Post sad pictures
Post sad pictures
Pretty cool setup
I see no problem with this
O fuck. I think I know this dude. He is Finnish, right?
Only said because I'll never have that setup desu
I'm surprised you didn't type that out in Japanese
I'm fucking serious. Does anyone know the origin of the pic?
>Post sad pictures
This guy has a pretty cool battle station.
i just want that mousepad
That man is too far gone in his addiction.
Moe addiction is real and debilitating
How much of this is actual anime?
I barely recognize any of it.
This shit.
Thats not sad, thats comfy. Well aside from the shit taste in visaual novels
As long as you have a good imagination, you literally have no need for the outside world, scientists actually proved this.
That nigga has his priorities straight
Most of this looks like Moege.
>sad pictures
He's probably quite rich, apartments are big, i bet it's top pc, has three monitors and big tv which he doesn't need actually. Knows japan. Aryan appearance, looks tall.
I want a room like that.
You can see his facebook on the far right monitor. You can also see the thumbnail of le finnish neckbeard so you just might know him lelz.
I envy how tidy autists can keep their battlestations. Mine always ends up covered in stuff.
i just want that fucking battlestation
>Post sad picture
>Posts bad ass waifu shrine
Day of the rake when?
>this will never get triggered
Dude has interests and the means to support them. How is that sad?
flüchtlinge = immigrants
Oy vey! Muh Lolocaust
Top kek
I love jap posters
What's wrong with the fingers on her right hand?
>no rare amiami figurines
Truly a sad man.
Wow, comfy. My lair is extremely poorfaggish comapred to that.
Nice Eye Of Horus action going on in that patch
>Your future
Looks like senran kagura.
Who cares about the EU anyways, Amerifat?
top kek
Can't stop laughing
don't be rude to yomi
Christ, it really is a crime against the West, isn't it?
And to think, a few years ago all these people who said "rapefugees welcome" were concerned about China's demographic problem!
But I suppose there is good news: They will be removed. This situation is untenable. There will be an accounting for this reckless, insane policy.
Mama Merkel obviously ahmed :^)
>that shirt
literal RAPE simulator
this filth should be banned
Well he's not wrong. Ritsu did always come off as a bit of a slut
this nigga makes like 100k a year
senran kagura estival versus
Lmao people defending that cringey setup. You guys shoud leave your house more.
Who is this semen demon?
Cheers senpai
fucking terrible
He looks like he doesnt want to be there.
>Clean room
>Multi-monitor setup
>Cute girls everywhere
I see nothing wrong with this picture.
looks comfy
Bulgaria bringing the bantz
usually he's a good actor
sad pictures
I want that shirt tho
Exactly. I'm not into anime, but this guy is obviously living in pure bliss.
There's nothing wrong with liking ponies.
There's nothing sadder than not being born in Equestria t.b.h baka senpai
no i'm not sarcastic or joking
Living the dream
I befriended someone like this in my computer trade class and he ended up being a fucking freak he kept revealing weird shit to me ever other week about himself, god never again
Nah, he seems to have his priorities straight.
It's my birthday today and I did not tell any of my friends . One may think the day was sad but actually this was the most peaceful birthday ever. To compensate, I celebrated in my own way by transforming my personality by throwing all the spaghetti outside the window. I talked with various people including girls
hahaha got em!
This is kinda ultimate proof that the old germans have a hearth.
Why els would they make a cross for a random enemy soldier?
how does it feel to give up on life, user?
I've always wondered how woudl it feel to just give up on everything: Love, friendship, meaningful relationships, human contact... just so you can obsess over cartoon girls.
>you will never be a professional otaku like this guy
Why live?
Looks comfy as fuck.
The boobies mousepad is probably where I would draw the line though.