Why don't you take T, Sup Forums?
Why don't you take T, Sup Forums?
reply to my thread you feminine cucks
Test booster or actual Test?
Test boosters are crap.
The jews won't let me buy anything good at the store, and I don't have a gang of gymbros to get it on the black market for me.
booster, should have clarified
you dont want to fuck with your hormones. if you want to up T do it naturally. dont take T supps, pls
if i can walk into a store and get it in the UK, you certainly can in the US
Because its about 50-100$ for a month supply of extracts that "may" boost testosterone in men age 55+, they won't work if you are young
because i take t blockers instead
Because there is evidence that anabolic steroids make your body "learn" that it gets its T for free, which means it will produce less natural T, even after you stop using anabolic steroids.
Also, I value not having man boobs and acne.
The main ingredient is tribulus terrestris - doesn't
raise t, but will increase boners
Because that shit is retarded and isn't going to raise it enough to matter? Just blast and cruise on Test E or sust ffs. Cheaper, too.
If you can get it in a store, it probably does diddlysquat.
prove it
tranny scum pls go, judging from your use of anime reaction faces, you probably dont even need t blockers to begin with
I mean it, this board should remain free of degeneracy.
You do know testosterone sus is legal in England to buy?
Why not just increase T naturally with healthy diet and exercise?
I do.
No formestane is banned in the u.s. but legal in the u.k.
A good steak sandwich will boost testosterone legally
It's why vegans are weak.
Because my body produces plenty by itself. Why do you take it? Vanity or insecurity?
>not super male vitality
begone shill
Do test boosters work?
it'll fuck with your body for temporary results with potentially permanent side effects.
also, cheating is what jews do, don't be a jew
Why don't you just go to your doctor to check your test levels. Adjust diet/work out accordingly, recheck. Nobody under 40 years old should need to take these supplements.
Fuck off, crossdressing piece of shit.
No thanks I don't wanna go bald just yet.....
"One believes he may eat all things, but he who is weak eats only vegetables," Paul Romans 14:2-6.
Wow vegetarians BTFO by the Bible.
Because I'm not a low-test cuck.
Enjoy your reduced lifespan and chemical imbalances girly man.
Enjoy your prostate cancer / cardiac disease.
Because I don't need it?
Only low test fags or middle aged men need it.
That's a dumb myth from an understanding about a different hormone. My father has ultra high testosterone and still has a 100% full head of hair at age 53, same with my grandfather at 73.
Still don't wanna risk it, I don't mind being a bit girly anyway....