Pepsico Stocks Crash After Far Left CEO Indri Nooyi Smears Donald Trump
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is coca cola cucked?
lets not go supporting another cucked company user
>pepsi owns toco bell and kfc
got to keep the nigs and spics happy kek
That pic forgets to mention that some restaurants on the left sell Frito-Lay chips, which are Pepsi products
So we have to boycott pretty much....everything. Nice.
I thought burgerland was supposed to be free? Welp, gotta stick with water and fucking vegetables.
>drinking the carbonated jew
there must be a better way
Yes. The fire rises.
Also, pic related
Coca Cola executes 3rd worlders for trying to form a union.
based coca cola executives
Please tell me its true
Used to order Pizza Hut but not anymore taking my business to Dominos now
>b-but muh Indian CEOs
Get recked pajeet.
>drinking pepsi
How deep does the rabbit hole go...
Fug i'm gonna starve
i am not giving up aunt jemima
I'm still going to drink the Mountain Dew that I purchased last week, but I ain't gonna be happy about it.
You're that much of a trigglypuff that you wouldn't buy a drink from a company whos owner's political opinion is at odds with yours.
Wew lad
I've got friends that work for Dominoes. One is only 23 years old and already a district manager.
He claims that business has been booming and they're building new locations like crazy.
At this point we really need to compile a Sup Forums boycott list as well as a Sup Forums support list.
We could really affect the way these companies do business and most importantly we could hurt the ones who are anti white and help the ones who aren't.
What if PepsiCo is an offshoot of Coca Cola?
Just to clarify, this pic shows what restaurants serve Pepsi products, not what companies are owned by Pepsi.
PepsiKek after Nov 8th stocks go to shit
>top tier burgers like fiveguys, steaknshake and chickfila
>best fucking pizza dominos
>welfare tasteless shit like taco bell
>chicken with no chicken in it like kfc
>absolute disgrace of a pizza that american pizza hut and papa johns is
The choice is clear for me. It should be clear for you too ameribros
KFC, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut are owned by Pepsico though.
So is Starbuck's and they're not in OP's pic
More then anything it's good to remind companies that they rely on us the consumers. Not that other way around. Everyone is entitled to an opinion but if a CEO shoots his mouth off about the future president then it's my right to tell that company to fuck right off. There is a reason corporations don't usually take political stances, or have opinions on hot button issues like abortion or what have you.
Yes Coca Cola is owned by Warren Buffet who is a traitor globalist kike.
We all have to give up something we enjoy for this to work.
That's the point of boycotting Pepsi. Otherwise they would continue on with their business.
I hope you find the strength to give up your fucking syrup. Please tell me you are kidding with that pencil dick comment
Starbucks doesn't serve Pepsi softdrinks so it makes sense.
My point is that you can still go to some of these restaurants and just not purchase soft drinks.
b-but I like pepsi more than coke
We're all going to be so healthy!
How times have changed
>brit will never make another one
both are shit for your health.
I did too...
These are sacrifices we make for kek
Drink coke, brother
Kek has blessed us with based Vanilla Coke is delicious, enjoy it in his honor.
Why are we boycotting pepsi again?
Why do we want to make (((coca-cola))) the only major soft drink company in the world?
Why are we trying to do a psyop for Coke?
Why are we fighting over the (((liquid jew))) when they're both unhealthy, chemically formed bullshit?
>not cherry
>should we all email pepsi and kindly thank the ceo for telling us to take our business elsewhere
>the liquid jew
So is it a good time to buy pepsi
All you faggots who can't bare to give up your favorite pleasure from these kikes after they've disrespected your friends, Sup Forums, and your family
Pic related
My dad has been working for Coca Cola for 20+ years and has been in a union the whole time
How can you eat that fake corn syrup shit? Stuff is disgusting.
He's probably based af
Man, I remember going to Golden Corral over 15 years ago with my family and it was a great restaurant. We moved out to another state and years later we saw and went to another golden corral again and it was a horrible disgusting mess filled with fat people everywhere. We definitely wont be going back.
IHOP quality and service has also gone down. I only like Papa Johns and Pizza Hut from time to time.
On the Coke side I like: Burger King, Wendy's, Domino's, McDonald's (like once or twice a year), Chick-fil-a (rarely). I find Cracker Barrel's quality is down and like the Golden Corral the environment is kind of gross. Hardee's I havent been to one in 15 years. I tried Five Guys for the first time last months ago it was great.
The rest of the places I may have been to once or never. I prefer drinking Coke over Pepsi but idc either way.
Other than Doritos and taco Bell, no problems here. Let's do this!
Pepsi is a violent company that reminds me of how a mafia. DRINK PEPSI LIKE BRITNEY INTENDED
I never drink keksi anyway, like who does
>Largest shareholder
>last month* -ago
is run
im too drunk for this
>Britney will never be young again
I can't handle this
Read the comment, unless your dad is african
Spics eating taco bell. Go home leaf.
Just start hunting and learn game processing, make gardens and get a well for your water.
Moutain Dew just recently came to BR and I couldn't bvelieve how bad it was. I thought maybe there was a different flavor but apparently no, that's it. How can you guys drink that absolute crap? It's like the liquid got sick in the bottle.
Only gatorade is on the list of products I buy that is pepsi related and I now switch to powerade instead.
Well he raised 7 blonde haired, blue eyed white children (including myself) with the same woman, so that alone would make him the based hero Sup Forums needs
>carbonated beverage
>high amounts of sugar
>(((high fructose corn syrup)))
>chemicals and artificial ingredients
They are both the exact same thing with slightly different taste.
>Rold Gold Pretzels
Fuck you, those are actually good.
Pepsi itself I could almost understand, but those are actually okay.
Those chains were spun off from PepsiCo in 1997 and became Yum Brands. Although they do continue to rely on Pepsi for beverage supply.
Me neither bruv
Not yet.
wow, its fucking nothing
It's horrible. Plus it fizzes out too quickly
He's not African and neither am I, but he works with a decent amount of third worlders. Unless Teamsters excludes niggers from their unions, I have no reason to believe he's one of the only ones in a union at the warehouse
That's probably the brominated vegetable oil that is making you want to puke.
It's the company's fault for pushing their political beliefs on consumers. It's the same shit Clinton did when she got jayz and beyonce to shill for her.
>tfw subway switched to pepsi
all those other places I literally never go to and even subway sort of sucks without a nice Coke to go with it
Seeing as how Pepsi changed their logo from the classic one to the imitation Obama "O" around the time he won the 2008 election, this is hardly surprising.
Another poster said they execute third worlders you fucking idiot.
I thought poo in loos liked trump?
I suppose this one is wealthy and indoctrinated.
Irn-bru is for effeminates and homosexuals.
its actually disturbing how many different types of degenerate fast food joints there exists in murrica
Almost as many as the different minorities that now make up a big majority in your country, Sven al-Mohammad.
I work for Coca Cola, this company is run by retards and only fucks employees and customers. The only reason they are successful is because they got lucky on a flavor and borders crack cocain addiction
What's bigger in the USA? Coke or pepsi?
Everybody here drinks CocaCola, you only drink Pepsi when you run out of every possible Coke available, be it diet, zero or normal. And not even that, people prefer drinking completely different sodas before drinking a pepsi.
A life without Arbys is a life not worth living.
At least the nearest one is 40 minutes away from me, so I have incentive not to go there.
Dr Pepper is also a viable option since its owned by Kraft.
what is your function in the company?
>tfw the food and drinks are programming you
Gotta switch to mello yello
I used to drink that shit constantly, now it makes me want to throw up.
>Far Left CEO
Do you even realize how fucking retarded you are?
Evolution Fresh and the Starbucks bottled drinks sold at Starbucks are Pepsi
You insult my people and my motherland.
You retard those aren't companies owned by coke or Pepsi, they're the food chains with contracts to either serve Pepsi or coke products in their restaurants. Fucking leaf
Coca-Cola and Diet Coke are by far the biggest drinks in the world, and that's the same in the US. But PepsiCo owns WAY more companies, so they're worth more overall.
best drink ever
Buy generic, store brand syrup, you cuck.
"We" don't usually drink it. Mountain Dew advertises itself to gamers.
Even as a gamer, I refuse to drink that trash. If I drink any soda, it's going to be rootbeer, Dr. Pepper, or cream soda.
He owns stock which anyone can buy retard.
Coca Cola products are, on the whole, superior to those produced by PepsiCo.
I don't drink high glucose-fructose syrup anyway but this is useful.