>American talk about how THEY fought off british tyranny
>They use words like "we" and "us"
I really doubt any of you are descended from the Anglos who did any of those things.
American talk about how THEY fought off british tyranny
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I actually am. I'm a direct descendant of a soldier who fought in the war in the South.
How can yanks always trace their family history back so far? I can barely get past ww1.
But I am, are you a real Brit or are you white?
I have direct ties and carry the name of one of the soldiers at Valley Forge.
stay mad cuccboi
Descended from actual pilgrims bro
Being from a good family.
My ancestors settled in America in the 1640s.
Traced my senpai back to the revolution. There are groups you can join if you have valid proof like sons of the american revolution or daughters of the american revolution.
Census records
Don't be a retard
My great great great great great great grandmother owned the farm that the British took over on bunker hill and made their HQ for the battle. Also my great great great great great great great great uncle helped capture Benedict Arnold when he had stolen the plans for West Point.
>tfw if it wasn't for france america wouldn't exist.
We show up in the Domesday book too.
>everyone can trace their ancestry back to brave patriots of English descent who threw off their imperial shackles
>yet everyone pretends to be German and Irish
what did they mean by this
If it wasn't for America Europe wouldn't exists as it is now.
We wuz rebels and shieeet.
We thought we could until DNA was perfected, now we're heartbroken.
Nope, German with a dash of Scottish. still loyal to the crown desu senpai.
Well remember it take two people to make the next person. I have descendants all the way back to before the revolution, some Irish that came over in the mid 1800s and a quarter Italian that came over after ww2. Also 1/16 Cherokee Indian cucked into there.
>If it wasn't for America Europe wouldn't exists as it is now.
Lafayette is still a bro though. And all the founding fathers spoke french as well as English.
Americans and the French should be super best friends.
>tfw all of my descendants are either english or italian from AFTER the revolution
>tfw I'm not really American but I am anyway
It's a funny cycle, The French hate the Cajun and the Cajun hate the French, but they both equally hate the Quebecois. Thanks for the Napoleonic Code croissant niggers.
Round two then?
Winner gets all the change in my pocket.
I'm descended from a Swiss settler who came over in the 1600s
What's the deal with Cajuns anyway?
Quebecois are just really odd people in general, they're like Pseudo-French.
I've traced it pretty far back, and while there is some question as if one of the ancestors was Norman or just regular French, there really is no strong indication of Germanic ancestry.
And despite my parents naming me Ryan, there is literally no Irish ancestry. It boggles the fucking mind.
Old stock American here.
Me and Jean Harlow are related to the same revolutionary war veteran
Most white Americans are actually Germans desu
How come you always hear Americans bragging about their German, Scottish, Irish, Italian, etc., heritage but they never mention the fact that they're mainly English?
this we wuzism really has to stop
you're not your race, you're not the best examples of your race, you didn't win nobel prizes, shut the fuck up and shitpost on Sup Forums some more.
whats your point?
>that feel when I cant trace my lineage because my mother's side is some mix of irish/scottish/english/native american and there are no actual records, and my fathers side are polish gypsies fleeing the war
My ancestry family tree was able to find like 4 guys that fought in the revolution. We've been here for a while.
The South is still pure anglo but most of them were loyalists lel
Because many Americans ancestors immigrated after the war.
oh but I do, and indeed, a regicide as well
I did.
Proud member of the Sons & Daughters of the American Revolution reporting in
Hard to say, I know my relatives all fought for the confederacy though. My house is filled with war memorabilia.
You right. My mom's side comes from Ireland and Poland. Dad's side is Germans who bailed when Hitler came to power and Potato niggers who bailed because of the famine.
Most white americans are of german extraction.
Fewer, still, are those having english blood.
I am one of them.
>I really doubt any of you are descended from the Anglos who did any of those things.
I doubt it too. Pretty sure almost all my ancestors showed up during or after the civil war, but if we're going to get blamed for slavery we might as well take some cheeky credit for the other shit.
>French should be super best friends.
I don't know, how faggy are you guys? all we know is the stereotypes and they are usually founded in truth.
>Germans who bailed when Hitler came to power
German Jews?
>all my kids were born after the founding of the country faggots lol look at my proof of american
My ancestors are French and French Canadian.
>tfw 100% almancı
m-muh heritage
I actually am descended from the Anglos, but I'm not some insecure bitch that needs to brag about old ass wars to feel pride in myself.
Those fuckers are faggots.
Nah, and it wasn't just Hitler. Germany was obviously a pretty shitty place in the 20s and 30s. As far as I know I'm not a like but it wouldn't surprise me because my Grandma has a pretty Jewish maiden name. If anything the Kike is probably from Poland.
There are no French in America
I'm not french so I can't say. I just read a lot of history.
A lot of the French supported the Confederates during the civil war, so it makes sense that there would be a lot of negative banter about them.
They're usually pretty chill though, just look at all the french dudes throwing support behind Le Pen.
I'm a Blair, faggot.
The Mormons
The only ancestor from before 1900 i know is a man who shot at yankee faggots at Gettysburg.
I only know that because my family kept his diary and his and my last name are the same. that said.
I'm a descendant of one of the founding fathers, so yeah, my family has kicked some brit ass. Hell we've probably even killed a few of you.
the mormons aren't any reason for that
where do you get off on posting this?
Just leave them. They're fucking idiots.
Do you think the blacks and Hispanics will say the same to their children about killing you useless twats?
Years of inbreeding on that little island will do that to you.
a lot of intellectuals/communists had to flee too. They weren't all jewish. Thomas Mann for example
I am though. My mother is patrilineally descended from one one the very first colonists to land in Massachusetts. Two of my ancestors in that line (a father and son) fought in the Revolutionary War. Probably others too.
Explain the Louisiana purchase.
He isn't alone in being a retard.
This fucking idiot is being one too.
I'm Mostly Anglo-Celtic, with a small amount of Scandinavian.
Get fucked.
Same. My grandfather is in the Son's of Confederacy. Up with the cross!!!
Probably not considering it'll be I killing them.
Why are all British people such insecure faggots?
Neat, do you speak French at all?
do they teach you guys that all founding anglos just died off and that all white americans just fell from the sky or come from africa and asia or just part of families that only immigranted from europe in the last century?
>I am so obstinate about distancing myself genetically from white america that I'm going to pretend that there was only like a few hundred colonialist that just died off and no one's related to
Yes i have family from williamsburg that fought the revolution and were part of the confederacy in the civil war.
The US revolution was literally about rich men dodging taxes. There is nothing more American than that.
that's pretty cool
americans are too obsessed with their ancestry though. Wasn't america supposed to be the country where people go to start with a blank page?
In Germany no one cares about his ancestry. Not even the nobles
Southern Whites are the only Real Americans
I'm trying to learn it, my great-grandparents did though.
Oh really? I constantly hear stories about AMERICAN CHILDREN being raped by spics, being murdered by nigs etc. HAHAHA! I want to see the Washington memorial torn down, I want to see abe Lincoln's statute smashed. You will be destroyed
Probably because our country is so new and most everyone came from somewhere else in the last 300 or so years. It's like being adopted and wanting to know who your real parents are
>your family were British once
>calling your family insecure faggots
"Brits" who left a tyrannical government were Americans born in england
All the non-queers came to America while all of you faggots stayed home and got faggier and faggier.
the ocean is filled with cubans on that map
Any good stock in Britain left to make the USA. All that was left there to breed were the rats, no wonder you're being overwhelmed with Arabs
Archie Bunker always knew what's what
Mais j'mais... Hey cooyon I'm Cajun French. Like 10 generations deep living in America.
Even though our empire peaked after the Americunts left? I secretly take great delight in seeing the Americunt colonials get ripped to shreds.
I'm mostly of an Irish background
Oh I see now. You're butthurt we massacred your shitty subhuman race?
Thats a weird way of saying started to decline.
Surely that would make it easier.
All the remaining decent brits went to the colonies, so Australians and white South Africans etc. are pretty cool guys.
Last I checked Ireland was 98% white. What are you hovering at now? 75%? Tick tock.
They're like quebecois but southern swamp people
You're an idiot. Everything declines.
>this much american butthurt
How much? I'm 3/8ths Irish. There is no real difference between the English and the Irish tbph, and this is speaking as someone who speaks to Irish people on a daily basis. English, Scottish, Irish and Welsh may as well just be British.
>I really doubt any of you are descended from the Anglos who did any of those things.
I'm a direct descendant of one of those Anglos. He and his two brothers and their two cousins fought the British in the Revolutionary War.
Ireland is 98% Irish is what you mean. Fuck it, let's have another famine! I bet you have an ugly subhuman potato skull too. LOL
>says you guys peaked even though you had already started to decline
>I'm an idiot
>UK White population is ~95.6%
>US non-hispanic white population is 63.7 %
Why are you so mad, amerifat?
Because no one wants to admit to being English.
>he' not 98% white