>Breaking Plebs
a true faggot
Xbox, save my career
wew lad
Am I on Sup Forums?
Is this the /dead careers/ general?
>I lived in the most dangerous areas in the world and here is my list
And? So he found out niggers and spics are terrible people and now live around white people.
bullshit he's like 5'6"
What's he doing with xbox?
Jesse you fuck things up. That's what you do!
I want Sup Forums to leave
You'd think an actor whose job was making meth would've known more about their primary consumer base.
damage control, the post.
Being busy
How do you go from starring the most popular drama to CO-starring in a fucking Netflix original cartoon?
So after years of being around colored people you decided the best idea was to get away from them
Aaron Paul is the worst ingredient when baking bread.
I attend a Manlets Anonymous group and Aaron is my sponsor...
Actor from reddit: the show
When will they learn?
This is the liberal navy seals pasta
>I have over 300 confirmed black friends
Walter is a bigger Clinton Cuck than Jesse, jus sayin
Aaron Paul has no talent. He was basically a dinner-theater actor when he landed the role on BB. He's very, very bad at acting but will be able to skate on his fame for a little while yet.
Surprisingly his was not the most insufferable character
There's this old bald faggot added in season 3 who is some Tarantino tier garbage
You have to
GO BACK, horseman
He's good at crying but that makes sense because he seems like such a little bitch in real life.
Well yeah. Even if you weren't left leaning you'd be stupid to say otherwise. Career suicide and all that.
>XD netflix puns!
When Will They Learn?!!!!!
Crying isn't really that difficult.
His characterization was extremely poor on Breaking Bad. I could actually predict plot twists based on how Aaron Paul delivered certain lines. Like, I knew that Jesse's girlfriend was going to OD and die based on how Paul acted a few scenes previous. That shouldn't happen and I suppose the director is somewhat at fault too for not paying closer attention.
Only the worst and most inexperienced actors fuck up their own characterization/voice like that.
Politics aside, this dude has the fruitiest twitter feed I've ever seen from a cewebbity
Xbox, make me taller bitch!
Would Walter White have voted for trump, Sup Forums?
That still doesn't explain why he lives there.
I love how the cucks were BTFO by Trump's win.
>Goodnight beautiful world!
If you genuinely care about something this stupid then you don't belong here.
top kek
>my wife has slept with countless POC
>captured and held hostage, being forced to work, by mexican drug cartels who bring over hundreds of millions of drugs across the border yearly
>hate trump
I can't tell the difference between an actor and a tv character
>the one, the myth, the legend [shit actor] is on twitter!
>peanut butter pizza!
>failing to greentext
i still kek'd though
>caring what a celebrity says
why does it bother you guys so much?
Is this the alt-left copypasta version of "300 tours in Afghanistan" post?
>guy who plays whiny bitch on breaking bad turns out to be whiny bitch in real life
he's trying to ruin so eeee BILL raayyy sess life on twitter
not that Sup Forums is any better when it comes to mob justice
Literally Breaking Bad was it. What fucking else does he have under his sleeve?
he has some dumb hulu show
>implying breaking bad wasn't shit
Was ok until they had to throw in muh white supremacist neo nazis as the ultimate bad guys. Like even worse than the cartel. Yeah FUCK that show.
Narration on a fucking kia commercial
Let's please turn Liberal SEAL Copypasta into something real.
>trained in gorilla warfare
>SEAL Copypasta
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little shitlord? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Feminism 101, and I’ve been involved in numerous trans-vegetarian protests with PETA, and I have over 300 confirmed black friends. I am trained in counter-oppression warfare and I’m the top headmate in my entire multiple system. You are nothing to me but just another cishet male. I will wipe your feels out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on my blog, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, able-bodied scum. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of otherkin across tumblr and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life.
>muh disabled brother
>muh blood cancer
some guy was asking him about living with nigs and he ended up thinking he was sprinting in the oppression olympics and dropped all the forms of lack of privilege he's known as fast as he could like he'd win a medal.
>white supremacist
they didn't rub me that way. just some guys who had some swastika tatoos from prison
For such a shit tier show it had become, Jack was actually a cool character
The show was actually accused of being racist throughout its run and I've sometimes wondered if that's why they through in some white bad guys at the end
It was a shitty show but to call it racist is gay af 2 be storage
>white trash
did he not just brag about growing up with poor whites?
Once he's fully healed is he going to go live in Detroit or Chicago or Boston or the south for more diversity?
its literally one inch below average
>5'9 is average
manlet detected
The average is 6'0 in the US
he forgot to add his own autism to the list
>what is scripted tv
>what is acting on a safe hollywood set
>Deplorable Bitch
Drumpfkins absolutely BTFO!
>being shorter than 6'0
Ha, everyone knows the average is 6'2-6'4
After the role of a lifetime I've been busy!
yeah who the fuk is that?
I dont watch democrat mind ray called TV
too many manhating shows on
I did get the feeling he hated the beaners so maybe
Hank would have no question
He used to be good until he became a literal asspirate
>grew up in N. Tulsa
What did he mean by this?
>5'9 is average
>"or are you to ignorant to realize..."
This guy is supposed to have a PHD but he cant differentiate between too and to?
>Sup Forumsacks say m8
>grew up in america
>tfw to intelligent for grammar
by sucking ass
Is there a single actor who isn't a cuck?
i dont want breaking bad ruined
Hyper focus is a thing. Scientists aren't all intelligentsia or well-rounded individuals
>tfw too intelligent for gramer
>everyone knows the average is 6'2-6'4
showing a little insecurity there manlet?
The true normal height is 6'6-6'7
clint eastwood, and for that, i bought all his movies this week.
>being below 7'0"
When will they learn?