Pol is getting pretty fucking annoying with all the 'we did this' 'we got him elected'
99% of you fucks did zero stop having this false feeling you contributed anything at all. Pol in general had very little influence on the election. Take pols traffic, subtracy half due to underage and didnt vote.

Here is my question, what did YOU do to contribute during the election.

Other urls found in this thread:

>He doesn't know about occultism

I demonstrated in my liberal town, and donated a third of my paycheck every month.

I did absolutely nothing. MAGA

A third of your paycheck to a billionaire. Nice work.

Thank you. This is what all of pol did, nothing.

So im assuming you also did nothing?
Unless you can name something you did besides post here and maybe share a few shitty memes on your fb page no one sees.

>Pol did nothing
>Pepe literally got a shoutout when Clinton mentioned a frog in her speech

pick one

I memed and bought maga hats and redpilled people. Fought in the meme war and have post traumatic meme disorder.

If you voted, you did all you needed to do.

dude I did pretty hard work on reddit and twitter stfu

Get them

I Contributed to the deportation of 23 illegal immigrants in CA during the riots

what did you do, OP?

they don't contribute to the supposed superiority of the white race either

a lot of basking in reflected glory on this website

U mad?

We wasted CTR resources.

>Implying our propaganda and praying to the Frog God had no influence on the election.

Fuck right off, heretic. Repent or face Kek's wrath.

Oh boy did you?!?

we did it

I voted during the primaries and in the general

Came up with two highly successful may mays, that millions of normal people have heard of.

Ironically I fucking hate Trump, but couldn't resist jumping on the Sup Forums bandwagon.

I contributed to the Great Meme War.

Heres my meme.

Post your OC to prove that OP is a faggot

The ones that could voted, those leaks thread mining info, getting Hillary too start a war on pepe. We did a lot as a collective board.

looks like another thoroughly ass blasted clinton supporter

go fuck yourself, user

all you did was shitpost and lose an election

Does that fuckin matter? It got zero media coverage besides maybe a few sites with very little traffic.

You underestimate how much social media has played in this election. Along with the memes, and spreading information about crooked HIllary, Sup Forums at least played a minor part. With how close the election truly was, it's possibly that Sup Forums did change the outcome of the election. Who knows

I voted faggot.

Lets see them with your proof you made them.

>zero media coverage
>Pepe labeled as hate speech by adl
>cnn covers the alt-right multiple times
Neck yourself my dude

We. You said it again. But in reality other people did shit. You sat here and watched.

Huge trump supporter. Didnt do shit and rarely camr to this board. But im not taking claim.

I got some sweet dubz.

I did the only thing I could do - bet 500 dollars on his presidency

Only got 1300 back because I didn't dare go all in when the odds were high

Pol is not social media.

And in most articles 4 chan didnt even get mentioned. And they mentioned 8 chan just as often. How shitty does that make you feel. Being lumped in with 8 chan.

Voted in online polls and got anti-Hillary stories onto twitter. I myself didn't matter, but all the Sup Forumsacks doing the same shit I did mattered to a degree. Of course going out and voting for Trump is the best contribution anyone could make.

Convinced 5 Americans to vote, 4 for Trump, one for Stein.
Made people feel like idiots in my English courses at my uni

>bought a MAGA hat and made a few other donations
>spread memes on Twitter and normiebook
>managed to redpill quite a few friends
>actually voted for him on election day

And let's not forget

>rolled for Trump gets

I did ok I guess

Nice dude youre in germany doesnt fuckin matter about how you went off in uni and solidified yourself to all the females around you are a loser.


> pic related

>Rarely comes on pol
>"C'mon guys you dindunuffin"

This, OP is just an assblasted faggot who doesn't know shit about Sup Forums's influence this cycle.

Ran bots to advertise Trump. The fuck did you do OP? Aside from suck cocks for votes

>Sup Forums did nothing
I'll have you know I managed to convert 3 gay Bernie supporters to Trump's side with 24/7 propaganda.

the point being the dank memes have such reach that some rando at a hillary rally shouted in name recognition

>Media coverage matters
You realize 70% of voters distrust the media

Came here multiple days a week. And saw what some of you thought you were doing. If yall could have gotten comet pizza figured out that would be worthy of praise.

I have a girlfriend, currently in the process of redpilling her and the professor is a bro from the Dutch border with a weird accent and agreed

No it means someone from poll went to the speech with intentions of doing so.

>i have done nothing therefore you all also did shit
OP is just faggot again

I donated $100 and bought a hat.

I made calls into swing states in the final two weeks because I live in a faggy blue state.

I openly stated my support for Trump on my normiebook page, despite the abuse.

I memed my ass off and harassed the never-Trumpers on Twitter for at least one hour every day.

fuck off CTR

Proof. Lets see it.

shitposting on normie sites had a huge effect. Stop being mad that the old-guard libcuck sites are finished.

I donated and was a volunteer...

No op didnt do shit you are right. Op doesnt say we tho. Its like when someone is talking about their favorite sports team and says 'we'
It looks pathetic and sad.

I also phone banked for Hillary during sleeping hours 2 nights.

I voted and I meme'd hard enough in real life to get all of my friends and family to vote Trump too.

I live in Berks County, PA, which means that my vote actually mattered.

I donated....
He didnt need your money...

Friends. Lol...

Okay bernout

I voted for him and helped turn Ohio red. So yeah, I helped get him elected.

Yep, about 20 or so voted Trump. We even drove through downtown Jim Thorpe and drunkenly shouted at the vacationing hipsters and faggots there to vote Trump (and apparently they did, considering Carbon County went red by 65%).

I made about 100 phone calls and knocked on some doors. Fuck off with this what did you do shit.

I'm not here to prove anything. The meme gods happened to smile on me a couple of times, that's all. I'll carry it to the grave knowing I may have made a difference, without a soul knowing.


I voted for trump, but my state went for hillary so that counts as nothing.

I was nevertheless happy to donate. At least my donation produced results.

Maybe a few thousand people browse Sup Forums.. if that many.

There is no way a few memes influenced the election and got millions of votes.

The election was only won by 100,000 votes.

Millions of people see the stuff Sup Forums pushed out and either decide to vote Trump or not to vote Hillary.

I don't think it's impossible we made a difference.

Trump doesn't get elected without the evolving cultural revolution that has been eminating from the various chans, Reddit, blogs. The manosphere, dark enlightenment, white nationalism, etc... all kind of converged into a cultural force. 4 chan's Sup Forums plays a critical roll in spreading these memes.

>Millions of people see the stuff Sup Forums pushed out and either decide to vote Trump or not to vote Hillary.
Nope. Most of the garbage made here is unrelatable to most people and it stays here. You think most people are neonazis that praise kek?

High energy? Gets?

No, you're right. Most of the stuff that gets made here, stays here.

But every so often, the funniest and most memorable memes get out and goes viral. And that does get shared around on Reddit, Twitter and FB. Normal people are influenced by stuff that goes on here. I've seen it in action many times.

Nigga, Trump himself has been influenced by us. Our shit gets filtered to the normies by various modes of transmission.

Fuck, I know an 85 year old Korean War vet who started sending me Sup Forums memes and Pepes via e-mail. We've definitely played a part in winning the hearts and minds of the general public.

Its the delusion on this board that anyone outside of it cares about it.

I bet 98% of america doesnt know who pepe is.


Voted in florida, redpilled my nu male friends, not much overall but eh

It took less than 2% of America to get Trump elected.


I praised kek

200k followers thanks reddit then also thanks Sup Forums as a whole.


you are the exact reason i made this thread.

>English courses
>non-native teacher

top kek, nice """"""""""education""""""""""

Let's improve the opinion of OP in regards to everybody else on his very much needed proof that he is right, what a shill.
He's mad cause he can't pop up "I'm With Her" on his jewbook page.
Nobody here cares for credit, OP, neither people asked for a position on Trump's new office, without a silent militance that only help spread their view your new first lady would be a man, feel proud of your burguer bros.

"We Pol Now!"

liberal edition.


Hi newfriend, seems like you have some pretty strong opinions.

I contributed with my digits.

it's Katrina Pierson...literally like Goebbels thanking Sup Forums for getting HitIer elected

Well. I voted. So theres that.

Shared multiple articles per day on Twitter

Went on offensive on Facebook during primary's to let people know trump is okay to support and refuted all the nonsense

Donated money

Wore the gear

Got three friends to register who wouldn't have voted

I did my part friend

You don't really get how anonymous think tanks work

Donated ~$75, purchased ~$150 in gear, posted Hillary for Prison stickers over my city

You're so mad Bernie lost lol


I voted in the primaries and general, bought a hat, helped to meme this board into supporting him, and worked to change people's opinions of him by speaking to people irl.
Eat shit faggot, even if someone only voted they did something. It was a close election with the illegals voting. We could be getting stonewalled on an investigation right now with her winning.
Don't be a faggot.

I rolled trips, you're welcome

lol way to ignore the post lurk more faggot, this your first week?

I did stuff like this almost every day for 2+ months. In a state that was already going hard for Shillary. I did it anyway just to trigger the resident SJW's.

>not a being a huge faggot right now
Pick one.