
What is height cut-off for a true White Aryan male?

>I am 6'4 (194cm) and i think everything between 6'2-6'6 is a good height.
>Below 6'2 looks feminine and childish.
>Above 6'6 looks lanky and sometime brutish.

Countries i visited:
Tall countries (i was (above)average here:
>Netherlands, Belgium, Scandinavia, Poland, South-Korea

Medium height ( Seen as tall)
> UK, Ireland, Northern part of Spain and America.

Short countries (Towered over everyone)
> USA, Italy, Greece, Southern part of Spain and Portugal.

>What is height cut-off for a true White Aryan male?


Or so I hope :*>

Isn't 6'4 only 190cm?

Google says i'm 6 feet 4⅜ inches.
That's pretty short nowadays desu

Gas all above 185 cm, death to lanklets

>basing decision off phenotypical traits

What about those genetically pre-disposed with aryan traits but suffered epigenetic stress or starvation in their youth? To what extent can nurture influence 'aryan' traits? In 10 years we will be able to choose our childrens' eye color, what does that say about being so preciously purebred?

Stupid apes and their stupid fucking tribes. We're all the same cesspool.

>That's pretty short nowadays desu

6' is the average height of Scandinavian males.

>autist noise
90% of tall leaders just a usefull idiots

6'2" 220lb master race reporting in

>not a dwerg
There are starving Somali's that reach 6'5.
If you can't reach at least 6'2 you can't be considered white.
The Dutch are 6'1.5 on average ;)


Average height in UK is about 175-178cm or 5.9 to 5.10

Im roughly 179 and and 3rd tallest out of white male friend group of about 8 people.

During uni I was usually in the upper quartile of heights.

We aren't a very tall country imo. From my experience we are taller on average than french, spanish and italians but smaller than pure germanics

>If you can't reach at least 6'2 you can't be considered white
shitposting confirmed
Also, dutch are naturally taller than the rest of the world so fuck off
>inb4 mantlet
im 6,1 and growing

something like 5'8'' is average in the states.

6' and over is ideal

>height above 5.9
Enjoy dying at 50.

OP is a mantlet refugee anyway

>The Dutch are 6'1.5 on average ;)

My condolences :>.

Yeah, UK is around 5'9 on average.
One of the few countries where the immigrants are close or taller than the natives.
6'2 might be a bit harsh, but height is a very important trait that needs more attention.
The US and China are pretty redpilled about it.
Americans are quite short on average
Whites/Blacks/Asians 5'9, Hispanics 5'6
>actually believes this meme

I am half Dutch, half Norwegian and I'm 5'7

If it wasnt for the fact that I somehow get decent quality pussy I would probably have an heroed

Luckily people are short here in Trumpistan

>half Dutch, half Norwegian and I'm 5'7
Sounds like your parents are lying about your heritage tbqh m8

5'7 = 175cm right?
My condolences
I forgot to add "Frame" as a second requirement.

I'm 5'9, dad and brothers are 6'2.

I didn't even know I was short until my early 20s, when the manlet meme really caught on. Fucked with me for years, I'm just now starting to get over it an realize 5'9 isn't too terrible, and most people won't care.

Would suck to be any shorter though and I feel for shorter guys.

more like 170cm

it is a cruel world for the manlet

Under 6' is most ergonomic and aesthetic and healthy tbhfam

Well everyone is a manlet in glorious nippon, so it doesnt matter for you

>tfw same height as clint


Height is just another way the kikes divide us, so fuck off helping them.

My grandpa was 194cm and he always told me that at his time it was a pain in the ass, clothes didn't fit, beds were short as fuck
Now we're more prepared or at least you can buy a longer bad from ikea or something

Be happy you live in the states.
That's even shorter than Tom Cruise...R.I.P
The Japanese aren't actually as short as i imagined them to be, close to 5'9 for the younger generations. They are very scrawny though.

> he feels good about being taller than Americans
Too bad you're from a non country though.
T. Angry manlet
Hope you elect geert though

well at least you have the one similarity to hold onto

194cm is awkwardly tall

6 feet is as tall as I'd want to be. anything more is gigantism.

Nah both my mom and opa are short :(

Framelets do actually have gorgeous daughters though. They're tall, thin, and have nice, narrow shoulders. Model-tier desu.

lived in the netherlands as a kid, you guys are probably the tallest i've seen, germans are above avarage but i wonder how many real germans are left

Guess they left in the great 1932-1956 manlet purge


>>I am 6'4 (194cm) and i think everything between 6'2-6'6 is a good height.

6"2' 187cm is OK, but everything above is too much. With height above 185cm you loose motorics and proportion or have trouble aquiring them. somethin aroun 183-185cm (in stoneage measurements that is 6"1' - 6"2') sounds ideal however

t. 177cm masterrace


short bitches love me.

>Richest nation on the planet can't fix height problem.
It really isn't if you have a decent frame. 8 inch wrists or go home buddy boy.
Gorgeous daughters aren't going to win us the race war. I agree with you though.

You dress like a hobo

5'6" master race reporting.

It,s all in the cheese. Perfect grow material.

Typical eurofags thinking that if you aren't dressed up like some faggy hippester cuck, you are a hobo.

You have the height but sadly lack the frame.

>tfw 6'1.5
Perfect height. Anything above 6'3" and you're appealing to only tall girls who like to feel extremely small i.e were sexually abused as children.

I'm 5"8 ~1,75 cm
roast me pls


>Scrawny arms
>Man tits
>Trashy clothes
>Sports fan

Real Aryan we got here.

I'm 6'2" and feel that's okay, but 6'4" really stands out, and not in a good way. In my opinion, only sub 6-foot men should have anything to worry about.

1m77 which makes me according to google 5'8" which is average in France. So I guess we're a nation of short people. Meh.

>thinks tall guys need a good frame

typical manlet thinking.

don't be jealous that I get bitches easily and don't need to work out 7 days a week just to get some 5/10 like you do.

Im not a woman why would i roast you?

>Oh chad is such a loser!! HAHAHA

Get mad faggot :')


7' 4"

everything below is literally gay vegeta style manlet.

I am 5'5, all my known ancestors barring one come from East Yorkshire in England (the one who did not was from Norway in the 1800s so pretty much irrelevant by now anyway).

I have no answer. I just wanted some quality banter.

We still got hopefully 2 more years of our 3 best players :')

horrible phisique familia, you shoudl have been an alpha proportional manlet like mel

>look guys i made a girl take a pic with me

Everything over 190 cm is mutant.

185 cm is the perfect height.

>176cm and 100% ethnic Dutch
>blond hair, blue eyes and face straight out of one those nazi booklets
So close, yet so far...


Pretty sure nazis were manlets.

I'm 6'4 you idiot...everyone needs frame.
Not everything is about getting "bitches" you degenerate. A 5'8 manlet with frame could beat you up easily.

You can work out all you want but you will never have a decent frame.

Also Chad has frame see pic related.

keep telling yourself that (,:

Ya and thank god. I'm so happy to see you cucks get fucked this year. Hate OSU.

>tfw 185 is the perfect height
>tfw i'm 177cm

I could have made it anons, I could have grown 8 more cm..

I'm 5'7

I want to die

>tallfags think they're worth shit

I'm 6' and I feel short. A lot of people I know are >6'

175cm+ was the ideal height according to them.

People were a lot less tall back then to be fair though.

I can feel the awkwardness from that picture

>got fucked
>2nd ranked team in the nation

Lanklet education, everyone.

6'2'' , 90kg, wish i was like 5cm higher
just so i can be taller than the average tall person

I'm lifting since I'm 22. I'm 31 now.

Well if you look that like guy you might have some hope left.

>I'm 5'7
>I want to die

if serious you think like a faggot m8

shin operation is the solution if extra pathetic

>6'2'' , 90kg, wish i was like 5cm higher

mrš hercegovac

Nah, you are a fucking mutant, awkward af.
See here


ment ducks not buckeyes.

Post was meant to 6'5 lanklet.

Tall people have to deal with the psychological profile that comes with being tall that ends up being a limiting factor (OP is an example), aside from health problems like weaker bones and increased cancer risk. The genetics make us more likely to reproduce, but less likely to be great. To be honest, anyone arguing exclusively for either side is an idiot. There are pros and cons in everything.

>tfw no frame
>work out anyway
>get laid anyway and often at that

Yeah nah ur a cunt

Short people are more likely to be liberals and therefore are cucks


I was exaggerating but being this short is a drag

I'm a conservative.

215 cm here, with proper proportions there's no need to seem lanky or brutish.
But i get the confusion: It's rare at these lengths, people always expect me to be a lot shorter from a distance.

Anyone who is a leaf is basically irrelevant and should be killed.

Aye lads, this leaf speaks the truth

6'1" Master race reporting in

>nothing is "too tall"
>nothing is "too short"
>shallow females give you the green light
>no back problems
>masculine trait
>not a manlet

Is there anything better than 6'1"?

>answer: no

>short bitches love me

Start slinging some crack and hittin a bitch or two and you'll have the full college nigger experience!

I love all the butt hurt manlets in this thread trying to make excuses about their lack of height by attacking those taller than themselves

>but but but I look stronger!
>but muh bone density

Yeah and bitches still won't even give you a second look. Must suck being a sexless virgin.

To be Aryan white you must have light skin, blonde hair and blue eyes.
That's all, you gimp.

If you're 5'5 and Aryan you're just an Aryan Manlet, just like how you can be a Nigger Manlet or an Arab Manlet.

Stop being autistic.

6'4.5",sometimes I wish I only was 6'1" for the easier visible gains and because Im an insecure faggot that doesnt like towering over everybody

6'5" 230 lb nordic-scots-irish / German-Aryan actual master race reporting in.

And you're British. I've never met anyone from the UK who wasn't a cunt.

>Their flag is just stars and lines

>tfw 5'7 and still haven't learnt

Who /6'4.5/ here?

> I've never met anyone from the UK who wasn't a cunt.
I have the same experience with Canadians.

Handsome face?

5'9 is the true redpilled height