Why haven't you made white babies yet?

Why haven't you made white babies yet?

Stop being a hypocrite.

Imagine slamming an axe down headfirst on top of that my god Sup Forums...

Because the solution to the problems we're facing aren't solved by making white babies.

>implying i can if i want

Wtf did I just watch


Your edge is fucking unbelievable

That's called a vagina.

That's why the meme is funny.


no money, gotta get a job because the only thing women want is material things and social status.

Make white babies so they can grow up in a ''multi-cultural society free of hate''?no thanks


Just did!

Where's he hiding the balls?


Because the women around me haven't hit puberty yet, or are just entering menopause.

With the edge on you, you'd cleave the earth in half beneath her

Dont make babies so that the elite can import more rapefugees to keep up the population. wew lad

We either have to be the best generation we are today, or we will be the last

In fact it is the solution.

If the men produced 10 children per women like we did in the past, we would easily outnumbers the sand niggers and niggers.

>"ugh niggers are ruining the white stock!"
>Ohh...uhh no thanks I don't like white women

You people are fucking pathetic

>motorboating vag

Has science gone too far???

I'm not white.


Kek, what are we on reddit?

sometimes i wish i had a vagina rather than a dick, seems like it would be nicer and i wouldn't have been circumcised.

hello mr homosexual


I am actually, but ironically I'm what Sup Forums would consider a "libtard"--just another example of how Sup Forums will talk a big game about continuing the white race, but the only folks actually out there working & fucking (instead of jerking off to cartoons) aren't alt-right faggots.

I like asian girls more

this was a lot less sexually arousing than expected

Because white women do shit like this.

Degenerate parents = degenerate children

There is literally nothing wrong with racemixing if you're selective about it. At this point a white man and asian woman are much more likely to produce worthy offspring.



Some online slut who gets betas to pay her bills. Why do you need the source anyway? Are you going to find her and fuck her in real life? No. You're going to masturbate to her and waste your time and energy on some whore you'll never even meet.


Is axe spicy lingo for benis? :)


>If the men produced 10 children per women like we did in the past, we would easily outnumbers the sand niggers and niggers.

What's the point of outnumbering them when whites suffer from telescopic altruism and are most likely to fall for the liberal memes?
As it stands now we need a change of direction both socially and politically and that's not achieved by just having more children.

Because I got an infection when I was young and had to have a hysterectomy.

you're definitely better suited there, edginess is just being dark or disgusting for no reason.

That's one tasty butthole.


If I could make white babies without having to deal with women I would.

Why havent you made gestating sexbots yet?

Easy. I'm with a single mother of 3 who had her tubes tied. I cum in her all the time to no avail. Luckily, the two fathers are both white.


I want to put my face in there

Are vaginas supposed to look like that? Are they supposed to bend and bounce back like that? Someone that isn't a virgin please explain.

I'd fuck her in the ass if you know what i mean

>telescopic altruism
we need to breed with asians, who do not have this altruism to save our lineage

Didn't read, saw your picture and I was compelled to post this.

Because I'm not that white.

my body is frail and poorly developed (probably infertile) and i dont find men attractive

I did, my son is awesome.

>Implying I want a kid chaining me down, consuming my salary and not letting me enjoy life
Maybe when I have truly failed at all my other life goals

this webm without the edited sound is useless

I'm black so I literally can't

I'll keep having sex with white girls just in case, though

Asians are genetically superior on every metric that white use to claim their superiority over blacks.

siswet19 on chaturbate

Please just stop, Asians are just as promiscuous

Go "breed" with Asians you fucking loser

Trump has a live-in Czech prostitute and a hot daughter, he doesn't need to masturbate.

>Someone that isn't a virgin please explain

Why do people do this shit? In 20 years it's going to haunt them if they run for public office or their kids find it. Is the pennies they get really worth the long term problems?

That's a fat pussy.


I'm gay.

I have. Fuck off

Vaginas are different just like cucks. That one is nice but I like a fat pussy.


Your God emperor has 5 white kids, just sayan

>my body, my choice
fucking bigot piece of shit

Shut up, Sweden, getting fucked in the ass by a muzzie doesn't count.

because a angry mob would probably beat me to death.

I'll breed with whatever QT virgoo I find first.



Because I'm too busy being a useless piece of shit.

I plan to one day though.

I was expecting a Swedish flag there

>Asians are just as promiscuous
There are promiscuous Asians, but white women are much, much worse on average. I'd challenge you to find evidence to the contrary.

Aw, what?