Whip em out
Anti-Nigger Thread
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brazil i suppose?
Yes. Those cops were only vacationing.
damn u can see the blood splatter
These threads are great, but they never last very long here on Sup Forums anymore.
What's happening here? Some black assholes stealing leftovers?
what did he expect? seriously never start shit on fucking stairs
last time i saw one of these threads i got nauseous from the violence
mfw not actually a psychopath
wtf I hate america now
Man I hate niggers.
halloween candy
instead of taking just 1 the lady decides to take the whole bowl
That's rather impolite of her. Why on earth would she do such a thing? Doesn't she care about all the other children who won't get candy now?
Wanna RP as niggas?
Can't help but ask myself what this 3rd-world shit has to do with allstar bicked-bla.
That was not in America. Webm related however... was.
> affluent housing
> black people
Where was this, if not the US of A?
>affluent housing
Fucking where?
It's been too long since I've seen one of these threads.
Niggers really do fight in packs, huh?
The more you know.
would ride
It has stone floors and waxed leather furniture.
Heating up stone is more expensive than heating wood, so it does indeed look expensive.
Unless those chairs are off-brand chairs with shit-tier leather, they're pretty expensive too.
I might be wrong though.
>Being white in a black neighborhood
I wonder how many of those dindus got punished for that.
Fuck me . Story ?
She was "hispanic"... still sucks.
>Trash to the curb.webm
I think it was somewhere in Africa. Father of child caught babysitter doing this with the nanny-cam. Took the babysitter into his basement and beat her with a 2x4. It went legal. He got off with nothing, she was found guitly of... I forget what.
Nice rich culture they got, huh?
Notice how the smallest niglets aren't greedy, just the big ones. There may still be hope if we take the little ones away early enough and put them in respectable families.
Fucking awesome
Now the election's over, things can get back to normal
It's the lack of respectable father figures that does this to them.
What the fuck
Never tire of this one
haha, i remember that. the best part is the fucking glass door. you can see it was replaced recently (the tapes are still on it)
How about this one?
Niggers(well at least american niggers) don't feel empathy. Dogs feel more guilt than them.
If you are talking about the baby beating one, it is in Africa, you realize some people have money right?
worse than animals
She really hates puke
kek I got alot
It looks like the dad is abusing them , fucked up
Yeah, the grandmother thought the baby was "possessed".
So many questions and none that I want answered
That little nigglet will grow up to be a fucking maniac.
Awwwwwww...... sorry! Time is money!
That triggered me a bit.
Like why the fuck?.
This sustains me
get the FUCK out of the street
I wish our police would operate like that instead of being cucks.
This just makes me too happy
This should be an ad for Red Hot
They just seem like a different species. There may be footage of whites and white women behaving like this, but it's rare.
They're like animals with a thin vaneer of civilization that disappears at the drop of a hat (or weave)
souce i need a good fap
Did we just lose a potential cure for cancer?
Heh. That KANGZ shirt.
Anyone got followup? This is the worst shit I've seen in awhile
Thorough nigger right there. Push up after that?