How /fit/ are you, Sup Forums?
How /fit/ are you, Sup Forums?
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come at me crazy man
In highschool i lifted for mass to get out of otter mode
I am now doing a clean bulk and have a solid routine
I feel full of vigor when I wake up
>also using a smith machine bench press, shit nigger what are you doing?
I'm on a permanent bulk cycle.
>eat clen
>tren hard
>anavar give up
pretty /fit/ becoming /fitter/
185 cm 92kgs
Loosing the last fluff to reveal my abs
Other stats
Squat: 180
Bench: 125
Deadlift: 200
Quads measure 65 cm
Biceps 40 cm
I weigh 115 lb what up
I bike 10 miles 3 times a week, and would still be considered a fat American by most peoples standards.
I can only imagine how fucking nasty I would be if I didn't do any exercise at all.
>she doesn't realize this guy is on gear
>she probably believes it when people like jeff seid say they are natural
>will assume that they are genetically superior solely because of this
>meanwhile the natty is hardworking
don't fall for the steroid jew
Been lifting for 1yr. Still skinnyfat.
give it 5 years m8
also fix your diet
Fuck off Connor
I can bench 335, a 6'1 215 lb sandnigger.
Prepare for the incoming race war heathen, you will not win
This guy is an embarrassment. He will never be Zyzz, as much as he wants to be.
He's trying so hard its making him look retarded
I want that guy inside me
I want his dick inside me
Skinnyfat. I have good endurance from lots of hiking though.
Beats being fat, anyway.
somewhere between fat as fuck and bearmode
260~ pounds 33% bodyfat
can squat 6pl8 5x3 but my mantits are like a bcup
What do you think?
me first
I would be more worried about the jews gunning for you tbqh
If I were gay I'd appreciate it more.
I want to sniff your ass
Ottermode with a 8 pack.
Basically this but zero fat
and smaller titis
Women have no idea what it takes to actually look like that, namely steroids. While there are a select few people who are genetically gifted enough to attain a body close to that natty, most people will not.
>used to be 60kg skinny stick figure
>wanted to gein muscle
>went up to 78kg
>Though its time to shed the fat
>down to 67kg now and seems there's still a bit of fat
Don't bulk guys, you just get fat :(
not very muscular butter fitter than the average person.
>tfw can't gain weight
>tfw everyone around me fell for the /fit/ meme making more look more like shit
Thanks fuckers now I'm a perma virgin
So let me guess, you used "bulking" as an excuse to eat as much as you want, rather than the recommended 500 calories over maintenance?
So glad I stopped going there.
Wow, look, a thread that isn't about politics on Sup Forums
How about you go back to /fit/, jackass?
I'm trying, user.
Skipped the cutting phase this year, job was just too stressful. Sitting at 1.81m @ 102kg.... Need to cut to 90kg for 10-11%bf, fucking sucks.
At least lifts went up.
>that ID
Been lifting consistently 3-4 times a week for 2.5 months. Think I'm getting pretty fit but it's hard to eat enough cause I had my gallbladder removed so my stomach is sensitive. I'm 6' 160-162lbs. I look pretty good but I'm not very strong yet
Im fat but i dont have a real will to live so fuck it.
>220 lb 6'2
>385 bench 405 diddly and 500lb squat
>still run 6 min mile and did 20 pull ups yesterday
Shredded but I've been losing it ever since my motorcycle accident
I used to be in great shape but now I'm 350 lbs. Unfortunately it was the only way to keep your dad from squirming while fucking him in the ass
didnt completly pig out and tried to eat mostly self made food with lots of protein.. always calculated nutrients and shit. But yeah i did more then 500kcal extra... like maybe 700-800kcal per day
People often ask me if I do sports or lift but never touched a weight in my entire life. Just have really wide shoulders, strong jaw and strong legs.
I'm a 6'3", 134 pound lanklet
Lifting 4-5 times a week for 2.5 years. Pretty fit.
Thats likely what hit you. An extra 300 calories per day, is 2100 per week. A pound of fat is about 3500 calories, so roughly every 2 weeks you would be gaining an extra pound outside of your bulk. I know its hard not to pig out while bulking, but focus my man.
>Squat is higher than diddly.
How is that even possible?
>tiny hands
Who /trap/ mode here?
get that mustache off, put you in a dress and get u a wig == you're a woman now.
10/10 trap material
Skinny fat.
Still better than fat fat.
100% natty Mario Kart build
looking good user
no homo
Pretty fit.
cant get rid of the fat suffix
5'6 160 pounds. I spent about 50 minutes a day on the bicycle and do some lifting every other day. I'm still in decent shape but I've let myself go a bit. All throughout school I was into wrestling and in high school I got into football, and then after school I got into boxing. At my best I was down to about 4% body fat but I'm 30 years old now and I'm just not into working out all day long.
5'10" 165lbs
Binch 235
Skwat 315
Diddy 365
your legs are huge but u lack ass
>whitepeople problems
Why are Irish men such beasts?
Bench 350
Squat 500
Deadlift 620
bodyweight 190
I came here from /fit/ and never left
Would not pick a fight with (unless the stakes were exceptionally high)
Fat and muscular
Drink too much beer, so I have a slight beer belly
I am going to try to shed the weight though and get myself back on track
Why even bother.
Martin Shkreli's post election bulk
Why are like 90% of hardcore lifters fags? I like lifting and everything but guys that obsess over it are typically queers.
hey me too. seriously, I was insecure about my height but lifting has really improved it a lot.
give it a try, self improvement is the key to succes
Don't let them get you down.
>10 miles 3 times
that's only worth mentioning by american standards
i can beat everyone in this thread..
That feel when 6"3 but I don't have the
feistiness and snark of a manlet
being tall is a curse you never feel threatened by others so you rail roaded into a more peaceful life style
This guy makes me cringe so hard.
>5 years
10 miles would probably only burn about 200 calories. It's really not that much. Don't rely on exercise to lose weight, you need to sort your diet out.
I didn't diddly till i was 19 i started squatting when i was 14
>Why even bother.
because pic related.
6'10" and 470 - 500lbs depending on day. How fit am I? Well, quite, I do some strongman stuff and physical work now and then, mostly at the office though. Don't got that much time to work out as when I was younger, because being single dad of 2 kids.
Brains always beat muscle, and bullet is faster than any runner
For what purpose. It'll help me in way.
>started squatting when i was 14
great way to have ruined knees by 45
in no way*
>that ID
what about it?
>/fit/ and Sup Forums merge
This is a pretty dangerous combination
i can do 7 pull ups and 20 something push ups.
you could say that i am pure steel.
Dude that's a total of burning off about 3 granola bars
>that cuck
>that slut
this is Sup Forums not /fit/ you stupid nigger
5'10 130lbs,
help me plz
175cm manlet. 66kg. Lean muscle, low body fat. Used to lift but dont have time atm. Train bjj/muay thai 6 days a week.
Big dick beats muscles.
I read the sticky and have been lifting for 4 months, good progress, but still a beginner.
I fucking hate /fit/, never go there to even read a thread, much less to post.
OMG, look at YOUR ID!
290 pounds and very out of shape. Send halp.
>hasn't left humanity behind
>still thinks they're redpilled
240 on the army physical fitness test.
not much, I can hike and climb mountains but I've been doing chemo since im 16 and it's taken a toll on me, not to mention my left arm is almost useless at this point, a fitting reflection of reality if you ask me.