. Her campaign strategy was basically all out attack on Trump, and people wised up to that shit.

I remember hearing somewhere that the best rigging libs can pull off is 10%. Though I don't know if that is by county or by state.

Is that Mook behind her?

She couldn't handle a puff interview with Ellen on her own?

I wonder if you can take the money and not do anything or is Soros going to have some handler watch you protest?


See photo for immediate repudiation of this.

ye, i do started 2 hours ago. nearly finished

"Hilldawg" is unironically the cringiest nickname for a candidate and her supporters in recent memory. It sounds like something crafted after hours of deliberation by and old, white committee trying to reach an audience they could never fully understand.

It's also racist as fuck. If I were black, I'd vote against her out of spite for pandering so hard.

She didn't rig it in the right places
Should've spent more time on states like PA and MI instead of CA

She was a cringefest
-hot sauce with blacks
-big fan of Yankees in NY
-big fan of Cubs after World Series
-robotic choreographed "spontaneous" dances in talk shows...

It was difficult to watch


I hate the word "cringe" but Hillary's behaviour was that.

Her whole campaign was this picture.

Pokemon-go-to the the polls.

Hillary and leftists should have listend to Jeb Bush.

"You can't insult your way to the white house"

>If I were black, I'd vote against her out of spite for pandering so hard.

How could Latinos vote for someone giving a rehearsed performance on Spanish TV, where she says her favorite food was Mexican food. So awkward I felt bad for her.

look at the red head in the back
>you did it wrong


>She lose
therefor, she won.

they have too much loyalty and compassion


What the fuck, is that... i don't remember what it's called. Dsbbing? I have no fucking idea, my younger brother mentioned it a couple of times, i thought kids were just referencing the "I gotta feeling" video but apparently it grew tp be it's own thing

This shit, the Pokémon Go joke... how hard did Clinton try to be hip and cool?

Not only did she lose, she embarrased herself doing it.

You can just tell she absolutely hated every single second of trying to cater to millennial shitheads. But she did it anyway because of the Bernie vote.

Some user posted an offer on Craigslist
Apparently they give you a card and check the names on site, so that they know who's participating

Sometimes I feel bad for her too, and then I remember that she was so sure she'd win that she didn't bother to write a concession speech

>Mfw people where I live where whining that latinos didn't vote at all, and that's how Trump won Florida.

Illegals don't vote for the one who wants to kick them out

There are people who think Ellen is in touch with the youth...

pic related

Things would have been different if she gave Bill that much head.

I sharted

because she thought she could keep Obama's numbers by running a campaign of nonsensical limousine liberal doublethink instead of actual plans and rhetoric

>symbolically destroying all past presidents

top creepiest moment for me

Underrated leaf

Kekd bahaha.
They need to Fuck off with the glass ceiling, the only thing that's holding them back is their own mindset.
If they fuck the idea that Tits make a difference, they can actually get somewhere weigh good key points or ideas.
Fucking woman man.
/k/ made me racist, Sup Forums made me sexist.

The only person, or people I think in this world better at memes is / was Hillary Clinton and her crack team of CIA handlers

How can Sup Forums even compete with the people who brought the world things like Libya or Syria, has Sup Forums ever regimed changed anything

>The video of her breaking through
How smug can you get? I think it hurt her in the end.

Wait Clinton said that pokemon go Shit?


Yeah, and it made her sound like a nagging mom

it must be so fucking humiliating.
It's almost to the point I would feel bad for her.


Fuck, that was pretty good.


It's hard to say whether they actually tried to rig it or not with them losing by such a large margin and everything, but I think they definitely went lax on their campaigning. They convinced everyone that Trump supporters were racist and sexist and bigoted, so Trump supporters never identified as such in public and therefore never showed up in polling. The Clinton Foundation didn't advertise and campaign as hard as they probably should have because they thought their opposition was much smaller than it actually was.

They did this to themselves.

>yfw you try to start a thunderous applause but no one is clapping with you.





Like something out of a cheesy dystopian movie

That whole presentation is disturbing and oppressive looking in a ugly way.

>I think they definitely went lax on their campaigning.

I'm of the mindset that Hillary's campaign people thought that she was so far ahead that they told her she shouldn't say or do anything worth a damn because that might open her up to scrutiny. If she didn't say or do anything Trump would have no avenues to do anything meaningful and thus he would stay behind. Especially since Trump is the kind of guy who would have no problem calling out all her massive elephants in the room.

The Democrats being utterly obnoxious and dangerous to disagree with just drove lots of Trump supporters underground.

So yes, they did this to themselves.

Did they scissor backstage?

Yeah, you're also right. I don't know who her campaign manager was, but not doing anything is rarely a good strategy in anything. I don't think it helped how it made her come off as secretive, like about her emails and her health. I don't agree with everything Trump said, but I can at least recognize that he would say stuff like "If this happens I'll release my tax papers" or whatever, whereas Hillary always jut either deflected or completely ignored the questions.

Another part that sold me on him was, I think it was in the third debate, when the last question was something along the lines of asking them to say something nice about their opponent. Hillary offhandedly said Trump's kids were nice and then plugged her campaign for the remaining minute and forty seconds, while Trump genuinely complimented her on her own personal traits that he found commendable. It made him appear very sincere and made her look like a sack of shit in comparison.

On the topic, though, now that her campaign won't be affected by it anymore, I wonder if they'll release anything about her health now.

The "50% deplorables" comment also really hurt her.

Insults don't really work.


With soros's money.

even with massive voter fraud

she's jeb 2.0

based leaf.

Her movements look so autonomous and robotic.

And what’s the biggest news story of the last year on TV here other than the election? Other than Black Live Matters protests.”

I shake my head. I don’t know.

“Transgender restrooms. Transgender bathrooms. All the time. Crazy protests on campus. All the time. Crazy, angry, entitled, spoilt people shouting on your TV about justice and trigger warnings and transgender stuff and hating America and how bad the country is when they’ve no idea what life is really about. While tens of millions of people in those states have real concerns about jobs, pay, about the economy, about their children. And this is the next battle that the radicals want to fight? Abolishing men and women? No. Equality yes. This crap? No. And eventually you think: what the hell is going on in this country? And you vote for the one guy that says enough.”

This animation looks like some amateur rigging work. The dude that made this didn't bother giving the lizard any bones in the upper arm.

This shit offended me and I'm not even American.

Fuck this woman.

The elections were rigged

There's no way they didn't have something like this planned for her win.

Yeah, search the video

>Pokemon Go? More like Pokemon Go to the polls ah ah

In a sense, Trump's was the more inclusive campaign. He sowed division between Americans and non-Americans - Mexicans, illegals, Muslims from the Middle East. Clinton sowed division between Americans, deeply insulting 10s of millions of them.

yea good fucking luck winning an election with katy perry

I think niggers, gaybos and whores are getting tired of being pandered to, and fucking huwight males are bored of being called bigots for being the best.

Should I?

Don't forget that in this "live speech" the clock on the wall was hours behind the actually time.

Prerecorded and edited

All I can think when I see these photos with ringlight is porn

Now I'm thinking of hillary porn. Thanks a bunch pol

>my cancer-filled body hurts
>this clapping is too loud
>I wish I was at home yelling at Bill
>I wish the lizard people would text me back

Fuck off

haha no way, post it !

post it, i want to suffer



double digits win, sorry Peru.

The (wo)man.
The myth.
The legend.




Why is baron such an autist







>I thought she was the perfect candidate
>All smiles
>Offered everything to everybody
>Still, nobody liked her

Back to the drawing board with the next robot, boys

she can't stop looking at Ellen

fucking dyke

>And I don't win every fight
>I know that feeling