Father of 4-year old girl dies because anti-Trump protest

>The father of a 4-year-old girl died after anti-Trump protesters blocked roads and delayed an ambulance from reaching the hospital, according to an anguished message posted on Facebook.


We should held organizers of protests accountable for this. Michael Moore + George Soros + (((media)))

We can redpill some normies if we get something like #thankyoumichaelmoore trending.

What's your idea?

Other urls found in this thread:


>white male
>not a black man killed by the cops
Sorry, senpai. It won't make it into the news.

So you want to take our freedom of speech? Wow. This is a sad day for America when you aren't even allowed to protest peacefully.

I'm definitely sad about the girls father, but the ambulance drivers should have thought about the protesting beforehand. It probably would have saved his life.


Black lives are physical matter.

Nice b8


america's kristall nacht when?

and i have keks blessing!

Things that totally happened.


Anyone got a link I can post on normiebook without triggering people?

It is now our civic duty to respond to any and all idiots blocking the public right-of-way as follows

I hope trump drone strikes these fuckers.

I'd like to point out that the person that got hit in the video is definitely a woman laying on the ground, not a "father", however these idiots are fucking retarded for thinking that it's ever a good idea to protest in a fucking highway, just shows how fucking ridiculous a lot of these lefties can be


Why did they remove the names? Now it's impossible to verify

>I'd like to point out that the person that got hit in the video is definitely a woman laying on the ground, not a "father"
Are you retarded? Do you even know what this thread is about?

>Facebook posts

Seems legit

As an EMT myself, this is an outrage. I want these fuckers to pay.

#thankyouprotesters will work better

what does GIdeon have to do with anything?

This guy hasn't even read the fucking thread before posting


Why do you think blocking the roads is illegal? It's not because muh fascism but because ambulance and fire department won't be able to reach people.



I would be angry and sad because of that..
But just another fat useless 'murican died, probably because of overeating.. So yeah, who gives a fuck..

Need better source, we can meme this. There is also video of protestors in Chicago running into the street to block ambulance with siren on.


snopes that shit

Which liberal city did this go down in? The anti white's are going to alienate all their big money supporters if they are not careful.


Edgy af

I cant check your flag cause Im on mobile but it looks third world but most kids are not obese at that age, they start getting fatter as they grow up and learn how to hold a damn controller.


yeah but what about my feelings

He was probably a fucking white male and his daughter is a racist Trump voter so nothing of value was lost.

>not recognising the serbian flag
Nice education you have there.

you're right my dude
also get clover, it tells you what flag

that's some edgy shit right there


Ill look into it

Just think Americans it could be anyone of you even an AntiTrump protestor

These protestors are so retarded they probably blocked the ambulance of the girl they led out onto the road that collected that girl the other day.

Worst part is, this is definitively how SJW's would react to that post.

In a situation like this, at what point would it become justified to unload in self-defense or in the defense of a life of another?

obvious bait but just gonna point out that blocking an ambulance is not protesting peacefully.


Wouldn't even hit the brakes. Don't care that my sensible compact car would be completely fucked.

Didn't some user post some laws here earlier that implicated that violence, destruction of property and murder during illegal protests can carry sentences on all participants?

Story feels like bullshit. If real, the ambulance driver should have confronted the protestor and demanded they move

These shitheads blocked a fucking ambulance? How can they justify that? I know they're insane, but surely they have at least an ounce of empathy in their bodies?


kek has spoken

What did Kek meme by this?


They like the idea of empathy but they don't like actually doing it.

>implying someone could care about all your different russian flags

s h a d i l a y

You think they would listen?

that's pretty accurate

Yeah those stupid russians with their red blue and white flags

Holy fuck.



Any real credible cource on that other than a facebook post?

This man's blood is on the hands and f George Soros.

Implying that the ambulance wasn't way in the back of the traffic line.

Are you retarded?

because it seems like your retarded, and don't understand how traffic works

Yes actually. Everyone involved can be charged with negligent homicide. And unlike with Clinton "we didn't mean to" isn't a valid defense.

Is that woman Zizek in disguise?

We're not allowed to sadly.

Its sarcasm.


Yup... who would have guessed!
Called it.. God damnit.

Regardless of who dies there, stupid ass people.

Does mean they all shouldn't be vid related.
Fucking sheep!!!!

I really wish that car directly hit her and she just fucking exploded all over the road.

Trump should pass a law where ambulance drivers can run over protesters

It wasn't a valid defense for Clinton either.

The butthurt from the left would be immense.

Kek wills it.

Isn't that a fucking felony lol?

Enact momentary martial law and throw all those fuckers in prison

Serbia, the war is over. CTR is done paying you to shitpost.

They will twist it and blame Trump

Shut up Italy. Go make me a meatball

Why the fuck wouldn't you clear out of the way for an ambulance? What?


Now the right is false flagging shit.

>tfw Congress will never pass a law that says protestors on a street can be removed with lethal force.

His fascism is the only reason those protesters felt the need to be in the street, doncha'know?

Where is the Boston Marathon man when he's needed?

Some shitty Russian satellite country isnt really important to our education.

I can find no fault putting this law in place

When you've got multiple lanes of cars backed up far enough they can't move out of the way unless you unblock the front, AKA the niggers.

I didn't recognize his insignificant russian bootleg flag and I don't know your shitty muslim flag either you üntermensch

alright heres the plan in cali we tell them trump is going to give a speech in front of the grand canyon and hes probably going to say some shit like hes going to grab the country by the pussy

then when they get there a few brave souls will run them over and push them into the grand canyon. maybe 150 people each driving a car would make a moving wall

Protip: If you accepted this as fact, you are as bad as people who believe Trump supporters are causing mass hate crimes.

now he can sue george

>america's kristall nacht when?

It was important enough to send stealth bombers there though.


Snopes would like a word with you.

Unfortunate Collateral Damage. This is a war

Who gives a fuck about countries that don't matter like your country Bolivia?

Kek. Exactly.

>norway blaming others for his ignorance

This is the straw that broke the camels back